Salted Fish Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Is He Good to You?

Xiao Shan said, "That's how it is for those who sit on the throne—suspicious and distrustful." As he spoke, Xie Zhui suddenly realized he had voiced his thoughts aloud. He looked at Xiao Shan and blinked, his expression dazed.

Xiao Shan chuckled and continued, "It's true that Father Emperor loves Second Brother and sincerely involves him in court affairs. But as long as Father Emperor doesn't want to become the Emperor Emeritus, he will never hand over all power to Second Brother at this time. Otherwise, who would the people of the realm listen to—Father Emperor or Second Brother? If their opinions differ, which side would the court officials take?"

Moreover, the Emperor ascended to his position through intense struggles and has always tried to prevent Xiao Jin from following the same path. So long as Xiao Jin didn't entertain thoughts of rebellion, his position as Crown Prince would remain secure.

But at the same time, the Emperor, from his own perspective, felt the need to guard against insatiable ambition. What if he gave Xiao Jin too much power and one day Xiao Jin, dissatisfied with his position as Crown Prince, overthrew him?

Xiao Shan understood this aspect of the Emperor's thinking. However, as long as the Emperor wasn't a blind, deaf, and an overly suspicious fool, other matters could be addressed gradually.

Xiao Shan always believed that, as a prince, to live a content and carefree life, one must be open-minded and not overly ambitious. Otherwise, life would be exhausting and filled with envy for others.

His own mindset was very balanced and steady. His plan for the future was to have a wealthy and leisurely status, spending his days enjoying simple pleasures like cricket fighting and bird watching.

Because he understood and accepted this, his days were less troubled and more carefree.

Xie Zhui thought carefully about Xiao Shan's words and found some truth in them.

The Emperor was relatively clear-headed and handled state affairs fairly. Trusting someone wholeheartedly was difficult, but as long as the Emperor remained this way, the Crown Prince would eventually ascend to the throne.

However, Xie Zhui was curious about what Xiao Shan would say or do if the Emperor were a tyrannical and foolish ruler.

Considering Xiao Shan's personality, he thought that Xiao Shan might indeed do something rebellious.

Seeing Xie Zhui deep in thought, Xiao Shan suddenly smiled, his eyes curving. Xie Zhui usually didn't smile much. His features were stern and heroic, and when he forced a smile, it only tugged at the corners of his mouth, looking very stiff.

But when he genuinely smiled, his brows and eyes softened, and his gaze became clear. It made him look both sincere and handsome.

Xiao Shan asked, "What are you smiling about?"

Xie Zhui shook his head. "Nothing."

Seeing that Xie Zhui didn't want to elaborate, Xiao Shan didn't press further. He lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked outside, saying, "The sky has cleared."

Following Xiao Shan's gesture, Xie Zhui looked outside, but his gaze first fell on Xiao Shan's hand.

Xiao Shan's hand was fair, with distinct joints, straight and long fingers.

In contrast, Xie Zhui's hands were very rough, not soft at all, with calluses formed from years of wielding swords, spears, and other weapons.

He didn't look like a typical ger at all. His features were too rugged, and his physique was tall and strong. After his identity as a ger was discovered, he had overheard soldiers whispering about how someone with his appearance could possibly be a ger.

After the Emperor bestowed the marriage, he had also heard people mockingly say behind his back that holding him was no different from holding a man—hard and unyielding, incapable of any finesse in bed.

But Xiao Shan didn't mind at all. At night, he embraced him with great enthusiasm.

At first, he even thought that Xiao Shan was doing this to gain control of the northern military. It seemed like a transaction of interests: Xiao Shan provided him with the dignity and benefits befitting a Prince Consort, and he, in turn, provided Xiao Shan with various information about the northern border to help him control it.

But that wasn't the case. Xiao Shan never even asked about these matters.

Of course, there was another possibility—that Xiao Shan was doing this deliberately, playing the long game. Xiao Shan might be trying to completely control him, so he could better utilize him in the future.

This thought flashed through Xie Zhui's mind but was quickly dismissed.

Xiao Shan was lazy by nature, reluctant to even attend court, let alone scheme.

