Salted Fish Chapter 12

 Chapter 12

Warm Lotus Bed

Who wouldn't fear the Emperor's wrath?

Well, there was someone who didn't—Xiao Shan seemed to be born without the nerve named "fear of the Emperor." He silently glanced at the furious Emperor, then, under the Emperor's fiery gaze, shivered as he walked out of the Eastern Palace.

Watching Xiao Shan's figure disappear from the Eastern Palace, Xiao Sheng suddenly felt as if all his energy had been drained, his raised arm dropping down, and he couldn't even muster the strength to move.

Not long after, the imperial physicians who had been treating Xiao Jin and Liu Jingyi began to file in from outside. The Emperor's command for Xiao Shan to leave had been so loud that they couldn't pretend not to have heard it.

Knowing the Emperor was in a foul mood, these experienced physicians wisely avoided provoking him. As soon as they entered, they didn't even glance at the Emperor and immediately knelt down.

Xiao Sheng composed his expression and, in his usual tone, asked, "How are the Crown Prince and Crown Princess?"

The lead physician, Su Yuan, spoke calmly, "Your Majesty, we have successfully expelled the poison from the Crown Prince's body. However, the Crown Prince is still weak and will need a period of rest. I have prepared a prescription, and as long as the Crown Prince takes the medicine on time every day, he should recover well."

"As for the Crown Princess, the shock caused her to experience fetal distress. We have administered a calming decoction, which she has already taken, and her pulse has stabilized."

With Su Yuan's words, the Empress finally felt a weight lift from her heart.

The Emperor also felt a sense of relief. He looked at Su Yuan and said, "You are most familiar with the Crown Prince's health. Zhen wants you to ensure that his recovery is flawless."

Su Yuan solemnly replied, "I understand, Your Majesty."

The Emperor then waved his hand, and the imperial physicians rose and filed out in an orderly manner.

After they left, Xiao Sheng glanced at the kneeling Xiao Rong and the others, whose faces displayed various shades of discomfort, and then at the pitiful-looking Consort Lan. Seeing them reminded him of Xiao Shan's outrageous oath by their ancestors for eighteen generations... Xiao Shan's words were utterly disgraceful and unfilial.

Unable to control his rising anger, Xiao Sheng coldly said, "From today onwards, until the matter of the Crown Prince's poisoning is thoroughly investigated, Consort Lan is not to leave Jinglan Palace or see any outsiders. As for the rest of you, you are all to return home and reflect on your actions for a month."

Consort Lan, having been reassured by Xiao Shan, believed that the Emperor would uncover the truth and clear her name. She wasn't too worried about her impending confinement. Having come to terms with it, her complexion even improved slightly.

Xiao Rong and the others, fearful at heart, didn't dare to contradict Xiao Sheng. Even Xiao Xian, who had dared to confront Xiao Shan, obediently said, "Yes."

Xiao Sheng looked at them, snorted coldly, and left with a flick of his sleeve.

After the Emperor left, the others gradually paid their respects to the Empress and departed as well.

Only Consort Lan remained, as Eunuch Chang Le was to personally escort her back to Jinglan Palace. As Consort Lan left, she glanced at the Empress, her tear-filled eyes conveying a thousand unspoken words.

The Empress' heart trembled under her gaze. After a long silence, feeling somewhat aggrieved, she finally spoke in a muffled voice, "Consider this a time to rest in the palace. Once the Emperor uncovers the truth, everything will be fine."

Consort Lan nodded tearfully, looking very obedient and docile.

After Consort Lan was 'escorted' away, the Empress went to check on Xiao Jin.

Xiao Jin had been resting with his eyes closed. Upon hearing the Empress dismissing the attendants, he slowly opened his eyes.

The Empress sat by the bedside, her heart aching at his haggard appearance. "Why are you awake? Did Mother wake you?"

Xiao Jin's face was still somewhat pale, but he managed a slight smile to reassure her, "I woke up a while ago, but my body felt lazy, so I kept my eyes closed and pretended to sleep."

The Empress, half reproachful and half serious, said, "You suffered such a big loss this time. Let's see if you dare to eat anything carelessly again."

Xiao Jin was silent for a moment before asking, "Is Mother Empress suspecting Consort Lan?"

