Salted Fish Chapter 30

 Chapter 30


After waking up, Xiao Shan smelled a faint, sweet scent.

He opened his eyes to see a fruit plate on the bedside table and a few orange peels beside the pillow, while Xie Zhui was no longer by his side. At this moment, Xiao Shan felt an empty pang in his stomach, a bit of hunger, but he couldn't stomach anything, which was somewhat upsetting.

He reached for the orange peels and held them to his nose, breathing in the light fragrance. The dizzying characteristics of seasickness persisted, yet his tumultuous heart found absolute solace in the scent.

When he switched to another piece of orange peel and placed it over his nose, Xie Zhui pushed the door open and entered. The first thing he saw was Xiao Shan's fair face with a piece of orange peel on it.

Seeing Xiao Shan acting so childishly, Xie Zhui was momentarily stunned. Noticing that Xiao Shan no longer looked as dejected as before, a smile spread across his face.

Xiao Shan, with the orange peel on his nose, didn't move. He looked at the person at the door with a smile in his eyes and said, "It works quite well." In truth, the effect was minimal, but this was Xie Zhui's thoughtful gesture, and he didn't want to disappoint him.

A good mood was also a remedy for seasickness.

Xie Zhui, being reserved, walked over and said, "It's a folk remedy. It works for some people and not for others." Xiao Shan's spirits were still not very high, and his words were not entirely sincere, but Xie Zhui didn't want to expose that.

Xie Zhui sat by the bed and said, "I made some porridge with some appetite-stimulating ingredients. Would you like to have some?"

Xiao Shan raised an eyebrow and asked, "You made it yourself?"

Xie Zhui nodded. He wasn't particularly skilled at cooking, but he could make decent porridge, though it wasn't as good as what the chefs at the prince's residence could make.

Xiao Shan sat up, and the orange peel fell onto his lap. He thought to himself that since Xie Zhui had personally made the porridge, he couldn't let it go to waste, no matter how little appetite he had.

Seeing that Xiao Shan was willing to eat, Xie Zhui was quite pleased and immediately went out to get the porridge.

The weather was hot, and the windows in the room were open, allowing a view of the distant river.

The water's surface was constantly undulating, far from calm.

As Xiao Shan watched, he began to feel a bit dizzy. If it weren't so hot, he would have closed the windows tightly.

Xiao Shan had never traveled by boat before. The Emperor didn't like southern tours, and Xiao Shan had reason to suspect that the Emperor also got seasick.

While thinking about these random things, Xie Zhui brought the porridge over.

The porridge was a bit hot, with some crushed hawthorn added, creating a beautiful contrast of red dots in the white bowl.

In addition to the porridge, Xie Zhui also brought a plate of refreshing pickled radish strips.

Xiao Shan invited Xie Zhui to join him in eating the porridge. Without much hesitation, Xie Zhui went out to get another bowl and then quietly started eating.

The porridge was still a bit hot, with a slightly sweet and sour taste. Paired with a bite of the crisp and delicious radish strips, it was perfect.

Xie Zhui swallowed the radish strip and then realized that Xiao Shan had fed it to him, and he had eaten it without thinking.

Xie Zhui felt the room was a bit hot, and his face started to burn with heat.

Xiao Shan's expression remained exceptionally calm, as if he had done something completely normal. He said, "Just drinking porridge is boring. These radish strips are delicious. You should eat more." As a couple, they should share both the porridge and the radish strips.

Xie Zhui lowered his eyes and said, "These were brought by my elder brother. If you like them, I can get more."

"Next time," Xiao Shan replied bluntly, not bothering to be polite upon hearing that they were Xie Chen's.

Xie Zhui acknowledged and continued to quietly drink his porridge and eat the radish strips that Xiao Shan gave him.

Despite feeling seasick, Xiao Shan's appetite was surprisingly good, and he finished the entire bowl of porridge.

Xie Zhui breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn't worried about Xiao Shan being picky. He was just afraid that Xiao Shan wouldn't be able to eat anything.

After Xiao Shan finished eating, Xie Zhui took the bowl out.

Xiao Shan didn't think Xie Zhui should be doing these chores, but getting up and moving around on the boat would likely make him vomit.

To be safe, he stayed curled up in bed without moving.

Xie Zhui went to the kitchen and personally washed the bowl.

They didn't use the utensils on the boat; these were brought from the prince's residence.

After washing the bowl, Xie Zhui prepared to return and put it away.

On the way, he encountered Gu Ning, a guard from Xie Chen's side.

Gu Ning used to roam the martial world, but after being severely injured in the northern frontier, he was taken in by Xie Chen. Gu Ning was very skilled and usually quiet.

Seeing Gu Ning, Xie Zhui spoke before he could, "Is it my elder brother who wants to see me?"

Gu Ning nodded.

Xie Zhui, holding the bowl, followed him to see Xie Chen.

