Salted Fish Chapter 39

 Chapter 39

Who is Right and Who is Wrong

The next day, when Xie Zhui opened his eyes, Xiao Shan was still asleep. Xie Zhui felt sore, weak, and aching all over, so he didn't get up immediately. Instead, he lay quietly in bed without moving.

Last night, that single word "miss" kept them busy until midnight.

Since the passing of Old Master Gu, Xiao Shan had been dressing plainly and paying more attention to his diet, refraining from any indulgences with Xie Zhui.

According to tradition, after Old Master Gu's passing, the Empress and Consort Lan only needed to observe a minor mourning period of five months. As a prince, Xiao Shan wasn't required to do the same, but he still chose to observe it out of respect.

So, last night, they had been quite indulgent.

In the end, they had forced themselves to take a bath despite their sleepiness, and once back in bed, they quickly fell asleep.

As Xie Zhui thought about his behavior from the previous night, a faint blush appeared on his stern face.

Society has always been reserved about intimate matters, subtly instilling in women and gers for centuries the need to be dignified and modest, not frivolous, with all bedroom activities being led by men.

Initiating intimacy was something that neither a legitimate wife nor a noble ger should do, as it could lead to being labeled as promiscuous. Such behavior was generally seen as the tactics of the disreputable, often described as seductive and wanton.

However, Xie Zhui did not share these conventional views. Perhaps due to his many life-and-death experiences, his thoughts were entirely different from those of a typical consort in the inner court. If Xiao Shan wanted to know his thoughts, he would speak them openly.

He desired, and he expressed that desire.

Although he felt a bit embarrassed recalling the scenes, deep down, he didn't find it shameful. Even if he initially remained silent, Xiao Shan always had ways to make him unconsciously speak his mind.

As Xiao Shan opened his eyes and was about to yawn, he saw Xie Zhui's flushed face. Startled, he quickly reached out to touch Xie Zhui's forehead, asking, "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Feeling that the temperature was normal with no signs of fever, Xiao Shan was puzzled as to why Xie Zhui's face was so red.

Xie Zhui grabbed his hand and said, "I'm fine, just feeling a bit warm."

"Warm?" Xiao Shan blinked. Was it? He didn't seem to feel anything.

Seeing the embarrassment and avoidance in Xie Zhui's eyes, Xiao Shan suddenly understood.

He relaxed his propped-up arm and lay back down on the bed, pulling Xie Zhui closer to him. Smiling, he said, "We are husband and husband."

Intimate contact between spouses is the most natural thing.

Xiao Shan was very at ease with these matters. It was something that brought mutual joy, and there was no need to overthink when doing something pleasurable. However, this was his own perspective. He would express it but never impose it on Xie Zhui.

He knew Xie Zhui's blush was due to embarrassment, so his tone carried a hint of reassurance.

Xie Zhui responded softly, then said, "Your Highness, it's time to get up."

"Mm?" Xiao Shan's voice was lazy and drawn out.

Xie Zhui immediately corrected himself, "Xiao Shan, it's time to get up. We need to go to the palace to pay respects to Mother Consort today." The name "Xiao Shan" rolled off his tongue effortlessly after calling it countless times the previous night.

Xiao Shan chuckled lightly, "Alright, alright, we'll get up. Whatever you say."


The two of them ate something casually before heading to the palace to pay respects to Consort Lan.

Before visiting Consort Lan, they went to see the Empress. However, the Empress was unwell and did not see them, instead sending a palace attendant to convey her concern.

After leaving the Empress's palace, Xiao Shan and Xie Zhui then proceeded to Jinglan Hall.

Consort Lan's eyes were a bit swollen today, but she looked relatively spirited. After reflecting on her conversation with her son the previous night, she realized she had indeed been wrong.

Perhaps feeling a bit guilty, she didn't make things difficult for Xie Zhui today and, feeling sorry for Xiao Shan, invited both of them to dine with her.

During the meal, Consort Lan kept murmuring about how thin Xiao Shan had become, urging him to eat more.