The Empress sighed and recounted everything that had happened earlier.

Hearing what Xiao Shan had said, Xiao Jin couldn't help but smile, "With Third Brother speaking like that, Eldest Brother and the others must have been furious."

"Not just the Crown Prince and the others, even the Emperor was nearly driven mad by him," the Empress said, exasperated. "Initially, I did suspect Consort Lan, but seeing Xiao Shan's attitude, I'm not so sure anymore."

Xiao Jin looked at her and smiled, "I can't speak for others, but I can guarantee that Third Brother has no intention of vying for the position of Crown Prince. If he had even a slight interest, he wouldn't have disregarded the Gu family all these years, leading to such a cold and distant relationship with them. My uncles have complained to me about Third Brother's arrogance. But Third Brother behaves the same way in front of Father, so it's unlikely his temperament will change."

The Empress, worried, said, "I've watched Xiao Shan grow up, and I understand his nature. But today's incident is too strange. The pastries were made by Consort Lan and personally brought by her. How could anything go wrong? Pastries entering the Eastern Palace are usually thoroughly checked, but today, because she brought them herself, you didn't have them inspected out of courtesy and ate them directly."

"If Consort Lan isn't behind this, it's even more frightening because it means there's someone in the palace capable of such meticulous scheming. Even if we find the culprit this time, who can say for sure that they aren't just a pawn, with no one else pulling the strings behind them?"

Xiao Jin coughed lightly and said, "Mother Empress' concerns are valid. However, as long as Third Brother has no such ambitions, even if someone tries to manipulate Consort Lan, it would be futile. Besides, you know Consort Lan's temperament—she's impulsive and likes to wear her emotions on her sleeve. She's just like Third Brother, driven by emotions. If you're truly worried, it's wise to investigate further."

The Empress thought of the scene where Consort Lan immediately tried to induce vomiting in Xiao Jin and sighed, "I hope I'm just overthinking this."

Xiao Jin weakly responded, and seeing his exhaustion, the Empress said, "Physician Su advised you to rest well. You must follow his advice and get plenty of rest to recover quickly."

Xiao Jin replied, "Mother Empress, don't worry. I wouldn't dare take my health lightly."

The Empress nodded, then stood up and left.


Meanwhile, after Consort Xian returned to the palace with Xiao Xian, she dismissed all the attendants in the hall. Then, her face turned cold as she stared intently at Xiao Xian, "Tell me, did you go to the Eastern Palace to join the commotion or to watch the spectacle?"

When Consort Xian's face turned cold, all her warmth vanished, and she became as emotionless as an ice block—cold and unfeeling.

Xiao Xian's shoulders shrank, and he knelt on the ground, whispering, "Mother Consort, I had no such intentions."

Consort Xian sneered, "No such intentions? If you had no such intentions, why did you go to the Eastern Palace?"

"It was Eldest Brother who pulled us along..."

"And if your Eldest Brother told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it? Are you so obedient to him that you'd follow him to your death?"

Xiao Xian stared blankly at Consort Xian, her words piercing his heart like needles, letting in a cold wind that chilled him to the core.

Consort Xian, full of disappointment, said, "I have always taught you to be cautious in everything, to read more, and to make sure your father sees you in a new light. Yet, you can't even compare to that fool Xiao Shan. Today, going to the Eastern Palace when the Crown Prince was poisoned was your first mistake. Failing to argue effectively against Xiao Shan's nonsense and getting yourself into trouble was your second mistake. The Emperor has ordered you to reflect on your actions for a month. Use this time to truly reflect."

Hearing this, Xiao Xian's lips slowly tightened.

Meanwhile, Xiao Rong and Gu Linglong were sitting in their carriage on the way back to Rui Wang Mansion.

Throughout the journey, Xiao Rong continuously cursed Xiao Shan and Consort Lan, calling them brainless troublemakers. He was furious that this reckless troublemaker had dared to push him into such a predicament.

After venting his anger at Xiao Shan in the privacy of his own carriage, Xiao Rong looked at Gu Linglong, still shaken, and said, "Xiao Shan is a madman. When he goes crazy, he doesn't recognize anyone, not even his ancestors. We need to stay far away from this lunatic in the future."

