Salted Fish Chapter 37

 Chapter 37

The Value of Understanding

On their way there, they traveled by boat, with the wind and current in their favor, reaching their destination quickly.

On the way back, they were escorting prisoners, with a long procession trailing behind them. Everyone has their limits on how far they could travel in a day, so their pace was much slower.

They often camped in the wild, and occasionally, due to weather, they entered towns where they had to receive visits from local officials.

All these various matters combined significantly slowed their return journey.

To be honest, sitting in a carriage for extended periods was quite uncomfortable.

Traveling by carriage was not very stable. It was bearable for a few days, but over time, it became increasingly uncomfortable. If one chose to ride a horse instead, after a few consecutive days, the inner thighs would undoubtedly be chafed.

Despite this, Xiao Shan still found it preferable to traveling by boat.

At least he could eat without constantly vomiting.

Thus, the seasick Xiao Shan alternated between the carriage and horseback riding, trying his best not to slow down the group.

The sooner they could deliver these criminal officials to the capital, the sooner they could stop worrying about various issues, and everyone would be more at ease.

These days, Xiao Shan felt a deep admiration for Xie Zhui. Having been tempered by the battlefield, Xie Zhui remained composed and steady whether riding a horse or sitting in a carriage. However, upon reflection, Xiao Shan realized that this calmness was earned through the scars on Xie Zhui's body, filling him with admiration, pride, and an indescribable heartache.

The most arduous and exhausting life was that of the border soldiers.

But not everyone in this world had a heart of flesh*.

*having compassion, empathy, and humanity

Sometimes, certain ministers in the court would go to great lengths to seize military power. For this, they might embezzle the soldiers' pay, withhold winter clothing in severe cold, or even tamper with the life-saving grain supplies, leaving soldiers to fight and kill the enemy on empty stomachs.

The casualties among the soldiers would immediately become evidence to attack others and bring them down. In the eyes of these people, only their own power, status, and the illusion of a peaceful and prosperous era mattered.

The lives of the border soldiers had nothing to do with them.

It was clearly these soldiers who protected their comfortable lives, yet they didn't care—a very twisted phenomenon.

Engraved in the bones of the soldiers is loyalty to the emperor and love for the country. They die on the battlefield, wrapped in horsehide, sometimes not at the hands of the enemy, but due to the power struggles of their own people.

From the beginning, treacherous ministers aim to manipulate power and gain authority, completely ignoring the blood and sacrifices of others.

Fortunately, his father remained clear-headed on major issues and placed significant importance on the military pay for the border troops, ensuring that no one dared to tamper with it lightly.

Xiao Shan always believed that if the ruler of a country was indifferent to the soldiers who bled to protect it, then the country was not far from being overthrown. This thought might seem highly rebellious to others, but it was what he truly felt.

Therefore, he had genuine admiration for people like Xie Zhui, who defended the borders.

Moreover, because Xie Zhui was his husband, their relationship was closer than with others. Whenever he thought of this, his admiration was accompanied by other feelings.

Xie Zhui, unaware of Xiao Shan's thoughts, knew that Xiao Shan was tired of both the carriage and horseback riding. He comforted him, saying, "We've covered most of the journey. Just endure a little longer."

There were only two people in the carriage, and according to their agreement, he should call Xiao Shan by his name.

However, with the guards outside the carriage and Ji An driving just beyond the curtain, Xie Zhui refrained from directly calling Xiao Shan by his name.

Xiao Shan responded with a sound of acknowledgment.

Seeing that he had managed to calm Xiao Shan, Xie Zhui felt relieved.

Then his thoughts turned to Xie Chen. Xie Chen had not joined them from Yangzhou to return to the capital as initially planned. Shortly after they left Liangzhou, Xie Chen sent a letter saying he had matters to attend to and needed to stay in Yangzhou for a while.

The letter did not specify what the matter was, and the messenger only conveyed that Xie Chen was well. Nonetheless, Xie Zhui remained concerned.

Seeing Xie Zhui's worried expression, Xiao Shan initially considered dispatching a few guards to Yangzhou to protect Xie Chen, but Xie Zhui ultimately refused.

He thought Xie Chen would likely not appreciate having strangers around him.

Fortunately, the messenger conveyed that Xie Chen would send a letter every ten days, assuring him not to worry, and that he would return to the capital within three months at the latest. This somewhat eased Xie Zhui's concerns.

At that time, Xiao Shan comforted him, saying, "Since Elder Brother said so, there must be some good news."

