Salted Fish Chapter 17

 Chapter 17

Rumors Can Kill

When Xie Chen asked this question, he didn't expect an answer; he was merely reminding Xie Zhui.

He didn't know Xiao Shan well, and his knowledge of Xiao Shan came from various rumors. According to those rumors, Xiao Shan wasn't someone who could be trusted with one's life, nor could he be considered a good person.

However, today, Xiao Shan accompanied Xie Zhui to the Xie residence and seemed like a reasonable person. Xie Chen pondered this in his heart and concluded that, at least on the surface, Xiao Shan seemed to value Xie Zhui.

At the very least, he wouldn't embarrass him in front of others.

But after today, Xie Chen didn't need to think hard to know what the capital would be like.

Endless rumors would overshadow Xie Zhui's achievements and prompt people to once again discuss his identity.

Few in the capital would remember how long Xie Zhui had protected the nation's borders, sparing the northern people from the horrors of plunder. They wouldn't recall how many times he repelled the enemy, nor how many injuries he sustained or lives he saved.

People's hearts were easily swayed, and under the instigation of those with ulterior motives, they would only see Xie Zhui as a ger who had spent years among men. In the military camp, contact was inevitable, and they would say that under such circumstances, how could Xie Zhui possibly remain pure?

Some people, driven by their own interests, wouldn't care about the lives of others. As the saying goes, "Rumors can kill." When such words reach Xiao Shan's ears, what would Xie Zhui face then?

At that time, people would say that if Xie Zhui were abandoned by Xiao Shan, it would be his own fault. If Xie Zhui hadn't impersonated his brother to join the army, these rumors wouldn't exist.

Thinking about the challenges Xie Zhui would face tomorrow, Xie Chen felt a deep chill in his heart.

Sometimes, he truly hated himself. If the Xie family hadn't been on the brink of life and death that year, if he hadn't been poisoned and blinded, he would have been the one to go to the battlefield and uphold the Xie family's honor.

Xie Zhui, as a ger, wouldn't have had to shoulder the family's responsibilities, nor would he have been subjected to people's gossip and scrutiny.

The suffering and rumors Xie Zhui endured were all because of him. It was his failure to protect Xie Zhui.

Xie Chen didn't want Xie Zhui to face such a situation, but he couldn't pretend to be unaware of the current circumstances and offer empty words of comfort.

What he could do was provide Xie Zhui with his unwavering support.

"Never compromise yourself, and don't fear those rumors. As long as you don't fear them, they can't hurt you," Xie Chen said calmly, expressing his most genuine thoughts. "So, what if Xiao Shan is a prince? You are still the young master of the Xie family. At worst, we'll spend our lives together."

Xie Zhui looked at Xie Chen. Instead of responding to his words, he asked, "Elder Brother, if you were in my situation, what would you do?"

Xie Chen thought seriously for a moment and said, "Investigate the rumors and give the minimum respect."

Knowing that Xie Chen couldn't see, Xie Zhui still smiled gently. "Elder Brother, from the beginning, His Highness has done just that. He didn't even investigate those rumors but gave me the basic respect. I believe he will continue to do so in the future. I don't fear these rumors, and His Highness doesn't care about them either. When he hears them, he just feels his ears are being sullied."

Xie Chen actually wanted to know about Xie Zhui's life after marriage, but as Xie Zhui's elder brother, he didn't know how to ask.

Now, hearing Xie Zhui's words, he couldn't help but ask, "Really? Xiao Shan truly didn't get angry because of those rumors?"

Xie Zhui nodded, "He doesn't care about them at all. His Highness is a very special person, not at all like the rumors say."

He then recounted Xiao Shan's actions over the past days, avoiding the things he couldn't mention but sharing everything else.

After listening to Xie Zhui's words, Xie Chen was silent for a moment before saying, "From what you say, he seems to be a person of genuine character." Intelligent, uninterested in power, and unafraid of the authority he holds. Most importantly, he was willing to protect Xie Zhui, both in words and actions, and was not someone who likes to suffer losses.

"As for the rumors..."