Moreover, given Xiao Shan's temperament, if he didn't want to do something, no amount of benefit could compel him. The idea that he would endure discomfort to embrace and please Xie Zhui in bed for the sake of power and status was simply unthinkable.

Xiao Shan would never compromise himself in that way.

After much consideration, Xie Zhui could only arrive at one conclusion: Xiao Shan treated him this way simply because he was his Prince Consort. They were married and became a couple, so Xiao Shan provided him with what a Prince Consort should have, including intimacy and protection in front of others.

Xie Zhui didn't want to jump to conclusions, but he couldn't find any other reason for Xiao Shan's actions.

Xiao Shan lowered the curtain and turned to look at Xie Zhui again. He initially wanted to say something but fell silent. He stared thoughtfully at Xie Zhui's flushed cheeks and slightly evasive eyes.

So, in the brief moment when he lifted and lowered the curtain, what had Xie Zhui been thinking about?

Thinking so much that his face turned red and he couldn't look at him?

That night, Xiao Shan asked Xie Zhui why his face had turned red.

Xie Zhui resisted, gritting his teeth, but ultimately failed and said, "Your fingers are beautiful."

Because of this, Xiao Shan made sure Xie Zhui thoroughly experienced his beautiful fingers.


Five days later, Deputy General Zuo Li, along with General Yin Tong and General Xu Guang, led thousands of northern border soldiers back to the capital. Xie Chen also returned with them.

To show his appreciation for the meritorious soldiers returning to the capital, the Emperor wanted to arrange for someone of high status to welcome them.

Initially, the Emperor considered sending Xiao Shan, but then he thought about Xie Zhui's identity. Sending Xiao Shan to welcome the northern border soldiers would easily remind people of Xie Zhui. In the end, the Emperor decided to have the eldest prince, Xiao Rong, lead the officials from the Ministry of Rites to welcome them.

The Emperor understood that this was merely a futile attempt to cover up the obvious.

From the moment Xie Zhui replaced his brother in the army, his name had been inextricably linked with the northern military.

Any movement in the northern border would bring up Xie Zhui's name. Discussions about Xie Zhui in the capital had never ceased, and now they were even more frequent.

When Xiao Rong went to welcome the northern border army, he was full of high spirits. He saw this as the Emperor's recognition of his abilities. Moreover, close contact with these border soldiers could only benefit him, so he naturally wanted to make a good impression.

Xiao Rong had intentions of winning over the northern army, but he had no favorable feelings toward Xie Chen.

After expressing the Emperor's appreciation to the northern soldiers, Xiao Rong looked around and asked Zuo Li, "Where is Xie Chen? Didn't Father Emperor order him to return to the capital with the army?"

Zuo Li, with his thick eyebrows, large eyes, slightly dark skin, and tall stature, had a simple and honest smile that made him look like a straightforward person.

He smiled and said, "Young Master Xie said he is not a member of the military and felt it inappropriate to enter the capital with us. So, upon reaching the outskirts of the capital, he separated from us and entered the city ahead of us."

Xiao Rong frowned and said displeased, "I heard that Xie Chen is blind. If he leaves like this and encounters any danger, wouldn't that betray Father Emperor's good intentions?"

Zuo Li quickly responded, "Rest assured, Your Highness. I have already arranged for people to protect Young Master Xie in secret. There won't be any problems."

Xiao Rong forced a smile and said, "Deputy General Zuo, you are indeed thoughtful."

Zuo Li smiled shyly, looking somewhat embarrassed. Xiao Rong found his expression so unsettling that he couldn't help but shiver.

Taking advantage of Xiao Rong's distraction, Yin Tong, who stood behind Zuo Li, nudged Xu Guang with his elbow and gestured with his mouth, his eyes full of amusement.

Yin Tong had a tall and upright posture and spoke bluntly. Xu Guang, on the other hand, was fair-skinned and slightly shorter, with a perpetually disgruntled expression, as if someone owed him money.

Xu Guang glanced at Xiao Rong and subtly shifted to the side. He feared that standing too close to Yin Tong might make him catch Yin Tong's foolishness.

After Xiao Rong left, Yin Tong suddenly looked at the city gates of the capital and couldn't help but say, "I wonder... how things are going."