Xie Zhui replied, "I hope so."

He hoped that this time would bring good news, that Xie Chen would one day regain his sight. If that were truly the case, he would be willing to wait not just three months, but even three years.

However, being willing to wait did not mean he wasn't worried.

Seeing Xie Zhui's expression, Xiao Shan suddenly laughed.

Xie Zhui looked up at him, his eyes full of confusion, seemingly unsure of what Xiao Shan found amusing.

Xiao Shan's eyes sparkled with amusement. "I just find it interesting. Earlier, you were comforting me, and now that I see you're not in high spirits, I naturally want to comfort you. If we keep going back and forth like this, we might spend the entire journey to the capital comforting each other."

Xie Zhui: "..."

Thinking about it, it was indeed true.

But there was nothing wrong with that.

"Yes, there's nothing wrong with it. Life for two people should be like this to be meaningful." Hearing Xiao Shan speak, Xie Zhui realized he had voiced his thoughts out loud.

Xie Zhui's heart was slightly moved by these words, and he asked, "What kind of life does Your Highness want to lead?"

Xiao Shan, noticing the use of "Your Highness" in Xie Zhui's question, gave him a playful look. Then, leaning back against the carriage, with a smile on his lips and a relaxed gaze, he said leisurely as the carriage bumped along, "I want a life where I can drink when I want to drink, eat meat when I want to eat meat, and spend my days idly watching birds or fighting crickets, without bothering anyone and without anyone bothering me. Of course, I need a kindred spirit by my side, someone to wander around with, whether it's boating on a lake or camping in the mountains and wilderness."

At that moment, if he had a folding fan to wave, he would perfectly resemble a carefree and elegant young gentleman.

Xie Zhui responded with an "oh" and looked away, saying, "There are many people in this world who want to be close to Your Highness. I'm sure Your Highness will achieve your heart's desire." In truth, he wanted to ask if having a confidant meant just one person, and whether it would be a close female friend or someone else.

But he felt it wasn't appropriate to ask that question now, so he changed his words at the last moment.

Xiao Shan laughed and said, "A kindred spirit, a true confidant, is precious because of the understanding they bring. In one's lifetime, meeting just one true confidant is enough."

Xie Zhui responded with a sound of acknowledgement, his stern and resolute face revealing no other expression.

Xiao Shan moved his lips but said nothing more.

Given his current relationship with Xie Zhui, they couldn't really be called kindred spirits. However, he hoped that one day, they could reach that level of understanding. Saying such things out loud didn't seem meaningful. It was better left unsaid.


Upon finally stepping onto the grounds of the capital, Xiao Shan felt an unprecedented sense of warmth and familiarity.

He missed the soft bed in his mansion, the pastries made by Xia He, and the various dishes prepared by the mansion's chef. He longed for Tang Ji's roast chicken and the fine wine from Liuxian Pavilion.

Upon reaching the outskirts of the capital, Xiao Shan switched to a sedan chair, leaving Xie Zhui alone in the carriage.

Ten miles from the capital, they were greeted by officials from the Ministry of Rites, as well as Xiao Jin, Xiao Rong, and Xiao Yi.

Xiao Shan and Zong Qing alighted from their sedan chairs and quickly walked over to meet them.

Xiao Rong's face turned sour at the thought of Xiao Shan's achievements, and Xiao Yi felt uncomfortable all over at the sight of Xiao Shan. Both stood there without saying a word.

Xiao Jin, however, was the most enthusiastic.

Seeing Xiao Shan and Zong Qing bow, Xiao Jin quickly urged them to rise. He first spoke a few words of hardship to Zong Qing, then mentioned that the Emperor was waiting for them in the palace. As he spoke, a faint smile played on his lips, and he kept his gaze fixed on the others' faces. His demeanor was consistently gentle and courteous, his every gesture exuding elegance and nobility, making everyone feel exceptionally valued.

Zong Qing hurriedly expressed his humility, thanked the Emperor for his grace, and then stood aside.

Only then did Xiao Jin turn his attention to Xiao Shan. He carefully looked him up and down and sighed softly, saying just two words: "You've lost weight."

At this moment, Xiao Shan was not only much thinner, but his energy was clearly forced, indicating he had suffered quite a bit.

A mix of emotions surged in Xiao Jin's heart.

Xiao Shan pinched his own arm and smiled, "Second Brother, you noticed too. I really suffered a lot in Liangzhou this time. You must send me some supplements to help me recover, or else I won't be able to regain the weight I've lost."

