Salted Fish Chapter 64

 Chapter 64

Palace Turmoil

Knowing that Consort Lan clashed with the Empress, Xiao Shan naturally had to visit the palace. Although deep down he didn't want to go, he had no choice but to go, at least to find out the reason.

Xie Zhui originally intended to accompany him to the palace. He didn't want Xiao Shan to meet Consort Lan, the Empress, or the Crown Prince by himself.

Entering the palace alone, Xiao Shan would have to face too many people and matters. Xie Zhui wanted to share some of the burden. Even if it was just a little, it would lighten Xiao Shan's load by a few degrees.

Xiao Shan, however, stopped him. "The atmosphere in the palace is tense right now, and it might even alarm Father Emperor. There will be many things to face. If Mother Consort starts crying and makes a scene, it won't be resolved in less than two hours. Your health is already not good; there's no need for you to go and suffer."

Xie Zhui moved his lips, wanting to say that he could endure any hardship, even if it meant being ignored by Consort Lan. But even so, he didn't want to be too far from Xiao Shan, especially in this situation. If Xiao Shan felt distressed, at least he would be there by his side.

Xiao Shan knew what he wanted to say, so he placed his index finger on Xie Zhui's lips and said, "It's not necessary."

There was no need for him to endure this suffering, and besides...

"I care about you."

These words were sincere. He didn't want Xie Zhui to suffer in front of Consort Lan because it was unnecessary. Rather than that, it was better for him to go to the palace alone while Xie Zhui waited for him at the prince's residence.

Because it was the truth, when Xiao Shan spoke, his eyes were filled with earnestness, as if starlight fell into them, deep and bright.

He looked even more handsome.

Hearing the words "I care about you," Xie Zhui was visibly stunned. It was as if he drank the strongest wine, and his mind instantly became dizzy.

At certain moments, the more straightforward the words, the more they could touch a person's heart.

Xie Zhui used a great deal of effort to resist being captivated. He glanced at Xiao Shan's extraordinarily handsome face for a moment, then averted his gaze and asked coldly, "Is Your Highness using a beauty trap on me?"

Usually, it was Xiao Shan who teased Xie Zhui with playful words. He never expected Xie Zhui to say something like this. Xiao Shan was momentarily stunned, then suddenly laughed. He leaned slightly, resting his chin on Xie Zhui's shoulder, and gently nodded a few times. With a smile, he whispered, "Yes. So, I want to know. Is this beauty trap effective on you?"

"Effective," Xie Zhui replied reluctantly.

"I didn't expect my prince consort to be so captivated by looks. If I had known, I would have smiled at you more often, enchanting you every day. Then whatever I wanted from you would be easily within my grasp," Xiao Shan murmured, blowing softly on Xie Zhui's neck.

Xie Zhui felt a bit ticklish and shifted his body, muttering, "Whatever you want, just say it. As long as I have it and can give it, I will."

In the past, he wouldn't have been able to say such things and would have felt a bit embarrassed. But now, he wanted to share his thoughts with Xiao Shan. So, despite the heat rising in his ears, he added, "Come back early. I'm worried."

Xiao Shan's heart suddenly softened. A person who wasn't good at expressing his inner emotions was now laying his thoughts bare, simply because he cared about him.

Xie Zhui cared about him, and he cared about Xie Zhui. There was nothing more heartwarming than this.

Xiao Shan spoke, his voice steady and reassuring, "Don't worry. I'm just going to the palace to see Mother Consort, not pulling a tiger's whiskers. Just wait for me at the prince's residence."

Xie Zhui responded with a hum, and only then did Xiao Shan lift his head from Xie Zhui's shoulder. His eyes remained bright, filled with a joyful smile.

The capital just experienced a light snowfall. Although the snow was light and already melted into water, dried by the wind, the weather turned cold.

Xie Zhui personally draped a soft fur cloak over Xiao Shan, adjusted his collar, and then watched him leave.

Before Xiao Shan walked out of Xie Zhui's sight, he suddenly turned back, flashed a smile, and waved vigorously, his expression particularly childlike. Xie Zhui was amused by his behavior and couldn't help but smile, his eyes curving with delight.

Seeing Xie Zhui happy, Xiao Shan finally turned and left.

He rode a carriage to the palace, which was comfortably arranged inside.

Xiao Shan sat there with his eyes half-closed, contemplating the current situation. There were some things he didn't want to think about, but he couldn't avoid them.

Meanwhile, Xiao Jin, who resided in the Eastern Palace, already entered the palace to see the Empress. Xiao Jin was taken aback when he saw the Empress, as she was silently weeping.

Consort Lan often cried, and Xiao Jin had seen it countless times, but this was the first time he saw the Empress cry since he could remember.

When someone who cried often did so, others tend to become somewhat numb to it. But when someone who rarely cried suddenly did, it brought a peculiar sense of shock.

