Salted Fish Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Do You Miss Me?

Xiao Shan began recounting his journey from the moment he boarded the boat to Liangzhou, continuing all the way to his return to the capital. He paused midway to drink two cups of tea handed to him by Chang An, emphasizing his seasickness and the hardships of the return journey. Naturally, he also mentioned Xie Zhui's meticulous care for him.

As for the investigation, he only touched on it lightly.

Emperor Xiao Sheng knew that Xiao Shan exaggerated his suffering, but he wasn't displeased.

After all, Xiao Shan had indeed endured these hardships. A pampered prince who couldn't keep food down on the boat, who then provided Zong Qing with some unexpected advice in Liangzhou, and who suffered again on the return journey.

These were all facts, as both Zong Qing and Xiao Shan had said.

Emperor Xiao Sheng knew from Zong Qing that Xiao Shan had contributed significantly during his trip to Liangzhou. However, in Xiao Shan's own account, he didn't care to mention these efforts, nor did he want to.

Emperor Xiao Sheng could guess some of Xiao Shan's thoughts. It was nothing more than the disappointment in Liu Jingxuan, who, despite pulling back at the last moment, still committed those crimes. People would inevitably harbor some resentment towards Xiao Jin because of this.

Moreover, confirming Liu Jingxuan's crimes was legally correct but not something to boast about emotionally.

To be honest, Emperor Xiao Sheng genuinely liked Xiao Shan's character.

He would protect Xiao Jin to the greatest extent, while remaining loyal to the Emperor.

After Xiao Shan finished his complaints, Emperor Xiao Sheng said, "Take this time to rest well in the capital. Whatever you want to eat, Zhen will have the imperial kitchen prepare it for you."

"Father Emperor, I appreciate your kindness, but it's better not," Xiao Shan replied, somewhat dejectedly. "Please don't misunderstand, it's not that I don't appreciate it. I just think that if you have the imperial kitchen cook for me once or twice, it's fine. But if it happens too often, it might provoke those envious people to gossip."

Emperor Xiao Sheng knew that Xiao Shan was being petty and indirectly complaining. The events outside the palace had reached his ears even before Xiao Shan entered. Xiao Rong and the gentlemanly Xiao Jin had both suffered in their exchanges with Xiao Shan, let alone facing someone as sharp-tongued as him.

Emperor Xiao Sheng laughed and scolded, "From what you're saying, it sounds like you plan to have the imperial kitchen cook for you all the time?"

Xiao Shan was surprised. "Father Emperor, gaining back this weight isn't something that can be done in a day or two. The food from the imperial kitchen is delicious, but it's not a miracle cure that can restore me to my former weight overnight."

When it came to twisting logic, there were few in the entire Zhou Dynasty who could outdo Xiao Shan.

Emperor Xiao Sheng, unwilling to argue further on this point, said, "If you're worried about people gossiping, then come to the palace often and dine with your mother consort or the Crown Prince."

Xiao Shan shook his head. "Father Emperor, the chef at my mansion is quite skilled. As for freeloading meals, let's just forget about it."

Emperor Xiao Sheng had merely made a casual suggestion, and seeing Xiao Shan's firm refusal, he let it go.

He looked at Xiao Shan and advised, "This time, it was Liu Jingxuan who committed the offense, and the Crown Prince couldn't plead for him, so he's feeling very down. Since you have a good relationship with him, try to comfort him."

Xiao Shan nodded. Fortunately, his father was reasonable and didn't suggest that he frequently visit the Crown Prince. If he had to go to the Eastern Palace often and encounter the Crown Princess, it would be even more awkward.

Emperor Xiao Sheng naturally wouldn't make things difficult for Xiao Shan in this matter.

However, he still asked, "What do you think should be done with Liu Jingxuan?"

Xiao Jin indeed did not plead for Liu Jingxuan because, as the Crown Prince, he couldn't make such a request.

However, some court officials pleaded on Liu Jingxuan's behalf, arguing that he had shown remorse in the end and should be given a chance to reform.

Liu Jingxuan's father, Liu Shu, submitted a resignation letter, admitting his failure to properly discipline his son. The Crown Princess, Liu Jingyi, fell ill, and all these factors had to be considered by the Emperor.

Emperor Xiao Sheng had already asked Zong Qing about this matter, and now he wanted to hear Xiao Shan's opinion.

Xiao Shan replied, "The country has its laws, and the family has its rules. This is both a national and a familial matter. Father Emperor, your golden words will determine how to handle it."

Emperor Xiao Sheng looked at him, initially wanting to ask, "What if you wanted to pardon Liu Jingxuan?"

However, he ultimately did not voice this thought.

As the saying goes, "walls have ears," and even the Ganming Hall might not be completely soundproof.

If he asked, Xiao Shan would certainly answer.

He knew this son well—though a true playboy, he had a streak of integrity and would likely not agree with such a suggestion.

When an emperor asks a question, an answer is always expected.

If one cannot speak against their conscience, they must speak their true thoughts.