His words were vague, but Zuo Li and Xu Guang understood his meaning.

Zuo Li's expression turned complicated. He recalled the time when they first heard that Xie Chen—no, it was Xie Zhui—was a ger. It was as if they had been struck by lightning, left both stunned and scorched.

During that period, there were all sorts of comments, some pleasant, but most were harsh.

They didn't know how to face Xie Zhui, their hearts weighed down by various emotions with no outlet for release. So, they took out their frustrations on the Bei Yan invaders who came to plunder, beating them so severely that they became a terror to their enemies.

After Xie Zhui recovered from his injuries, he left the camp and entered the city, following the Emperor's decree to come to the capital.

The next news they heard about Xie Zhui was the Emperor's decree bestowing marriage between him and Prince Li, Xiao Shan.

When the news reached the northern military camp, Zuo Li, Yin Tong, and Xu Guang were speechless for a long time.

Now, hearing Yin Tong's vague words, Zuo Li suddenly felt uncertain about entering the city gates.

Xu Guang sighed, glanced at Yin Tong, and said in a low voice, "If you don't want to cause him trouble, remember his current identity. He is no longer General Xie Chen of the northern border; he is now Prince Li's Prince Consort, Xie Zhui."

Yin Tong's expression changed several times before he muttered a curse under his breath.

Meanwhile, knowing that Xie Chen would be arriving in the capital, Xiao Shan had early on sent Ji An to personally keep an eye on the Xie residence, ready to escort Xie Zhui over as soon as he arrived.

Xie Zhui, usually so composed, found himself unusually restless today.

He paced back and forth several times before Ji An hurriedly came in from outside, his face beaming with joy. "Your Highness, Prince Consort, Young Master Xie has entered the residence."

Xie Zhui's heart tightened suddenly, and he couldn't help but look at Xiao Shan.

Xiao Shan stood up and said, "Then, let's go over now."

Xie Zhui nodded.

As they walked out together, Xiao Shan smiled and said, "You've already had the Xie residence cleaned inside and out several times. Elder Brother won't have to worry about tidying up the house when he gets back."

Xie Zhui said, "This is all thanks to Your Highness’ thoughtful planning."

Xiao Shan, surprised, asked, "Xie Zhui, did you coat your tongue with honey today? Your words are exceptionally pleasant, quite different from usual."

Xie Zhui: "..."

With Xiao Shan's teasing, the worry and nervousness in his heart completely dissipated.

The two of them took a carriage to the Xie residence.

When they arrived, the servants were busy arranging the items that had been brought back. Xie Chen was standing in the courtyard.

Xie Chen had a white silk cloth covering his eyes, his hair tied with a square scarf. His face was very fair, making him look like a scholarly and elegant gentleman.

Xie Zhui walked forward, stood still, and called out, "Elder Brother."

Xie Chen turned toward the sound of his voice, then reached out to pat Xie Zhui's shoulder, grinning, "Xie Zhui."

It was clear that the two brothers had endless things to talk about. Xiao Shan stepped forward and also called out, "Elder Brother."

Hearing Xiao Shan's voice, Xie Chen quickly bowed and said, "Your Highness..."

Xiao Shan supported his arm and said, "Elder Brother, we are family; there's no need for such formalities."

Xie Chen replied solemnly, "Etiquette must not be neglected."

Xiao Shan smiled and looked at Xie Zhui, "You have a good talk with Elder Brother. I'll come to pick you up in the afternoon."

Xie Chen asked, "Your Highness won't be staying for a meal?"

Xiao Shan replied, "Father Emperor has summoned me to the palace. Today is a good opportunity for you and Xie Zhui to catch up. I'll come back another day for a proper visit."

Hearing this, Xie Chen did not insist on him staying.

After Xiao Shan left, Xie Chen dropped his formal demeanor and let Xie Zhui help him into the hall.

Once they were seated, Xie Chen softly asked, "Is he good to you?"

Xie Zhui replied, "He's quite good to me."

Xie Chen moved his lips, hesitating before voicing his concern, "The return of the northern soldiers to the capital is bound to attract attention. Inevitably, some malicious rumors will spread about you. When he hears them, will he believe you?"
