Salted Fish Chapter 10

 Chapter 10

The Prince's Tragedy

On the way back, Xie Zhui occasionally glanced at Xiao Shan. He still had no expression, but his conflicted and scrutinizing gaze betrayed him.

Clearly, he had taken to heart the matter of Xiao Shan lighting an everlasting lamp for himself, and he was somewhat worried. However, due to his reserved nature and uncertainty about whether Xiao Shan was willing to talk about these past events, he hesitated, unsure whether to ask or how to ask.

They were intimate spouses, yet at the same time, relatively unfamiliar with each other.

Catching Xie Zhui's gaze once more, Xiao Shan placed his elbow on his bent knee, resting his chin on his hand. "If you have anything to ask, just go ahead. I promise to tell you everything."

Xie Zhui was momentarily stunned, then his expression became calm. He wasn't someone who was overly reserved. Since Xiao Shan had opened the conversation and seemed to be waiting for his question, there was no need for him to hesitate any longer.

So he asked directly, "Why did Your Highness light an everlasting lamp for yourself?" Such a thing sounded rather inauspicious.

Xiao Shan blinked his beautiful eyes, showing a thoughtful expression. "Let me think... It seems it was when I was a child, around six, not yet seven. That winter, I fell into the lake while playing in the imperial garden. Although my second brother and others rescued me, I had a persistent high fever afterward. The imperial physicians treating me said they were powerless and essentially gave me a death sentence. Fortunately, my father and mother didn't give up and had the entire Imperial Medical Bureau's physicians treat me. Of course, it also had to do with my strong will to live. After four or five days of high fever, I managed to pull through without any brain damage."

"Having gone through a life-and-death ordeal that I didn't fully understand, I felt that my life was hard-won. So, I lit an everlasting lamp for my younger self at Antai Temple, thinking that 'everlasting' meant 'long life'." Perhaps recalling the past, Xiao Shan lowered his eyes and smiled. "At that time, I was young and didn't think much about it. As I grew older, I just let it be. After all, the lamp was already lit, and a lot of silver had been donated. It wouldn't be right to extinguish it after crossing the bridge."

Xie Zhui listened to this and, after a long pause, managed to say, "Your Highness has a broad mind, beyond the reach of ordinary people." Also, can "crossing the bridge and tearing it down" be used like that? Is he being mocked for his lack of education?

Xiao Shan raised an eyebrow, looking pleased with himself. "Indeed, my heart has always been broad and peaceful. Even if others had two hearts, they couldn't compare."

Xie Zhui: "..." He truly had read less and had less knowledge. The novel metaphors Xiao Shan used were new to him. He felt guilty for all the books and essays he had overturned countless times in the Xie family library.

Seeing Xie Zhui's expression, Xiao Shan's eyes filled with amusement. He took the initiative to change the topic, "You also spent your childhood in the capital. Do you think the capital has changed much?"

Xie Zhui thought seriously for a moment and then honestly said, "There are more people than before. Other than that, I don't remember much, so I can't really compare."

He was telling the truth; he didn't have a deep impression of the capital.

He and Xie Chen were about seven years old when they followed Xie Sui to the northern border. The northern border was harsh and cold, with a fierce and rugged populace, and constant warfare. Initially, they couldn't adapt, but gradually, they got used to it.

For him, the prosperity of the capital couldn't compare to the joy of having his family together.

The memories of the capital had been buried under the sands of the border.

Xiao Shan lightly acknowledged this. If he were speaking solely to his prince consort, he could gently say that it didn't matter, and that there would be plenty of time in the future to compare the capital with how it used to be. But to a hawk whose wings had been clipped, such words would be like an invisible yet incredibly sharp knife.

Xie Zhui was first and foremost the Grand General of the Northern Border, and only then was he Xiao Shan's prince consort.

Xie Zhui had seen a world far broader than the confines of deep courtyards. He had experienced freedom, power, and the respect of others, and now he had lost these because of his current status. Yet, he did not complain or blame anyone; instead, he continuously strove to adapt to his new life and find his place.

Xiao Shan could never become such a person, but that didn't mean he didn't admire people like Xie Zhui.

On the contrary, he held great respect for such individuals.

Therefore, he would do everything in his power to protect Xie Zhui.

The two of them chatted back and forth, and soon they were back at the prince's residence. Xie Zhui had resolved a concern, and Xiao Shan was in a good mood as well.

