Salted Fish Chapter 11

 Chapter 11

The Ruthless Prince

Everyone fell silent because of Consort Lan's words. Thinking about Xiao Jin and Crown Princess Liu Jingyi's situation, the expressions of the princes present, including the young Xiao Xian, became complicated as they looked at Consort Lan.

Especially Xiao Rong, who had always harbored great jealousy towards Xiao Jin. He had been hoping for something to go wrong with the unborn child, wishing every day that Xiao Jin would never have children.

Now, before he could come up with a plan, an unexpected turn of events had occurred on Consort Lan's side. If Xiao Jin's poisoning couldn't be cured and Liu Jingyi lost the child due to the shock, everything would be perfect.

Compared to these princes, Emperor Xiao Sheng remained expressionless. Consort Xian glanced calmly at Xiao Xian, her expression indifferent. The Empress' face was dark, her eyes filled with barely suppressed anger.

Before entering the palace, Consort Lan was renowned for her pastries, and even after entering the palace, she would occasionally make some for the Emperor and Empress to enjoy. Recently, the Crown Princess Liu Jingyi had been experiencing a lack of appetite, often feeling nauseous. Somehow, she remembered the taste of Consort Lan's pastries.

She had first tasted those pastries by chance in the Empress' palace. The pastries were delicious, but she hadn't paid much attention to them before.

Now that she thought of them, she craved them intensely.

For a pregnant woman, the more she couldn't have something, the more she craved it.

Given Liu Jingyi's status, she couldn't directly go to Consort Lan and ask for her pastries as it was inappropriate. With the craving lingering in her mind, she found an opportunity to subtly mention it to Xiao Jin.

Xiao Jin, already worried about her inability to eat, quickly understood her desire and soon approached the Empress about it.

Liu Jingyi rarely had cravings, so the Empress was delighted and personally went to Consort Lan to discuss the matter. She went herself to avoid any gossip later that she was treating Consort Lan like a servant by asking her to make pastries.

Consort Lan was often careless in many aspects, and the Empress tried to be considerate in this regard.

Consort Lan didn't think much of it. Upon hearing that Liu Jingyi wanted to eat her pastries, she personally made a batch the next day and sent them to the Eastern Palace.

At that time, Liu Jingyi had a great appetite and ate quite a lot, which made both the Empress and Xiao Jin very happy.

In the following days, Consort Lan continued to make different kinds of pastries and sent them to the Eastern Palace.

However, a pregnant woman's tastes can change quickly. What Liu Jingyi initially craved, she grew tired of after a few days of eating it. But since it was Liu Jingyi who had initially asked for the pastries, she felt it would be inappropriate to tell Consort Lan to stop making them so soon. It would seem to others as if she was toying with Consort Lan.

So, the pastries sent to the Eastern Palace were left untouched.

Today, upon hearing that Liu Jingyi was feeling unwell, the Empress and Consort Lan came to visit her, with Consort Lan naturally bringing pastries along.

Xiao Jin knew that Liu Jingyi hadn't wanted to eat pastries for the past few days, so he took the initiative to accept the pastries from Consort Lan, smiling and saying that Liu Jingyi had eaten them every time, and today he wanted to try them himself.

Liu Jingyi smiled and said that she wasn't hungry at the moment and told him to go ahead and eat.

After eating a piece of pastry, within the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, Xiao Jin's face turned blue and purple, his breathing became labored, and he collapsed to the ground. The Empress and Consort Lan screamed for the imperial physician, while Liu Jingyi, seeing this, turned pale and felt a pain in her abdomen. Consort Lan rushed over, crying and trying to induce vomiting in Xiao Jin with her hands.

The Eastern Palace was in chaos.

The Emperor, who had been talking in Consort Xian's palace, rushed to the Eastern Palace with Consort Xian upon hearing the news.

Consort Lan, who was now a suspect, knelt on the ground recounting the events.

The situation was as described, but the Empress knew that during these special times, anything Liu Jingyi consumed in the Eastern Palace would be meticulously checked multiple times, including having palace servants test for poison, even if the pastries were sent by Consort Lan.

