Salted Fish Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Xie Chen Returns to the Capital

Ever since learning that the Emperor had issued an edict allowing Xie Chen to return to the capital with the army, Xie Zhui had been eagerly anticipating his return day and night. He almost counted the days on his fingers, calculating when the edict would reach the northern border and how long it would take for Xie Chen to travel back to the capital.

Though it might sound exaggerated, that was indeed the situation.

Seeing Xie Zhui in such high spirits, Xiao Shan couldn't bear to tease him and let him count the days.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the end of April.

April and May in the capital were always marked by continuous drizzling rain. On this particular rainy day, Consort Lan sent a message from the palace, saying she wanted to see Xie Zhui.

During this period, the relationship between Consort Lan and Xie Zhui had been rather distant. Consort Lan didn't like him, and given what happened during their first meeting, along with the Empress' advice and Xiao Shan's straightforward suggestions, she couldn't just ignore Xie Zhui. Therefore, unless necessary, she didn't want Xie Zhui to enter the palace to pay his respects.

Xie Zhui, on the other hand, had no inclination to seek trouble, so Consort Lan's attitude suited him perfectly. The less they saw each other, the less they bothered each other, and this mode of interaction was quite agreeable.

However, if Consort Lan truly wanted to see him, he couldn't find a suitable reason to refuse. Xiao Shan, feeling that he hadn't entered the palace for a while either, decided to accompany him.

When Xiao Shan came out of the room after changing his clothes, he saw Xie Zhui staring blankly at the rain.

He walked over to Xie Zhui and gently asked, "What is it? Thinking about Big Brother again?"

Xie Zhui shook his head. "No." This time, he wasn't thinking about Xie Chen. Instead, he was recalling his first time on the battlefield a few years ago. It was also a rainy day, and the blood of Da Zhou soldiers and the enemy Bei Yan soldiers dripped into the rainwater, quickly staining the ground red.

After the rain stopped, the indistinguishable bloodstains remained on the ground. Long after, when Xie Zhui rode past that land, he could still smell the scent of blood.

Since returning to the capital and marrying Xiao Shan, perhaps because he was too exhausted every night and slept deeply, he rarely dreamed of the battlefield. But recently, as the northern border generals and Xie Chen drew closer to the capital, he found himself dreaming more often about the people and events of the northern border.

Seeing the evasiveness in Xie Zhui's eyes, Xiao Shan didn't press further. Instead, he said, "Don't think too much. I'm here with you."

Xie Zhui looked at him and then responded with a nod.

The two sat in the carriage, listening to the pitter-patter of the rain as they made their way to the palace.

Upon arriving at Jinglan Palace, they paid their respects to Consort Lan. After rising, they noticed that Consort Lan's face was clearly marked with displeasure.

Xiao Shan smiled and asked, "Who has upset Mother Consort?"

Consort Lan pursed her lips, about to complain to Xiao Shan, when she saw Xie Zhui standing beside him. She didn't have a good impression of Xie Zhui and didn't want to lose face in front of him, so she swallowed her complaints.

Consort Lan said sullenly, "No one has upset me. I'm just angry with myself."

Xiao Shan was puzzled.

At this moment, Cuishu stepped forward and explained, "A few days ago, the Empress summoned the relatives of the Gu family to the palace for a conversation, and the Consort was also present. Madam An mentioned some past sorrows, which made the Empress and the Consort recall old memories, causing them both to feel distressed."

With one sentence, Xiao Shan suddenly understood. He had thought that his so-called grandaunt didn't seem like an easy person to get along with. He had offended her quite a bit, yet she hadn't done anything in retaliation. It turned out she was waiting for this moment.

"At her age, unable to win an argument and then running to the palace to complain, is that amusing?" Xiao Shan said, displeased.

Consort Lan nodded in agreement.

Xiao Shan looked at Consort Lan and asked, "So, Mother Consort, is this why you summoned us today?"

Consort Lan replied, "I summoned Xie Zhui to the palace, not you."

Xiao Shan pretended not to hear that.

Consort Lan, unable to do anything about his behavior, rolled her eyes at him and said, "The Emperor heard about this matter and was very displeased. He wants me to properly instruct you."

At this point, she turned to Xie Zhui with a furrowed brow and said, "This matter started because of you, and now it has reached the Emperor. Now, Xiao Shan is seen as someone who disrespects his elders in the Emperor's eyes. You are his Prince Consort. Instead of guiding him forward, you are holding him back. How can this be acceptable?"

Xie Zhui's expression remained unchanged as he replied firmly, "Mother Consort is right. I will remember this."

Consort Lan: "..." His response was as rigid as a military order, without a hint of softness, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Xiao Shan interjected, "Mother Consort, what does this have to do with Xie Zhui? If Grandaunt doesn't show me respect, do I have to cater to her?"

Consort Lan's expression showed some hesitation and conflict. In her heart, she agreed with Xiao Shan. No matter what, Xie Zhui was Xiao Shan's Prince Consort. If her aunt publicly disrespected Xie Zhui, wasn't that a slap in the face for both her and Xiao Shan?

But since the matter had reached the Emperor's ears, she couldn't show her agreement.

Consort Lan reluctantly adjusted her expression and said, "It's not quite like that. Your grandaunt did a lot for the Emperor back in the day. The Empress Dowager, the Empress, and I all come from the Gu family. I call her 'Aunt,' so we must give her some respect."

Xiao Shan replied, "I may not know what she did for Father Emperor back then, but as a junior, I respect her. Father Emperor hasn't wronged her, and I have always shown her respect. But she can't use her status to trample on me. I haven't done anything to her."

