Salted Fish Chapter 13

 Chapter 13

Joyful Spring Night

The next day, when Xiao Shan groggily woke up, it was already broad daylight. He reached out to feel beside him, only to touch a thin, cool spot. Xiao Shan's mind stirred, and he fully opened his eyes, only to find that Xie Zhui was no longer there.

Xiao Shan blinked and didn't move, a very skeptical expression appearing on his face. He was certain that last night Xie Zhui was so exhausted that he didn't even want to move a finger, and by the end, he had even been bullied to the point of tears.

When he finally withdrew, Xie Zhui had already closed his eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep. Xiao Shan had personally bathed Xie Zhui before holding him and falling into a deep sleep himself.

How was it that by morning, Xie Zhui had woken up before him? Shouldn't he have been too weak to move and nestled beside him?

Xiao Shan rubbed his own waist and sat up with a contemplative expression. After dressing, he rang the bell to have Ji An bring in water for washing up.

After washing up, Xiao Shan asked, "Where is Xie Zhui? Has he eaten yet?"

Ji An smiled and replied, "Prince Consort is currently reviewing the account books and organizing the storeroom. He hasn't had breakfast yet and said he would wait for you."

Xiao Shan thought to himself, fortunately, he didn't hear that Xie Zhui was practicing with weapons, otherwise, his pride and waist would both be hurt. However, he was somewhat displeased, his long eyebrows tightly furrowed: "Knowing that he is hungry, why didn't you wake me up?"

Ji An put on a troubled expression and said, "This servant wanted to, but Prince Consort wouldn't allow it. He said that if Your Highness is not attending court, he should wake up naturally."

Xiao Shan snorted, "In this mansion, do you listen to me or to Xie Zhui?"

Ji An immediately changed his expression, loyally declaring his allegiance: "This servant naturally listens to Your Highness. However, Prince Consort cares for Your Highness, and Your Highness cares for Prince Consort. In small matters, this servant must listen to both."

Xiao Shan gave him a sidelong glance: "Smooth talker, saying so much just to get a word from me. Well, let me be clear. Xie Zhui is the other master of this residence. If no one listens to him, then this residence certainly won't keep disobedient people. But you all should be more perceptive. If he doesn't let you wake me, can't you persuade him to eat something first?"

Ji An thought to himself, they did try to persuade him, but Xie Zhui was unwilling.

Moreover, in which household did the primary consort not wait to dine with the master?

Xie Zhui was cautious and certainly didn't want to make a mistake in this regard and give others a handle to criticize him.

Being a servant was difficult; trying to please one side while the other was unhappy. It was impossible to avoid offending both sides, and offending both sides was a sure way to meet a bad end.

Being a good servant was difficult. To be a good servant who could relieve the master's worries and be liked was even more difficult.

Xiao Shan didn't have time to worry about what Ji An was thinking.

He instructed Ji An to prepare breakfast and then went to the study to find Xie Zhui.

Xie Zhui was indeed a very cautious person. He had once asked Xiao Shan about his range of activities within the mansion, especially whether he could enter and use the study. In Xie Zhui's mind, the study was a place for storing valuable items or private letters. Some people even built secret passages or hidden compartments in their studies to store things.

Such a place would generally not be easily accessible to outsiders.

At that time, Xiao Shan had been very honest and said, "What's there to not use? My study is just for show. The books inside, except for some storybooks, are all brand new and have never been flipped through. If you want to use the study or read books, feel free."

After saying that, he personally took Xie Zhui for a tour around the study.

It was only when Xie Zhui entered that he realized Xiao Shan's words were true.

Xiao Shan's study was simple, tidy, and elegant at a glance. The bookshelves were arranged logically, with a clear distinction between books that had been read and those that hadn't. Xiao Shan used the most practical decorative style to show anyone who entered that he genuinely didn't like reading the scholarly books that scholars were supposed to study.

Seeing all this, for some reason, Xie Zhui felt like laughing.

Perhaps it was because he had stayed at the border for so long, accustomed to seeing all kinds of people, with his nerves always tightly strung. Now, encountering someone so consistent inside and out, and having such an intimate relationship with this person, made him want to laugh.