Only today, in front of her and Consort Lan, Xiao Jin didn't have the pastries taken away for testing and directly ate a piece. However, that one piece poisoned Xiao Jin and frightened Liu Jingyi.

The pastries were made by Consort Lan herself, delivered by her personally, and eaten by Xiao Jin only because she was present.

Given these facts, it was impossible to say that Consort Lan had no connection to the incident. Of course, it was also possible that someone was deliberately framing Consort Lan, but without evidence, she was the prime suspect.

Thinking of this, Xiao Shan looked at Xiao Sheng, facing his sharp gaze, and said, "Father Emperor, I believe someone is deliberately framing my mother. Everyone knows the close relationship between the Empress, my mother, the Crown Prince, and me. The person who did this wants to sow discord among us, causing us to fight each other so they can benefit. Everyone in Jinglan Palace and those in the Eastern Palace who came into contact with the pastries must be thoroughly investigated."

Bringing up Consort Lan's innocence at this moment could easily be seen as making excuses.

But Xiao Shan was different. He had always been straightforward, saying whatever was on his mind.

Consort Lan, with swollen eyes, echoed, "Exactly, exactly."

Xiao Sheng glanced at her, causing her to tremble, not daring to speak or cry anymore.

At this point, Xiao Rong couldn't help but step forward and say, "Third Brother, as a son, it's understandable that you feel for Consort Lan. But the Crown Prince's poisoning is a serious matter, and everything must be based on evidence. You can't be hasty just because it involves Consort Lan."

"Moreover, Third Brother, you just mentioned that you have a good relationship with the Crown Prince. You should be more considerate of the Mother Empress' feelings. Now that the Crown Prince's life is in danger, the Empress, as his mother, witnessed the poisoning firsthand and must be feeling even more distressed. I believe Father Emperor will uncover the truth, and it will be clear who is responsible."

Xiao Rong's words seemed to support Xiao Shan, but in reality, he was constantly reminding the Empress that no matter how good Xiao Shan's relationship with Xiao Jin was, he was still Consort Lan's son. Now that Xiao Jin was poisoned, instead of calling for an investigation, Xiao Shan immediately defended Consort Lan.

In the end, the bond between mother and son outweighs that between brothers. Moreover, Xiao Shan was also a prince, and an adult at that.

As a prince, he had interests that conflicted with those of the Crown Prince, so it was hard to believe he was completely indifferent to the throne.

The Empress' face remained expressionless upon hearing these words, but her hands, hidden under her wide sleeves, betrayed her thoughts. Consort Xian glanced at Xiao Rong with an unreadable expression.

Xiao Sheng looked at Xiao Shan nonchalantly.

Consort Lan was not so foolish as to miss the implications in Xiao Rong's words. She knew there was something off, but she didn't know how to refute it. It seemed that no matter what she said, it would be wrong, leaving her anxious and frustrated.

At this moment, Xiao Shan raised his head and glared at Xiao Rong, saying, "Eldest Brother, aren't you implying that Mother Consort poisoned Second Brother so that I could become the Crown Prince?"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone was shocked, including Xiao Sheng, who raised his eyebrows slightly.

Consort Lan immediately began to cry and shake her head, "I didn't... I didn't..."

Xiao Rong looked at Xiao Shan as if he had seen a ghost.

Some things were understood by all but cannot be spoken aloud, especially matters concerning the Crown Prince's position or the throne. Speaking them aloud implies having such thoughts in one's heart.

Xiao Shan's mind worked differently from others; he dared to say such rebellious words in public.

Not wanting to be implicated, Xiao Rong quickly knelt down, followed by Xiao Yi, Xiao Xian, and Princess Rui, Gu Linglong.

With a face full of indignation, Xiao Rong said, "Father Emperor, your son has no such intentions. I am only concerned about the Crown Prince's health and have not thought of anything else. I don't know what Third Brother is thinking to say such rebellious words."

Xiao Shan coldly snorted from the side, "Eldest Brother, are you saying I have a problem understanding things? Do you think I'm stupid? You wouldn't dare say those things outright, so you hint at them instead. I'm not good at reading or speaking in roundabout ways, so don't blame me for being direct. If something really happens to Second Brother, wouldn't you be the one to benefit the most? What are you pretending for?"