If such words were deliberately exaggerated and reached the ears of the Crown Princess in the Eastern Palace, it would not bode well for Xiao Shan.

Sometimes, Emperor Xiao Sheng truly found Xiao Shan exasperating, but he also appreciated the close relationship between Xiao Shan and Xiao Jin.

So, he didn't ask the question and instead said, "Go see your mother consort. She has been very worried about you since you left."

Xiao Shan acknowledged and left without hesitation.

After he left, Emperor Xiao Sheng sat in his chair, silent, contemplating what reward to give Xiao Shan.

This time, the reward couldn't be too much or too little, too heavy or too light—it was a bit tricky to balance.

So the Emperor asked, "Chang Le, what do you think Zhen should reward Xiao Shan with?"

Chang Le pondered the Emperor's thoughts and smiled, "Your Majesty, this servant believes the Prince lacks nothing. Why not bestow the reward upon Consort Lan? If Consort Lan is happy, the Prince will be happy too."

"That's a good suggestion." Emperor Xiao Sheng clapped his hands and said, "You old rascal, you've reminded Zhen. Ever since Xiao Shan got married, Zhen hasn't rewarded Xie Zhui with anything."

Chang Le: "..."

He suggested rewarding Consort Lan, but the Emperor thought of Xie Zhui instead.

Is this the difference between a eunuch and an emperor?


Xiao Shan felt a bit guilty as he went to see Consort Lan, because he hadn't said goodbye to her before leaving.

Sure enough, upon seeing him, Consort Lan was so upset she seemed ready to cry a bucket of tears.

She cried and angrily scolded, "You left without a word. Do you even consider me, your mother consort?"

Consort Lan rarely spoke like this, indicating how furious she was.

Xiao Shan quickly admitted his fault, "Mother Consort, it was all my fault. I didn't think things through. Please don't harm your health by getting too upset."

Consort Lan, naturally, didn't stop crying just because he admitted his mistake. Perhaps it was because Xie Zhui had accompanied Xiao Shan on this trip, or perhaps someone had been whispering in her ear, but she blamed everything on Xie Zhui. She angrily said, "Have you been so bewitched by Xie Zhui that you forgot about me, your mother consort? Look at what you did in Liangzhou. How could you arrest Liu Jingxuan? Isn't that like stabbing the Crown Prince in the heart?"

Xiao Shan didn't like how Consort Lan always blamed Xie Zhui for everything. It made him uncomfortable and even a bit irritable.

Seeing that Consort Lan had brought up Liu Jingxuan, Xiao Shan raised his head and asked, "Mother Consort, if I had said goodbye to you before going to Liangzhou, what would you have told me?"

Consort Lan remained silent. She had forgotten what she would have said after all this time.

Xiao Shan closed his eyes briefly and said, "Let me guess. You would have wanted to tell me to spare Liu Jingxuan, right?"

Consort Lan was taken aback, and her tears stopped. She carefully recalled and realized that she might indeed have had that intention at the time.

Xiao Shan looked at her and spoke calmly, "Mother Consort, since ancient times, the harem has been forbidden from interfering in state affairs. I was sent to Liangzhou by imperial decree to investigate a case, which is a matter of the court. If you had instructed me to spare Liu Jingxuan and it reached Father Emperor's ears, what would he think? Would he believe that these words came from the Empress and the Crown Prince?"

"You are my Mother Consort. Should I comply with your request or not? If I don't, you would be unhappy. If I do, I wouldn't be able to explain myself to Father Emperor. That's why I chose to leave without saying goodbye. I hope you can forgive me."

Consort Lan started crying again. She said, "I didn't think that far..."

Xiao Shan, having been through so much, was truly exhausted and longed to return to the mansion to rest.

So he said, "Mother Consort, it's very late today. I'll return to the mansion first and come to pay my respects to you tomorrow."

Consort Lan stood up, her expression a mix of timidity and earnestness as she apologized, "Don't be angry. It was my fault."

Xiao Shan replied, "Your son wouldn't dare."

Consort Lan watched him leave with a longing look, her lips slowly tightening.


That night, Xiao Shan lay on the soft bed in the mansion with Xie Zhui.

In the palace, he had felt only exhaustion, but back in the mansion, he felt completely relaxed, with no trace of sleepiness.

He suddenly understood that it wasn't physical fatigue he had felt, but emotional exhaustion.

Since he couldn't sleep, Xiao Shan's thoughts turned elsewhere.

He grabbed Xie Zhui's hand and pressed him down.

It had been a long time since they had been together, and the fire between them ignited easily.

As the red candle by the bedside burned halfway, the sounds from within the bed curtains continued unabated.

At some point, Xiao Shan's low voice sounded, asking, "Xie Zhui, did you miss me?"

This "miss" was, of course, not in the traditional sense.

Xie Zhui let out a muffled groan and replied with a single word, "Yes."


  1. Those two 🤭🤭🤭 I really hope they have a baby soon!

    Thanks for the update!

  2. Thanks fo the chapter ☺️☺️☺️


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