Xie Zhui interrupted, "Elder Brother, you said it yourself—they are just rumors."

Xie Chen was momentarily stunned before he chuckled, "True, rumors shouldn't be taken seriously. I was too biased." When it came to Xie Zhui, his family, he could rationally analyze and debunk those rumors to protect him, but he lacked the same inclination towards others.

The saying that people's hearts were naturally biased was indeed true.

Xie Zhui said, "Actually, those rumors aren't entirely baseless. His Highness indeed lacks great ambition, doesn't love reading, and his handwriting isn't particularly neat. He avoids tasks assigned by the Emperor whenever possible, and if he can't avoid them, he complains a lot before doing them. He spends his days thinking about how to enjoy food and drink. To others, this behavior appears unruly and incorrigible."

Xie Chen: "..." It does sound quite frustrating.

Xiao Shan was just a prince, with no worries about food and drink, an Emperor for a father, and a good relationship with the Crown Prince. If he were in any other family, he wouldn't be able to live so freely.

Xie Chen still felt some concern in his heart. Xiao Shan had been tied to the Crown Prince's fate since birth.

If something were to happen to the Crown Prince...

However, he didn't voice these thoughts. There was no need to bring it up at this time. If he were to jinx it, Xiao Shan and Xie Zhui's lives would become difficult.

Having formed a general impression of Xiao Shan, Xie Chen changed the subject. They didn't talk about the northern soldiers returning to the capital, nor did they reminisce about the past. Instead, they discussed what they had been doing and how they had been living during their time apart.

Both were genuinely happy. During lunch, Xie Chen even had some wine, despite not having a high tolerance—three cups were enough to knock him out.

But Xie Zhui let him drink anyway.

After getting drunk, Xie Chen was very quiet and didn't cause any trouble. Throughout the day, he kept telling Xie Zhui, "The Xie family only has you and me left. You must take care of yourself."

Xie Zhui responded to him each time.

Xie Zhui said, "I will take care of myself."

In the afternoon, Xiao Shan came to pick him up.

Xie Chen was already asleep, and Xiao Shan didn't have him woken up. Instead, he took Xie Zhui back to the palace.

On the way, Xiao Shan asked, "Is Elder Brother alright?"

Xie Zhui shook his head, "He's fine, just very happy."

Xiao Shan thought to himself, you are very happy too; your eyes are shining brightly.

He didn't voice this teasing thought but instead said, "I plan to enter the palace tomorrow and ask Father Emperor to have Imperial Physician Su come and take a look at Elder Brother's eyes. Regardless of the outcome, it's worth a try. Would Elder Brother be willing?"

Some people didn't want to reopen old wounds, while others, having seen countless doctors, became increasingly numb and eventually despair. He didn't know how Xie Chen felt about this, so he had to ask Xie Zhui first.

Xie Zhui said, "Elder Brother would definitely be willing. Over the years, he has been seeking out various renowned doctors to look at his eyes. He has said that as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will not give up."

Xiao Shan replied, "That's good." He quite admired Xie Chen. For Xie Chen, losing his sight overnight was a significant blow. Yet, he didn't give in to despair, didn't lose heart, and didn't resign himself to fate. He kept thinking about how to detoxify himself.

Not everyone could achieve that.

Xie Zhui earnestly said, "I thank you on behalf of my brother."

Xiao Shan shook his head, "No need."

Not wanting Xie Zhui to dwell on this matter, Xiao Shan added, "The palace is not far from the Xie residence. You can go there anytime you want."

Hearing this, Xie Zhui's heart trembled slightly. He averted his eyes and looked elsewhere, saying, "Elder Brother would be very happy to hear that. He has been very worried about me these days."

Xiao Shan looked at him and asked, "Worried about what?"

Xie Zhui replied, "Worried that some rumors about me might displease Your Highness."

Xiao Shan blinked, suddenly understanding his meaning. He chuckled, realizing that Xie Zhui was using a roundabout way to ask about his thoughts.

Xiao Shan didn't answer immediately. Instead, he took Xie Zhui's hand and played with it for a while. Then he said, "On the day of our marriage, I asked you this."