"You... you, you, you..." Xiao Rong pointed at Xiao Shan, trembling all over, his face turning red with anger, unable to say a word.

Princess Rui, with a frosty expression, sternly said, "Prince Li, it's your intention to clear Consort Lan of suspicion, but falsely accusing others to divert attention is too much. My husband has always acted righteously, is loyal to the Emperor, and has no ulterior motives..."

"Can you swear that Eldest Brother has no such thoughts? Not just Eldest Brother, but all of you—can you all swear that you have no desire to become the Crown Prince?" Xiao Shan ignored Xiao Rong and Gu Linglong's anger, continuing to sneer and dragging Xiao Yi and Xiao Xian into the fray.

Xiao Yi was dumbfounded, not understanding why the conflict had suddenly involved him.

Xiao Xian, usually favored and at an age where he couldn't tolerate such humiliation, was infuriated by Xiao Shan's words. It was as if Xiao Shan was the only one in the world who didn't care about power and status, making the rest of them seem like ambitious wolves in comparison.

Besides, who in the royal family didn't have personal ambitions? Who didn't want to sit on the highest throne?

Xiao Xian, furious and agitated like an angry cowboy, shouted, "We dare to say it! But what about you? Do you dare? Do you dare?"

"Of course, I dare," Xiao Shan declared righteously. Not only did he say it, but he also raised his right hand, declaring boldly, "I, Xiao Shan, swear by my ancestors for eighteen generations that I have no interest in the position of Crown Prince or the throne."

After saying this, he glanced sideways at Xiao Rong and the others, "What about you? Swear it! Do you dare to swear?"

Xiao Rong and the others, their faces flushed with anger and shame, also raised their hands indignantly, "I also swear by my ancestors for eighteen..."

"Enough!" Before they could finish their oaths, Xiao Sheng smashed a teacup on the ground.

The sound of the teacup shattering was crisp and clear, snapping the princes out of their childish squabble. They instantly fell silent, their faces flushing with embarrassment at their recent behavior.

Xiao Sheng's forehead veins bulged as he stood up, his eyes cold as he walked over to Xiao Shan and kicked him in the backside. "You swear by your ancestors for eighteen generations! Come on, tell this Zhen, who are your ancestors for eighteen generations?"

Xiao Shan, knocked off balance by the kick, quickly straightened up and knelt properly, muttering, "Aren't they the ancestors of the Xiao family, including you, Father Emperor? I have no ulterior motives and am not afraid of being questioned by our ancestors or you, Father Emperor."

Xiao Sheng, now amused by his anger, kicked Xiao Shan again. "Oh, so you think you're in the right now?" Then he turned to Xiao Rong and the others, "Xiao Shan may be poor at his studies and speak without thinking, but did you all also read your books into the dog's stomachs? Is it fun to argue with him here? Is it lively enough? Is it dignified enough? Where is your refinement? Your demeanor? You're all grown men, yet you behave worse than three-year-old children, bickering like this. What kind of conduct is this?"

Xiao Rong was at a loss for words, Xiao Yi had no idea how things had escalated to this point and could only kneel there motionless, accepting Xiao Sheng's reprimand. Xiao Xian hung his head dejectedly, then glared fiercely at Xiao Shan.

If it weren't for Xiao Shan, they wouldn't have made such a disgraceful scene.

Xiao Sheng turned around and pointed at Xiao Shan, "Zhen don't want to see you. Get out of the palace right now."

Xiao Shan stood up, muttering, "Fine, I'll go." As he saw the dazed Consort Lan, he reassured her, "Mother Consort, don't worry. Stay calm. We have nothing to hide. Let Mother Empress and Father Emperor investigate this matter..."

Xiao Sheng's eyebrows twitched, and he pointed towards the Eastern Palace gate, "Get out immediately!"

The Empress and Consort Xian were stunned by Xiao Sheng's outburst.

The Emperor's thunderous rage was truly terrifying.