Xiao Jin's sour mood improved a bit at his words. He chuckled lightly and said, "Alright, alright, I'll make sure you get plenty of supplements. Whatever you like from my storeroom, just go and take it."

Seeing the genuine and casual conversation between the two, Xiao Rong couldn't help but interject with a sarcastic tone, "The Crown Prince and Third Brother truly share a deep brotherly bond. Only Third Brother can access the Crown Prince's storeroom, while the rest of us don't have such fortune."

Xiao Jin's expression turned slightly cold. He looked at Xiao Rong and replied in a calm tone, "We are all brothers. If Eldest Brother truly lacks anything, just ask me, and I will immediately have it sent over." The word "ask" was particularly grating.

Xiao Jin could have said "just let me know" or "inform me," but he deliberately chose the word "ask."

To ask, to beg, to be annoying—all these connotations were tied to that word.

Ever since the incident with Liu Jingxuan, Xiao Jin's mood had been sour. Now, seeing Xiao Shan in such a state, his heart was filled with bitterness. Xiao Rong's untimely remark only added salt to his wounds, making it impossible for him not to retort.

Xiao Yi, brimming with talent and knowledge, couldn't help but shift uncomfortably at the sharp exchange.

Although Xiao Rong wasn't particularly well-read, he could distinguish between pleasant and unpleasant words. Having encountered a subtly firm rebuff from Xiao Jin, his expression immediately soured.

The officials who had come to greet them all kept their heads down, diligently avoiding eye contact like chickens pecking for grain.

The tension between the princes was not something they could or dared to involve themselves in publicly.

Xiao Shan was exhausted, barely holding on. If this continued, who knew when they would finally enter the city? He addressed Xiao Rong, "Eldest Brother, I've lost weight, and Second Brother is concerned enough to give me supplements. But you, I see, have gained quite a bit since we last met. Your face has grown rounder. You should eat fewer supplements and shed some weight. Maintaining a healthy balance is key to good health."

Xiao Rong: "..." Who wanted to bring up weight?

He had gained weight because, in the months Xiao Shan was away from the capital, he had been living comfortably, in good spirits, and with a healthy appetite.

Now that Xiao Shan was back, he reaffirmed his dislike for him. With Xiao Shan around, he could lose his appetite and skip two bowls of rice.

Xiao Shan paid no mind to whatever Xiao Rong was grumbling about internally. He turned to Xiao Jin and said, "Second Brother, Father Emperor is waiting for Master Zong's report. Let's head into the city quickly."

The sooner they entered the city, the sooner he could rest.

Xiao Jin nodded, "Yes, let's proceed into the city."

In their exchange, Xiao Shan and Xiao Jin completely ignored Xiao Rong.

Xiao Yi, standing nearby, shrank back, his presence becoming increasingly insignificant.

Xiao Shan did not head directly to the palace upon entering the city. He told Xiao Jin that Zong Qing was most familiar with the matters in Liangzhou, so he wouldn't accompany them to the palace.

Covered in dust from the journey, it would be quite disrespectful to enter the palace in such a state. He would return to the mansion to change clothes and then go to the palace to pay his respects to the Emperor.

Xiao Jin nodded, watching as Xiao Shan boarded the carriage and left.

Xiao Shan and Xie Zhui returned to the mansion. After bathing, changing clothes, and eating two pieces of pastries made by Xia He, Xiao Shan then proceeded to the palace.

Before leaving, Xiao Shan said to Xie Zhui, "I might be back late tonight. You should go to bed early; we have to visit Mother Consort in the palace tomorrow."

Xie Zhui nodded, watching him leave.

When Xiao Shan went to see Emperor Xiao Sheng, Zong Qing was already gone.

Emperor Xiao Sheng had many questions for Xiao Shan, but upon seeing him, he was taken aback. "How did you become so thin?"

When Xiao Jin mentioned that Xiao Shan had lost weight, he hadn't paid much attention.

Seeing him in person, the once elegant and handsome Prince Li was now almost emaciated.

His handsome features remained, but his vitality was gone.

Hearing the Emperor's words, Xiao Shan's eyes grew moist. He looked at Xiao Sheng and couldn't help but complain, "Father Emperor, your son has truly suffered this time..."

He couldn't say this to Xiao Jin, as it would make him feel bad.

But in front of the Emperor, he spoke with such fervor, spitting out his words, exaggerating his hardships tenfold.