Xie Zhui had been in the study for a while.

When Xiao Shan found him, Xie Zhui was staring absentmindedly at the account books on the desk.

Xiao Shan thought he was overwhelmed by the mansion's account books, so he walked over and pushed the books aside, asking, "Not hungry?"

Xie Zhui snapped back to reality, his gaze shifting from dreamy to sharp. When Xiao Shan's face came into view, his emotions turned to calmness and shyness. He lowered his eyes, stood up, and honestly said, "I didn't feel hungry when Your Highness wasn't here. Now that you're here, I do feel hungry."

Hearing this, Xiao Shan's expression became complex, and he muttered softly, "Outdated, outdated, you're even better at flirting than I am..."

Xie Zhui didn't catch his words clearly and asked in confusion, "What?"

Xiao Shan waved his hand and said, "What I said isn't important. The most important thing is to fill our stomachs first."

Xie Zhui slowly responded with an "Oh."

When the two returned, Chun Tao and the others had already set the meal. Seeing them, the servants bowed and quietly withdrew.

Many people adhere to the principle of "no talking at meals and no speaking in bed," but Xiao Shan admitted he couldn't do it.

Not talking during meals might have been possible before, but now with Xie Zhui, he had no such intention.

As for not speaking in bed, that was even less likely. Without speaking some enticing words during intimate moments, what would be the fun in just mechanically going through the motions? Moreover, since Xie Zhui was serious and not coy, Xiao Shan naturally wanted to lead Xie Zhui to experience a different kind of life under his guidance.

Xiao Shan ate very elegantly, and he was picky, only eating the dishes he liked.

In contrast, Xie Zhui was more straightforward; he ate everything and cleaned his plate without showing a particular preference for any dish.

Xiao Shan couldn't discern Xie Zhui's eating habits or preferences from his diet, so he found a topic to discuss: "Why did you get up so early? Weren't you tired last night?"

Upon hearing this, Xie Zhui choked on his last mouthful of porridge and started coughing repeatedly, his face turning red, whether from the coughing or something else.

Xiao Shan quickly walked over and patted his back, murmuring, "Are you okay? How could you be so careless?"

Xie Zhui tried his best to stop coughing, then he pushed Xiao Shan away and shook his head.

His body was indeed tired, and his legs were sore. But when dawn broke and he woke up, seeing Xiao Shan, his mind was flooded with memories of his own hoarse pleas from the night before, calling out things like "husband" and "good brother Xiao Shan."

He was accustomed to being steady and composed. In the military camp, there were people who spoke lewdly, but he never paid them any mind. The key point was that he often wore a stern face in the camp and was ruthless on the battlefield, earning him the reputation of an iron-faced general. No one dared to joke or speak nonsense in front of him.

But today was different from the past. Thinking about the things he said while on top of Xiao Shan made him feel as if he were burning up. If he didn't stay away from this person, he felt he might combust.

So, he got up as quietly as possible and found an excuse to hide in the study.

Because he didn't want to face Xiao Shan too early, he even told Ji An not to wake him up.

During this time, Xie Zhui was both puzzled and curious. Xiao Shan, as a prince, had received the most orthodox, traditional, and meticulous education. He wondered where Xiao Shan had learned those seductive and provocative words.

So, there were some questions that Xiao Shan could ask, but Xie Zhui couldn't answer.

Seeing Xie Zhui pursing his lips and his ears turning red, Xiao Shan asked, "Are you done eating?"

Xie Zhui quickly nodded, "Yes, I'm done."

Xiao Shan stood up, "Come, I'll give you a massage."

Xie Zhui responded, "…No need, my… my waist is fine."

"Even if it's fine, it still needs a massage." Xiao Shan turned back with a smile, "What, don't trust my skills?"

Whether it was because he was dazzled by that extremely beautiful smile or because his waist was really too sore and painful, Xie Zhui couldn't tell.

In any case, by the time Xie Zhui came to his senses, his face was already buried in a pillow, and he was lying flat on the bed.

When Xiao Shan said he would give him a massage, he really meant it.