Xiao Shan was accustomed to Consort Lan's attitude. If he didn't eat, she would look at him with tearful eyes, so he simply ate until he was full.

Seeing that Xie Zhui had eaten enough, Xiao Shan finally put down his chopsticks, feeling that his stomach was a bit too full.

Consort Lan continued to complain that he hadn't eaten enough. Xiao Shan couldn't argue back, so he just smiled silently. It was often said that there was a kind of hunger that only a mother thought you had.

Seeing that Consort Lan still wanted him to eat a few more pieces of pastry, Xiao Shan firmly refused, "Mother Consort, you can't fatten someone up in one bite."

Only then did Consort Lan feel reassured by his resolute stance.

She turned to Xie Zhui, who had also put down his chopsticks, and said, "Pay more attention to what the Prince likes to eat. Look at him, he's so thin."

Xie Zhui responded calmly.

Consort Lan still didn't like Xie Zhui, but today she tried her best to ignore him.

Consort Lan held onto Xiao Shan and asked him many questions, expressing her worries over the past few months.

Xiao Shan was very patient, answering whatever Consort Lan asked, limiting the topics to clothing, food, housing, and travel. As for other matters, Consort Lan only sighed about how Liu Jingxuan shouldn't have done what he did, to which Xiao Shan merely smiled without commenting.

When it was about time, Xiao Shan and Xie Zhui left the palace.

Consort Lan felt that her relationship with Xiao Shan had returned to normal, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. However, just as she relaxed, she tensed up again upon hearing that the Empress had fallen ill and had just summoned the imperial physician.

With the Empress being ill, as a consort and her sister, Consort Lan naturally had to go and visit her.

But Consort Lan didn't want to go, or rather, she didn't dare to go.

Ever since her father, Gu Yan, told her that it might have been his actions that angered Old Master Gu to death, Consort Lan felt a pang of guilt whenever she saw the Empress. Both were granddaughters, but the Empress, being the eldest legitimate granddaughter, was more favored by Old Master Gu.

It wasn’t that Old Master Gu didn't love her, but the bond between the Empress and Old Master Gu was deeper than hers. This was similar to how others valued the main branch of the Gu family more.

Consort Lan couldn't bear to think about what would happen if the Empress found out.

Now that Xiao Shan had confirmed Liu Jingxuan's crimes, Consort Lan was even more reluctant to see the Empress.

She even thought that the Empress' illness might have been caused by all these events.

However, not going was not an option. Consort Lan had no choice but to rub her face, trying to make herself look less guilty.

The news of the Empress' illness quickly reached the Eastern Palace.

Xiao Jin tidied himself up and prepared to visit the Empress. Liu Jingyi, upon hearing the news, also became anxious. She was now visibly pregnant, and walking was no longer as easy as it had been. Her limbs were somewhat swollen, and she had gained a bit of weight.

After Liu Jingxuan's crimes were confirmed, despite constantly reassuring herself, Liu Jingyi had fallen ill from worry.

Fortunately, Xiao Jin had been attentive to her health and had promptly summoned the imperial physician.

Seeing her get up, Xiao Jin couldn't help but say, "You are heavily pregnant. Rest well; I can go by myself."

Liu Jingyi looked at him quietly. Finally, she lowered her eyes and gently touched her belly, saying, "I know I shouldn't go out at this time to avoid hearing any gossip. I just want to see Your Highness off. Please apologize to Mother Empress on my behalf."

Xiao Jin knew she was feeling uncomfortable and worried about Liu Jingxuan, which made her words somewhat sharp. However, it wasn't that he was heartless and unwilling to plead with the Emperor for Liu Jingxuan.

As an ordinary son, he might have been able to kneel before the Emperor and make such a request without considering the consequences. But as the Crown Prince of Da Zhou, he couldn't plead for this favor.

The only person who could make a decision on this matter was the Emperor; everyone else could only wait for the outcome.

However, Xiao Jin could understand Liu Jingyi's feelings. Liu Jingxuan was her biological brother, and in her eyes, he wasn't an irredeemable person.

It was natural for her to worry about Liu Jingxuan.