The Empress realized she had lost her composure in front of Xiao Jin and used a handkerchief to wipe her eyes.

Perhaps she was too heartbroken, as the tears kept on flowing even after she wiped them away.

Xiao Jin, brought back to his senses by her actions, hurried forward to comfort her. "If Mother Empress is upset, you can scold me a few times. If you keep crying like this, it will harm your eyes."

"If these eyes are harmed, so be it. I don't need them," the Empress said bitterly.

Xiao Jin hesitated for a moment and then softly said, "I heard about it. Is Mother Empress angry with Consort Lan? Mother Empress knows Consort Lan's character well. She shares a deep sisterly bond with you and surely didn't mean to upset you."

Many things in the palace were secrets, yet many were not. The quarrel between Consort Lan and the Empress was something he heard about immediately, prompting him to come over.

However, he wasn't sure what caused the Empress to be so heartbroken this time.

In the past, when the Empress heard such comforting words, she would complain a bit, mentioning how Consort Lan had gone too far or how she would help her one last time and then no more.

But this time, upon hearing these words, the Empress immediately let out a cold laugh. She said, "I must have been blind and foolish not to realize how she truly saw me all this time."

Seeing the seriousness of the situation, Xiao Jin was slightly startled and said, "Mother Empress..."

The Empress raised her hand to interrupt him. "I know you and Xiao Shan have a good relationship, but in this matter, Mother is not trying to stir up trouble between you two brothers."

"Do you know what Consort Lan has been saying behind my back? She has been spreading rumors that it was I who pushed Xiao Shan at the hunting grounds that day. She thinks that in my desperation to save my son, I pushed her son to shield you from death. When I heard this rumor, I feared I might have misunderstood her, so I summoned her to ask. She was evasive and admitted that she had indeed thought that way. She dared to entertain such thoughts. If the Emperor were to believe her words, how would you and I be able to face the consequences?"

As she spoke, the Empress became increasingly alarmed. It was true that the Emperor valued Xiao Jin, but he was also very suspicious.

If he truly believed that she pushed Xiao Shan, how would the Emperor view her? If she couldn't tolerate Xiao Shan, who was so sincere towards Xiao Jin, how could she tolerate the other princes in the future?

Would Xiao Jin's position be affected?

These thoughts were terrifying. The more she thought about them, the more the Empress couldn't help but tremble.

She was both angry and frightened.

Upon hearing the Empress' words, Xiao Jin's expression changed instantly.

He exclaimed, "How could this be?"

"How could it not be?" The Empress let out a series of cold laughs. "Her palace has never been able to keep secrets. If she hadn't said such things, these rumors wouldn't have spread. The last time Consort Lan fell ill, I found it suspicious. How could she suddenly fall ill for no reason? It must have been an excuse to see Xiao Shan and plant this suspicion in his mind."

"Xiao Jin, if you tell me that Xiao Shan doesn't know what Consort Lan is thinking, I won't believe it. You are the Crown Prince. Set aside your personal feelings and think from the position of the Crown Prince. What is Xiao Shan thinking right now? Does he not have even a shred of doubt about Consort Lan's words?"

The Empress' relentless questioning left Xiao Jin feeling suffocated. He considered many possible reasons for the quarrel between Consort Lan and the Empress, but he never imagined it would be this.

The Empress had always been wary of all the princes, including Xiao Shan.

But Xiao Shan indeed had no ambition and had a good relationship with him, so the Empress' hostility towards Xiao Shan was not as apparent.

Even so, the Empress was never completely at ease with Xiao Shan.

So, whenever something happened, like now, the Empress' first reaction was to question whether Xiao Shan posed a threat to his position as Crown Prince. Shallow trust easily crumbles, and the Empress doubted Consort Lan's intentions and Xiao Shan's sincerity.

Xiao Jin understood this, Xiao Shan understood this, and the Empress understood this. The only one who might be oblivious was Consort Lan, whose thoughts and actions differed from the norm.

Because of these doubts, Xiao Jin felt it was unfair to Xiao Shan, as the efforts from both sides were not equal. The Empress' indulgence towards Consort Lan was not only due to their sisterly bond but also out of a sense of compensation.

And now, because of Consort Lan, the Empress began to harbor doubts about Xiao Shan.

She spoke openly to Xiao Jin, wanting him to analyze Xiao Shan's thoughts and stance on this matter from the perspective of the Crown Prince. The Empress implied that if Xiao Shan believed Consort Lan's words, would he still be sincere towards Xiao Jin as the Crown Prince?

In just one night, the situation changed dramatically.

Xiao Jin closed his eyes briefly, then opened them and said, "Mother Empress, let's set aside Consort Lan's suspicions for now. As for Third Brother, I trust him. If he truly had other intentions, he wouldn't have defended me in front of Father Emperor."