As he massaged, he explained, "Actually, the effect of a massage through clothes is far less effective than without them."

At the mention of removing clothes, Xie Zhui's body trembled, and his waist stiffened.

Xiao Shan immediately knew what he was thinking, but after last night's late antics, Xiao Shan truly had no other intentions at the moment. Of course, the future was uncertain.

People had their own charm at night and during the day.

Xiao Shan wanted to see Xie Zhui's demeanor both day and night.

Seeing that Xiao Shan only made that comment without any further actions, Xie Zhui felt a bit ashamed of himself for overthinking.

However, to avoid Xiao Shan continuing to say things that could be easily misunderstood, Xie Zhui mumbled into the pillow, "Your Highness, aren't you going to court?"

At Xiao Shan's age, he should be standing in the court. But for these past few days, Xiao Shan hadn't shown any intention of attending court. Even though they had just gotten married, Xiao Shan shouldn't be absent from court for so long.

Xie Zhui wondered if he had misunderstood something, like maybe Your Highness didn't need to attend court regularly.

"Father Emperor does want me to attend court, but I don't like the atmosphere there," Xiao Shan replied, knowing Xie Zhui was just making conversation. "Those ministers can argue for half a day over trivial matters, but when it comes to something truly difficult, they have nothing to say."

"Besides, attending court requires getting up early, and I really can't wake up that early. So, I made a fuss with Father Emperor about not wanting to attend court."

In the beginning, Xiao Shan was quite eager to attend court. He wanted to see what the civil and military officials looked like in the court.

But after actually seeing it, his anticipation quickly faded.

After just two days, he found it unbearable and too exhausting.

Gradually, he became so bored that he could fall asleep standing in the court, not hearing a word of what others were saying. Later, he frequently came up with minor ailments like stomachaches, fevers, and loss of appetite as excuses to avoid attending court.

At first, the Emperor and Xiao Jin were worried about his health, but they soon realized he was just faking these ailments to avoid court. The Emperor was so angry his face turned purple, and Xiao Jin also scolded him for being reckless.

Eventually, the Emperor turned a blind eye to Xiao Shan's attendance at court. However, he did impose a strict requirement: regardless of whether Xiao Shan was sick or not, he had to spend at least half of each month in court.

At first, Xiao Shan tried to argue, saying that a sick person shouldn't attend court.

The Emperor looked at him and sneered, "Even if you are too sick to get up, Zhen can have you carried to court. The Imperial Medical Institute is close to the Main Palace, making it convenient for you to receive treatment."

Intimidated by the Emperor's domineering attitude, Xiao Shan had no choice but to agree.

Xiao Shan was puzzled. Others were eager to be in court, like his elder brother Xiao Rong, who practically wanted to spend the entire year there.

The Emperor was displeased with that.

He, on the other hand, preferred to stay at home every day, and the Emperor was still displeased.

Being an emperor really seemed to be quite capricious.

As Xiao Shan recounted past events, Xie Zhui initially responded with a few vague replies. At some point, the room was filled only with Xiao Shan's voice.

When Xiao Shan looked over at Xie Zhui, he saw that he had fallen into a deep sleep, half of his face buried in the pillow.

Xiao Shan then stopped, gently covering Xie Zhui with a thin blanket.

Seeing the dark mark on Xie Zhui's forehead, Xiao Shan's eyes darkened. He wanted to reach out and touch it but refrained, fearing he might wake him.

Xiao Shan quietly left the room, leaving Xie Zhui to sleep soundly.

The palace was quiet inside and out. Xiao Shan had a chaise longue placed in the corridor, where he sat to bask in the sun. However, before he had enough sun, someone from the Eastern Palace arrived, saying that Xiao Jin wanted to see him.

The person who came from the Eastern Palace was Chang An, Xiao Jin's personal eunuch, someone to whom everyone showed respect.

But Xiao Shan looked at Chang An and said, "Go back and tell Second Brother that as long as the slander against Mother Consort remains unresolved, I won't go."

Chang An smiled wryly and said, "The Crown Prince knew you would say that. He said that if you don't go, he will come to see you himself tonight. The poor Crown Prince is still too weak to get out of bed..."