In such situations, he could only try his best to offer guidance, but ultimately, it was up to Liu Jingyi to come to terms with it herself.

Currently, the Emperor had not yet approved Liu Shu's resignation letter and was focusing on investigating other officials. He had not yet addressed Liu Jingxuan's case. No one could tell if this was a good or bad sign.

All they could do was wait.

So Xiao Jin said, "I don't mean anything else by it, and Mother Empress won't blame you. Just rest assured, I will be back soon to accompany you."

Liu Jingyi's eyes welled up with tears. She nodded and said, "Alright, I will wait for Your Highness."

She knew she was being unreasonable, which wasn't a good thing for someone with the status of Crown Princess. But at this moment, hearing a word of concern from Xiao Jin brought a myriad of emotions to her heart.

Xiao Jin smiled, squeezed her hand, and then turned to leave.

Liu Jingyi watched his departing figure, various emotions flickering in her eyes. Then, supported by a palace maid, she slowly returned to her room to rest.

By the time Xiao Jin arrived, Consort Lan, Consort Xian, Consort Shu, and other palace consorts were already there.

The Empress had a slight cough but no other symptoms.

After Xiao Jin arrived, the Emperor dismissed the palace consorts.

Consort Lan left quickly, looking guilty and avoiding speaking much with Xiao Jin.

Seeing her attitude, Xiao Jin couldn't help but remark in front of the Empress, "Mother Empress, has Consort Lan been avoiding you these days?"

The Empress coughed twice and replied irritably, "Her nature is such that everything shows on her face. She feels uneasy facing us because of what Prince Li has done."

Xiao Jin said calmly, "Liu Jingxuan's misdeeds have nothing to do with Third Brother. Mother Empress should understand that if it had been Eldest Brother sent to Liangzhou, he might have been implicated in this matter."

The Empress nodded, "I understand, but I'm worried. After all, this matter has cost you a strong ally." The ally she referred to was not Liu Jingxuan, but his father, Liu Shu, the Chief Scholar of the Hanlin Academy.

Liu Shu served closely before the Emperor, overseeing the imperial examinations and drafting edicts, and was highly trusted by the Emperor. If the Emperor truly accepted his resignation, it would be a significant loss for Xiao Jin.

Many people were eyeing Liu Shu's position, causing a commotion in the court. Some accused Liu Shu of failing to discipline his son, while others claimed he knew about the misdeeds but did not report them. In short, they wanted to push Liu Shu out and replace him with their own candidate.

Although the Emperor favored the Crown Prince, he couldn't ignore the current situation.

Xiao Jin also felt it was a pity, but given the circumstances, all he could do was try to mitigate the damage.

He even had to prepare for the worst-case scenario: if Liu Shu truly lost his position, who he would push to take over and whether it would be successful. This was the key issue.

Xiao Jin was pondering these matters until he was interrupted by the Empress's coughing. He then put his thoughts aside and said, "Mother Empress, you don't need to worry too much. Let's wait for Father Emperor's decision on this matter."

The Empress nodded while coughing, "I'm just reminding you. Logically, if the Liu family falls, there's still the Gu family. Your granduncle would be the most suitable candidate. But with the Gu family already having the Empress and consorts, as well as the Crown Prince and royal grandsons, if your granduncle were to advance further and start drafting edicts, the Emperor might feel uneasy."

"I understand," Xiao Jin replied. "If we truly push for granduncle's promotion, Father Emperor might start to be wary of me."

"You must never bring this up. Fortunately, your granduncle and his family are still in mourning, so those in the court who want to stir up trouble have no one to support them," the Empress said. After saying this, she added gloomily, "If you bring it up, it will surely displease the Emperor. But if Prince Li were to bring it up, although the Emperor wouldn't agree, he wouldn't overthink it either."

In this regard, the Emperor truly favored Xiao Shan greatly.

"Among those in and out of the court, only Third Brother dares to speak so freely before Father Emperor," Xiao Jin said with a smile, his eyes crinkling. "I also admire Third Brother's lively spirit."

The Empress fell silent.

In such matters, there were always gains and losses.