"When Father Emperor is enraged, both Mother Empress and I fear him. But Third Brother, to quash Father Emperor's suspicions, directly stated that Father Emperor is a suspicious person. If he didn't value our brotherly bond, why would he go to such lengths?"

The Empress wiped her eyes again and said, "I know what you're saying, and I believe it. But once doubt takes root in the heart, trust is no longer what it used to be. I also hope that Xiao Shan and you can remain as you were before, but I can't do it. Ever since Consort Lan left, I've been filled with suspicion and doubt. I'd rather be wrong than regret it later."

"Moreover, I'm surely not the only one who knows about what Consort Lan did. When this spreads throughout the harem and the court, how will Xiao Shan feel facing others' suspicious gazes? As the saying goes, 'Three men make a tiger*.' With enough suspicion and rumors, how will Xiao Shan react? Can he truly remain free of doubt just because of your brotherly bond?"

*means that if enough people spread a false rumor, it can eventually be believed as truth, no matter how absurd it might be.

Xiao Jin forced a smile and said, "Mother Empress, a person's heart is made of flesh. Even if Xiao Shan were to cut open his heart, it wouldn't be able to speak. I understand your concerns, but I still say the same thing: I trust Third Brother."

"Do you truly have no doubts about Xiao Shan in your heart?" the Empress asked, looking at Xiao Jin.

Xiao Jin closed his eyes and said, "None."

His fists were clenched tightly. How could he allow himself to doubt?

He opened his eyes again and said, "Mother Empress, I have one request, and I hope you will grant it. Unless Third Brother does something to harm me, please do not act against him."

The Empress looked at Xiao Jin, who spoke these words with such seriousness. She remained silent, not uttering a word.

Xiao Jin stubbornly stood there, waiting for her to speak.


While Xiao Jin was talking with the Empress, Xiao Shan also arrived at Consort Lan's palace to pay his respects.

After paying his respects, he sat there silently, neither asking for reasons nor saying anything else.

Consort Lan dismissed the attending palace maids. Seeing Xiao Shan's expressionless face made her somewhat uneasy. She glanced at him once, then again, and finally, she softly called out, "Shan'er."

Xiao Shan looked up at her and said, "What does Mother Consort want to say?"

Consort Lan said, "Mother Consort truly didn't mean it. Those words were only said to you, and I don't know how they reached the Empress. If the atmosphere weren't so serious, I might even suspect that the Empress planted someone in my palace, given how well-informed she is about everything happening around me."

Xiao Shan looked at Consort Lan and then smiled, saying, "Mother Consort's words were unintentional. Don't worry, the Empress won't take them to heart."

Consort Lan felt that Xiao Shan had changed. His expression was still the same as before, and even his tone of comfort was the same, but she felt that something was missing.

Growing anxious, Consort Lan said, "Shan'er, don't be angry. I won't go out anymore, and I won't speak recklessly again."

Seeing her anxious expression, Xiao Shan said, "Mother Consort, I'm not angry. None of this matters. I understand that this is your nature and it can't be changed."

Consort Lan sat on the chair, looking somewhat pitiful.

Xiao Shan continued, "Mother Consort, don't overthink it. I will explain this to Second Brother. Since it's a misunderstanding, it can be cleared up."

Consort Lan nodded vigorously. "Yes, we mustn't let this affect the relationship between you brothers."

Xiao Shan smiled and lowered his eyes, responding with a hum.

He comforted Consort Lan as he always did, and then, as usual, when he felt enough time had passed, he stood up to take his leave.

As Xiao Shan was leaving, Consort Lan called his name.

He turned back, and Consort Lan's lips moved, but she didn't know what to say.

Xiao Shan smiled slightly. "Mother Consort, there's no need to say more. I understand everything."

Xiao Shan left Jinglan Hall and walked to the Imperial Garden. He stood there, taking in the vast expanse of the palace. The palace city, with its glazed tile roofs, carved railings, and jade steps, was resplendent and magnificent.

This was the most dazzling place, with unparalleled scenery. Those who lived here held the highest status and power, and many people were eager to enter this place.

Feeling a chill around his neck, he pulled his cloak tighter to ward off the cold, then continued on his way out of the palace.

Just as they were about to leave the palace, Ji An, who already knew what had happened, whispered, "Your Highness, if the Empress truly starts to doubt you because of Consort Lan, what should we do? Should you go to the Eastern Palace and speak with the Crown Prince?"

Xiao Shan replied, "Say what?" Should he say that he has no ulterior motives, or that Consort Lan didn't mean it?

Once the seed of doubt is planted, it only grows; it doesn't stop. No matter who speaks or what is said, it won't dispel the doubts in one's heart.

Xiao Shan's figure disappeared behind the palace walls for a long time before Xiao Jin emerged from behind a rockery.