They thought the day would pass as peacefully as usual, but within an hour, a message came from Consort Lan saying that Xiao Jin had fallen into a coma due to poisoning, and the Crown Princess was frightened.

Xiao Shan's face changed upon hearing the news. He stood up and said to Xie Zhui, "I need to enter the palace now. Stay at home and don't go anywhere."

Xie Zhui stood up, his expression serious. "Be careful."

The poisoning of the Crown Prince was no small matter. It could implicate a large number of people, especially the consorts and princes.

Xiao Shan said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Xie Zhui nodded, watching Xiao Shan's hurried departure. He suddenly recalled what Xiao Shan had said on their way back: it was the Crown Prince, Xiao Jin, who had saved him when he fell into the water all those years ago.

Xiao Shan was often described by the public as reckless and unruly, but after spending these past few days with him, Xie Zhui knew that Xiao Shan was not a foolish person. Due to his status, he disliked being mistreated, so he often spoke harshly and said things others didn't want to hear. However, he never took out his frustrations on innocent people and had never done anything truly harmful.

Such a person, at the very least, had a clear sense of right and wrong, and he was genuinely sincere towards the Crown Prince, Xiao Jin.

In public and private, he never referred to Xiao Jin as the Crown Prince because he regarded Xiao Jin as his brother and always called him "Elder Brother."

Xie Zhui also knew that human hearts were unpredictable, especially within the royal family, where it wasn't unusual to be cautious. What he saw might not necessarily be the truth. But based on his intuition, he believed that Xiao Shan had no ulterior motives towards the Crown Prince, Xiao Jin.


Xiao Shan didn't know what Xie Zhui was thinking. After entering the palace with his token, he headed straight for the Eastern Palace.

Due to Xiao Jin's poisoning, the Imperial Guards had intensified their patrols everywhere, and the Eastern Palace was surrounded so tightly that not even a fly could get in.

When Xiao Shan arrived, Emperor Xiao Sheng, the Empress, Consort Lan, the mother of the Fifth Prince Xiao Xian, Consort Xian, and the Princess Consort of Prince Rui were all present.

The First Prince Xiao Rong, the Fourth Prince Xiao Yi, and the Fifth Prince Xiao Xian had arrived half an incense stick's time earlier than him.

Originally, the princes were supposed to stay in their own residences and wait for news. However, because the Princess Consort of Prince Rui was in the Eastern Palace, Xiao Rong had no choice but to come.

He also feared getting entangled in this troublesome matter. After entering the palace, he happened to encounter Xiao Yi reciting poetry and painting in the imperial garden, with Xiao Xian watching him. Xiao Rong quickly told them about Xiao Jin's poisoning and coma. Before they could react, he used the pretext of their brotherly bond with Xiao Jin to drag them along to the Eastern Palace to visit him.

Standing together, he didn't seem so out of place.

At this moment, Xiao Sheng, the Empress, and Consort Xian were seated in the upper positions, while Princess Consort Rui, Gu Linglong, stood there awkwardly. Consort Lan was kneeling on the ground, crying so hard that she was gasping for breath and couldn't stop.

Consort Lan's eyes were swollen from crying, and her chest heaved erratically, looking as if she might faint at any moment.

As soon as Xiao Shan arrived, everyone's gaze fell on him. Consort Lan tried to stop crying, but the tears wouldn't cease, and she could only sob uncontrollably.

Xiao Shan first knelt to pay his respects, then looked at Consort Lan with sharp eyes. "Mother Consort, what happened?"

Consort Lan choked on her sobs and stammered, "The imperial physician... the imperial physician said that the Crown Prince... the Crown Prince was poisoned by the pastries I... I sent. But... but I didn't poison them. I personally make pastries for the Crown Princess every day and have Cuishu deliver them. Nothing has ever happened before. I don't know how this could happen today."

After saying this, she sniffled and looked pitifully at Emperor Xiao Sheng and Empress Gu Ruya. "What I'm saying is true. Please believe me."

Xiao Shan grimaced as if he had a toothache, a curse word forming on his lips. He thought to himself, You've practically condemned yourself with those words. How can anyone believe you? Without evidence to prove your innocence, just saying 'I didn't do it' is useless.

If it were him, he wouldn't believe it either.

Moreover, even if the matter were thoroughly investigated, it might not be enough to clear her of suspicion.