Upon hearing that the Empress was indeed ill, Xiao Shan pulled Xie Zhui along for another visit to the palace.

The Empress coughed and said, "Everyone has already come to pay their respects. I didn't see you because I was afraid of passing on the illness, yet you insisted on coming."

Xiao Shan replied earnestly, "If I didn't come, I would remain uneasy. Now that I've seen Mother Empress, I can feel more at ease."

The Empress looked at Xiao Shan and, recalling Xiao Jin's words, smiled, "You always know how to say the right things."

Xiao Shan, thick-skinned, said, "Everything I say is sincere. Sincere words are naturally pleasing."

After visiting the Empress, they went to pay their respects to Consort Lan.

Consort Lan, preoccupied and looking listless, exchanged a few words with them before sending them out of the palace.

After leaving the palace, Xiao Shan didn't have the carriage go directly back to the residence. Instead, he took Xie Zhui to Wanxiangju* for roast chicken.

*House of Ten Thousand Aroma/Fragrances

According to Xiao Shan, Wanxiangju's roast chicken was the best in the entire capital.

Xiao Shan had already planned that after eating the roast chicken, he would take Xie Zhui to Jiyuzhai to buy some accessories.

However, while they did eat the roast chicken, they never made it to Jiyu Pavilion.

Because at Wanxiangju, they ran into Yin Tong and Xu Guang.

Zuo Li, Yin Tong, and Xu Guang had all been Xie Zhui's subordinates. The three had returned to the capital from the northern border to report on their duties, and it had already been a few months since their return.

Seeing Xiao Shan and Xie Zhui, Yin Tong and Xu Guang were momentarily stunned. Then, the four of them sat together in a private room at Wanxiangju.

After the door to the private room was closed, Xu Guang, holding onto Yin Tong, saluted Xiao Shan and then bowed to Xie Zhui.

Once seated again, none of the four spoke.

Xiao Shan glanced at Xie Zhui and then at the somewhat reserved generals. Since they didn't speak, he had to break the silence, "Generals, you have been back in the capital for some time now. Why haven't you left for the border yet?"

He didn't concern himself much with court affairs, so after returning from Liangzhou, he hadn't paid attention to the movements of the northern border army.

Naturally, he didn't know that Yin Tong and Xu Guang were still in the capital.

Yin Tong opened his mouth to say something, but Xu Guang stepped on his foot under the table.

Yin Tong's mouth twitched, and remembering Xie Zhui's current status, he decided not to voice his thoughts, though his expression was somewhat sullen.

Xu Guang smiled slightly, "In response to Your Highness, we are waiting for the Emperor's decree. We will be leaving the capital soon."

It was clear that there was more to the story.

Xiao Shan was not the type to force others to speak about things they were unwilling to discuss. However, seeing Xie Zhui's slight frown, his heart softened. It was clear that Xie Zhui still had feelings for the northern border army.

After all, these were the soldiers he had brought out of the bloodbath. Even though their statuses had changed, the camaraderie forged in life-and-death situations remained.

So Xiao Shan raised an eyebrow and said, "If you two have any difficulties, this prince and the prince consort will certainly help if we can."

Xu Guang pressed his lips together, about to say something, when Xie Zhui interjected, "Where is Deputy General Zuo Li?"

The three of them were very close, yet Xu Guang kept mentioning only the two of them. Could something have happened?

"Why bring him up, General?" Yin Tong couldn't hold his tongue and blurted out, "He's now a great swan with ambitions far and wide. How could we mere sparrows dare to compare ourselves to him?"

TN: Hello! I know I haven't been active in commenting here since I thought it might ruin your reading experience; and replying to comments... uh... I don't even know what to reply 🫠 In any case, just as I have done to my current ongoing works, I will also mass update this one today or tomorrow. I really appreciate all your comments, dear readers! I know some of you already read the entire thing, but! Spoiiiler~ The baby is coming! Well, I'll just say it's around 10 chapters, and we'll see clear signs! Am also excited~ 


  1. Oh my Gloooob!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHH.

    Thank You so much for the update and the little spoiler!!


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