He gazed at the path leading out of the palace, his expression somber.

Chang An, noticing his thin clothing, couldn't help but say, "Your Highness, the wind is very cold. Let's go back."

Xiao Jin didn't move. Today's events were too unsettling; he felt cold no matter where he went.

Just as Xiao Shan didn't know what to say to him, he also didn't know what to say if he stopped him. Should he say, "I trust you"?

Sometimes, words were powerless.

If their brotherly bond were truly so fragile, it would betray all the days they supported each other.

Xiao Jin stood in the cold wind for a while longer before finally heading towards the Eastern Palace.

Chang An followed silently behind him.

Chang An thought to himself, what a mess this is.

Everything was fine, so what was Consort Lan stirring up?


The news of the fallout between Consort Lan and the Empress reached others. Consort Xian was still confined and unaware of the situation.

When Xiao Xian heard about it, his expression changed briefly before he buried his head back into his books.

Now, it was impossible for him to see Consort Xian, so he could only bury himself in his studies, hoping to earn the Emperor's praise and thereby gain a chance to see Consort Xian again.

When the news reached Consort Shu, she was in the middle of helping Xiao Yi find a suitable match. Upon hearing the news, she put away the portraits and repeatedly instructed Xiao Yi to stay hidden in Prince Xian's residence, avoiding writing poetry or painting, and to make himself as inconspicuous as possible.

When the news reached Xiao Rong, he was delighted and even drank two extra cups of wine.

That night, Xiao Rong, holding Princess Rui in his arms, laughed and said, "Everyone knows how close Xiao Shan and the Crown Prince are, but what does it matter? They still have a mother who drags them down."

"I don't believe that with a rift between the Empress and Consort Lan, Xiao Shan and the Crown Prince can remain as they were before."

Princess Rui, Gu Linglong, who already received news from her father, Gu Guang, laughed upon hearing this. "What does this have to do with us? If Prince Li and the Crown Prince fall out, that's their business. We can just sit back and enjoy the show."

"You're right," Xiao Rong laughed again, his eyes bleary with drunkenness. "What does it matter if you take a knife or a sword for a brother? The palace is full of competition; there shouldn't be such sentimentality. Competing is what we should be doing."

Gu Linglong echoed his words, but in her heart, she thought, Xiao Rong is willing to compete and fight, but he can't win or take anything. At most, he can drink a few more cups of wine in his own palace upon hearing pleasing news.

Xiao Rong had no idea what his Princess Rui, Gu Linglong, was thinking. He just wanted to say these taboo words.

Saying a bit made him feel a bit more at ease.

That night, the Emperor visited Consort Lan's palace.

The Emperor stared at Consort Lan for a long time, so long that she almost started trembling, before he finally looked away.

Consort Lan hurriedly poured tea for the Emperor.

The Emperor took a sip and said, "Do you have evidence that the Empress pushed someone?"

Consort Lan shook her head and whispered, "No."

The Emperor continued, "As the saying goes, 'Disaster comes from the mouth.' Without evidence, why say such things?"

Consort Lan pressed her lips together, unable to speak.

The Emperor didn't expect her to say much and continued, "Aren't you afraid that this will drive a wedge between Xiao Shan and Xiao Jin?"

Consort Lan's face changed dramatically, and she stammered, "I didn't mean that. I... I was just speaking foolishly in a moment of confusion."

The Emperor did not reprimand her but said, "I understand your nature. Over the years, you haven't encouraged Xiao Shan to compete with Xiao Jin, and the second branch of the Gu family has acted according to your attitude."

Tears fell from Consort Lan's eyes as she said, "Xiao Shan and the Crown Prince have a good relationship, and that makes me happy too. I'm just not very bright, saying whatever comes to mind without thinking."

"Everyone wants to speak their mind sometimes," the Emperor said calmly. "It's fine to say such things in your own palace, as long as outsiders don't hear it. But your palace can't keep a secret, otherwise, those words wouldn't have spread. You wouldn't have become estranged from the Empress, and there wouldn't be so many taboos between Xiao Shan and Xiao Jin."

At first, Consort Lan didn't quite understand, but then she suddenly realized that the Emperor was implying that there were spies from other concubines in her palace.

That night, after leaving Consort Lan's palace, the Emperor went to see the Empress. By the next morning, everyone in Jinglan Hall, except for Cui Shu and the head eunuch, had been replaced.

Xiao Shan heard the news the next day.

After hearing everything, he said to Xie Zhui, "This is something Father Emperor would do."

Xie Zhui didn't respond to that comment. Instead, he said, "I've always had a question..."

"You want to know why the Crown Prince and I have such a good relationship?" Xiao Shan smiled.

Xie Zhui nodded.

Xiao Shan said, "Let me think about how to explain this."

Where should he begin?

After pondering for a while, he realized that it all started with the time he fell into the water when he was young.