Gu Linglong, feeling disgruntled, replied, "I don't often see Prince Li in the inner court, but you, my lord, encounter him frequently outside. You must be even more cautious."

Xiao Rong, looking troubled, said, "You're right. I need to keep my distance from him. But you should also be wary of his consort, Xie Zhui. Avoid him as well. Who knows if Xiao Shan's madness has rubbed off on him?"

Seeing his expression, Gu Linglong couldn't help but ask, "Is my lord afraid of Prince Li?"

Xiao Rong looked uncomfortable, "I'm not afraid of him as a person, but I dread his mouth. Aren't you afraid? You saw how he provoked Father Emperor. Would you dare to approach someone like him if you were me?"

Gu Linglong thought for a moment and sighed, "I'm afraid too." Afraid of being bitten.

But besides fear, there was an indescribable feeling. Deep down, she almost envied Xiao Shan's reckless abandon. But such thoughts were too shocking and had to be buried in the deepest corners of her heart.

Xiao Rong harbored deep resentment towards Xiao Shan.

As the eldest son, what was wrong with having ambitions to become the Crown Prince? Xiao Shan, that fool, lacked the ability to be the Crown Prince himself but insisted on forcing others to yield to Xiao Jin.

He was both foolish and malicious.

He needed to stay far away from such a poisonous person.

Otherwise, who knew when he might be poisoned to death by him.

Xiao Rong now prayed that Xiao Jin and Xiao Shan would quickly fall out, so that Xiao Shan's poisonous spear would turn towards Xiao Jin and harm him instead.


When Xiao Shan returned to Prince Li's residence, Xie Zhui immediately came to greet him, "Are you alright?"

Xiao Shan tossed his cloak to Ji An and said, "I'm fine. What could happen to me? It's just that there's a bit of trouble with my mother. Second Brother was poisoned by the pastries she sent."

He spoke so calmly that Xie Zhui was taken aback, "What?" Shouldn't he be more anxious about such a situation?

Xiao Shan recounted the events, and while Xie Zhui was initially very tense, by the time Xiao Shan finished, his focus had shifted. He couldn't help but ask, "Did you really say that in front of the Emperor?"

Xiao Shan gave him a surprised look, "Of course, I had to express my intentions clearly in front of Father Emperor. Otherwise, it would be like winking at a blind man."

"But it seems Father Emperor didn't quite appreciate my heartfelt words," he added.

Xie Zhui felt a mix of emotions. He thought, of course, the Emperor wouldn't appreciate it.

As the Emperor, he was likely aware of the ambitions of his other sons besides the Crown Prince. But as long as they didn't act on those ambitions or cross his boundaries, he could turn a blind eye and pretend not to know.

Xiao Shan, however, had provoked the Emperor to the point where he almost swore by his ancestors for eighteen generations, which was clearly an absurdity. If he had forced Prince Rui and the others to swear, it would have been tantamount to cursing their ancestors and the Emperor himself. Naturally, the Emperor wouldn't be pleased.

However, Xiao Shan's commotion did alleviate much of the crisis surrounding Consort Lan.

Because he had no interest in the position of Crown Prince, Consort Lan's suspicion might be somewhat alleviated. How much it cleared her name would depend on the evidence.

Understanding this, Xie Zhui looked at Xiao Shan with a complex expression.

He couldn't tell if Xiao Shan had acted deliberately or if it was just a fortunate coincidence.

Seeing Xie Zhui staring at him, Xiao Shan's expression suddenly changed, and he said nervously, "Are you worried about me? To be honest, I'm scared out of my wits. My heart is still pounding."

"You need to comfort me properly, or I won't be able to sleep at night and might even have nightmares."

Xie Zhui: "..."

This sounded so insincere. And comfort? How was he supposed to comfort him? By holding him in his arms?

Late at night, Xie Zhui finally learned the correct way to comfort someone, a method that Xiao Shan taught him gradually using both words and hands.

Xiao Shan said, to comfort someone who was anxious and uneasy, one should tire them out until they fall asleep from sheer exhaustion.

However, long after, Xiao Shan showed no signs of fatigue. On the contrary, he was inventive, making Xie Zhui's body completely soften and heat up. He made Xie Zhui willingly open up, and then used various methods to make Xie Zhui call out his name, and calling him husband...


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