Seeing that reasoning with him was futile, Consort Lan decided not to dwell on it further. She glared at Xiao Shan and said, "In any case, this is the situation. Just keep it in mind."

Xiao Shan responded coolly.

Xie Zhui agreed firmly.

Consort Lan was about to say something more when an inner attendant announced that the Emperor had arrived.

Consort Lan quickly stood up to welcome him, with Xiao Shan and Xie Zhui following her.


In the Eastern Palace, Xiao Jin, who had recovered, soon learned about these events.

After all, Xiao Shan and Xie Zhui didn't hide their visit to the palace, and the Emperor's arrival at Jinglan Palace was a grand affair, making it easy to hear about.

Liu Jingyi had been feeling a bit drowsy these past few days, but today she had the energy to accompany Xiao Jin in a game of chess.

Upon hearing the news, she looked at Xiao Jin and asked, "Do you think Father Emperor went to Jinglan Palace because of Grandaunt?"

Xiao Jin didn't even lift his head. "No."

Liu Jingyi was puzzled. Xiao Jin, while rubbing the white chess piece in his hand, smiled gently and said, "No one can outdo Third Brother when it comes to complaining. He dares to say anything."

Liu Jingyi suddenly recalled the scene on the day Xiao Jin was poisoned. She hadn't been present, but hearing the palace servants describe the event had left her speechless for a long time.

To be a prince like Xiao Shan was truly unique.

Xiao Jin placed the white piece on the board and said softly, "Moreover, I know why Father Emperor went to see Consort Lan."

Liu Jingyi's curiosity was piqued. "Why?"

Xiao Jin replied matter-of-factly, "To scold Third Brother."

Liu Jingyi: "..." Her feelings were mixed. Weren't they just praising Xiao Shan? How did it turn into gloating over his misfortune?

"Third Brother's actions always make Father Emperor feel uneasy if he doesn't scold him," Xiao Jin said. "However, this time, Father Emperor will probably be more tactful with his reprimand because he mainly wants to see Xie Zhui."

Liu Jingyi was taken aback.

Xiao Jin continued, "The northern border soldiers are about to return to the capital. With Xie Zhui no longer in the north, someone needs to fill that gap. Xie Zhui knows those soldiers best, and Father Emperor definitely wants to hear his opinion. Whether the Grand General of the North should be promoted from within those soldiers or appointed from outside, Xie Zhui's opinion is crucial."

"My only concern is whether Xie Zhui can answer Father Emperor's questions satisfactorily."

Answering too much might make people think he still covets military power in the north, while answering too little might lead to dissatisfaction.

Liu Jingyi hesitated and asked, "Will Third Brother hold a grudge because of the last incident?" The unspoken question was whether Xiao Shan might influence Xie Zhui's stance because of it.

Xiao Jin replied, "What kind of person do you think he is? He would avoid these matters if he could. Even if, worst-case scenario, he can't avoid it, he would only speak well of me in front of Father Emperor. Thinking about it this way, with Third Brother there, if he protects Xie Zhui, Father Emperor won't be able to get much out of Xie Zhui."

Liu Jingyi looked at Xiao Jin, whose eyes sparkled as he spoke, and felt a slight unease in her heart.

Meanwhile, the situation at Jinglan Palace unfolded just as Xiao Jin had predicted.

Xiao Sheng wanted to scold Xiao Shan thoroughly, but with Xie Zhui present, he ultimately only managed to call him a "scoundrel."

When the topic shifted to the military affairs of the northern border, Xie Zhui hadn't even spoken before Xiao Shan interjected, "Father Emperor, Xie Zhui no longer handles matters of the northern border. Everyone has finally forgotten about him taking Xie Chen's place in the army. If you bring it up again, people will start talking about it. Why not just reward the meritorious and promote whoever you want?"

Xiao Sheng looked at him and sneered, "Do you think Zhen is as simple-minded as you, only considering things at face value?"

Xiao Shan replied, "Father Emperor, I may be young, but I am neither deaf nor blind. I understand your point. What I mean is, if you want to promote someone, just do it. If you don't want to promote from within the army, then let Second Brother and the court officials recommend some candidates, and you can choose from them."

"The Crown Prince recommending people?" Xiao Sheng gave him a sidelong glance.

Xiao Shan didn't understand the meaning behind that glance and, with a sense of determination, asked, "Do you mean that Eldest Brother and I should also make recommendations? I don't know if Eldest Brother understands these matters, but I certainly don't. Even if you wanted me to recommend someone, I wouldn't be able to."

"Don't you know how to learn?" Xiao Sheng suddenly felt an urge to knock him on the head.

"Father Emperor, you already said I'm simple-minded. I can't learn," Xiao Shan replied.

Xiao Sheng felt a ache in his chest from Xiao Shan's words, thinking that Xiao Shan was just here to vex him. After Xiao Shan's disruption, the Emperor lost interest in questioning Xie Zhui about these matters.

With a strained patience, he exchanged a few words with Consort Lan before leaving.

After Xiao Sheng left, Consort Lan also dismissed Xiao Shan and Xie Zhui from the palace.

By the time they were heading back, the rain had stopped.

Xie Zhui looked at the leisurely Xiao Shan and said, "Thank you, Your Highness, for speaking up for me in front of the Emperor."

Xiao Shan said, "What are you talking about? You are my Prince Consort. If I don't protect you, who will? If you don't want to get involved in these messy court affairs, just tell Father Emperor that you'll leave everything to me. He won't be able to do anything about it."

Xie Zhui responded with a hum, feeling that the Emperor was quite a contradictory person.

There was no doubt that he treated the Crown Prince very well, but at the same time, he seemed not to want the Crown Prince's prestige to become too great.


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