Xie Zhui suddenly recalled the scene from that day.

Xiao Shan leaned down and asked him two questions: whether he had someone he liked and whether he disliked him.

Xie Zhui had answered "no" to both, and everything had proceeded smoothly from there.

Xie Zhui's throat tightened slightly. He said, "Your Highness, aren't you afraid that I might be deceiving you?"

Xiao Shan raised an eyebrow playfully, "Deceiving me about what? Your body?"

Xie Zhui: "..."

Xie Zhui pressed his lips together, "No, I mean, do you believe everything I say?"

Xiao Shan nodded, then leaned down to whisper in Xie Zhui's ear, "I have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hands to confirm. I know exactly what kind of person you are."

"Rumors are just rumors. If I believed them, on our wedding night, I wouldn't have..."

Although Xiao Shan didn't say anything overtly shameful, Xie Zhui's cheeks flushed at the implied words.

Xie Zhui felt like he was losing his mind.

He didn't know what was happening to him. In front of Xie Chen, he had confidently declared that Xiao Shan wouldn't believe those rumors, speaking with unwavering conviction. But now, facing Xiao Shan, he suddenly had the urge to hear Xiao Shan say those words himself.

Outside, the coachman drove the carriage towards Prince Li’s residence, while inside, the two remained silent.

That night, the red candles burned halfway.

Xie Zhui buried his head in the pillow, gripping the quilt tightly. He bit his lip to keep from making any sound.

Xiao Shan deliberately lowered his voice, calling Xie Zhui's name in a husky tone right by his ear.

Tears welled up at the corners of Xie Zhui's eyes. He wanted to say something but, in the end, said nothing.

The red candles continued to burn in the room, the bedclothes in disarray, and the sounds of their low voices filled the air.


The next day, Xiao Shan entered the palace, and Xie Zhui went to the Xie residence again.

On the way to the Xie residence, just as they were about to arrive, someone collided with his carriage. The person insisted that they had been hit by the carriage and lay on the ground wailing, claiming they had been fatally injured.

Hearing the commotion, Xie Zhui lifted the curtain. Before he could clearly see the person on the ground, he noticed Zuo Li, Yin Tong, and Xu Guang walking out of a nearby tavern and heading in his direction.

Zuo Li was the first to see Xie Zhui.

His expression froze, and he stopped in his tracks, stunned. Yin Tong, who was walking behind him, bumped straight into him, and the two nearly fell over. Xu Guang, seeing this, smirked and stepped aside.

After steadying himself, Yin Tong rubbed his sore nose and said, "What's wrong with you? Have the splendors of the capital made your legs go weak?"

Zuo Li didn't respond, his gaze fixed straight ahead. Xu Guang, puzzled, followed his line of sight and saw Xie Zhui in the carriage.

Xu Guang's heart skipped a beat, and before any thoughts could form, someone in the crowd suddenly shouted, "Hey, you lying on the ground! That's the carriage of Prince Li's residence, and inside is Prince Li's Prince Consort. If you don't want to die, you'd better get up quickly."

"Prince Li's Prince Consort?" The crowd, curious and excited, turned their attention towards the carriage.

Yin Tong, holding his nose, widened his eyes and naturally saw Xie Zhui.

Before he could react, someone else shouted, "Standing by the tavern over there are the generals who just returned from the northern border yesterday. They used to be under Prince Li's Prince Consort's command and are quite familiar with him. They share the bond of having lived and fought together."

The crowd buzzed with excitement at these words, looking back and forth between Zuo Li and the others, and Xie Zhui in the carriage.

Their eyes were filled with curiosity and excitement.

Soon, various comments and whispers filled the air, with people pointing and talking about Xie Zhui and the three generals.

Prince Li's Prince Consort, northern border generals, living and eating together...

Such words, when linked together, inevitably sparked the curiosity of those with ulterior motives. The things they said snowballed into a massive wave of gossip, engulfing Xie Zhui, Zuo Li, Yin Tong, and Xu Guang.


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