Xie Chen didn't get seasick, but he was also drinking the porridge that Xie Zhui had made.

When he heard that Xie Zhui had arrived, Xie Chen smiled faintly and asked, "Is the Third Master awake?"

Xie Zhui nodded and said, "He managed to drink some porridge. If this continues, I'm afraid he'll suffer for a while."

Xie Chen fell silent. If they were to compare suffering, wasn't Xie Zhui enduring more when he fought on the battlefield? He didn't find it hard back then, yet now he was worried about Xiao Shan's seasickness.

Since they had left the capital, they naturally didn't use their titles or real names.

Xie Zhui was a bit of an exception. The cinnabar mole on his forehead was a particularly noticeable mark.

Anyone who wanted to find someone with such a feature would certainly be able to identify him.

In Xie Zhui's opinion, it was most suitable for him to disguise himself as a man for this trip. By covering the cinnabar mole on his forehead with powder and slightly covering his forehead with his hair, he wouldn't attract attention.

He could pose as Xiao Shan's guard.

Xie Chen also thought this was a good idea.

But Xiao Shan disagreed. Xiao Shan said that Xie Zhui was his husband and there was no need to hide it.

The key issue was that everyone knew Xie Zhui had once disguised himself as a ger to join the army, and they were traveling with Zong Qing.

Zong Qing knew Xie Zhui's true identity and certainly wouldn't treat him as a man, which would make interactions awkward and easily noticeable.

Rather than risk this, it was better to openly present Xie Zhui as a ger. Of course, they couldn't leave the cinnabar mole exposed; instead, they needed to make it even more striking.

So, while both involved some deception, Xie Zhui thought of covering the mole.

Xiao Shan, on the other hand, wanted to enhance the mole's original color.

This way, Xie Zhui could share a room with him without anyone raising questions.

Regardless of what others thought, Xie Zhui was convinced.

At this moment, his identity was that of a ger, and he was still Xiao Shan's husband.

Xie Chen didn't call Xie Zhui over for any particular reason. He just noticed that during this trip, being in close proximity to Xie Zhui, he suddenly realized that Xie Zhui's attitude towards Xiao Shan had changed significantly.

They had become much more intimate and close.

Xie Chen wasn't sure if this change was good or bad.

Xie Zhui had been in the military camp, which was the most dangerous yet the most straightforward place.

As long as one was strong enough, one could earn everyone's admiration.

But the back courtyard of the prince's residence was different from the military camp. The back courtyard was always a place where people could be killed without shedding blood.

He didn't think this way because he believed Xie Zhui wasn't good enough. On the contrary, he thought Xie Zhui was the best brother in the world, deserving to be cherished by anyone. He just didn't fully trust Xiao Shan.

First and foremost, Xiao Shan's identity was clear—he was a prince, and he would eventually need to have his own offspring.

But Xie Zhui was a ger, making childbirth difficult.

As a prince, Xiao Shan would inevitably have various beauties around him for the sake of having heirs. Xie Chen feared that Xie Zhui would become more deeply involved and eventually get hurt.

In the past, Xie Zhui understood this and was indifferent to the idea of Xiao Shan having concubines in the future, not caring at all.

At that time, Xie Chen was very reassured. Now, however, Xie Zhui seemed to have forgotten his original intentions and was becoming more emotionally involved, which was not a good thing.

Xie Chen originally wanted to discuss this with Xie Zhui, to give him a sense of caution.

However, when Xie Zhui actually stood before him, hearing the unmistakable concern for Xiao Shan in Xie Zhui's tone, Xie Chen suddenly found himself unwilling to say anything.

At least for now, Xie Zhui was happy, experiencing all sorts of emotions while being with the person he was closest to.

It was just a trip to and from Jiangnan, after all. What harm was there in letting him be joyful?

If one day Xie Zhui were to be hurt by Xiao Shan, he still had a home, and he still had him, his brother.

With these thoughts in mind, Xie Chen said, "Hearing you say this, it seems the Third Master has regained some appetite. You needn't worry too much."

Xie Zhui, preoccupied with concern for Xiao Shan, who still looked unwell, didn't have the mind to ponder other matters.

He said with a heavy heart, "He really likes the radish strips you brought, Brother. Could you spare us some more?"

Xie Chen: "..."

Here he was, worrying about his brother possibly being mistreated in the future, while his brother was already starting to take things from him to give to his prince.


The following half month proved that Xie Zhui's concerns were not unfounded.

Xiao Shan's appetite remained poor. On rare occasions when he could force himself to eat a little, his stomach would churn from seasickness, leaving him constantly listless. He only managed to muster some energy in front of Xie Zhui.

After all this, Xiao Shan visibly lost a significant amount of weight. His cheeks were almost devoid of flesh, and he looked gaunt and sallow, resembling a refugee fleeing from disaster.

If someone were to point at him now and say he was a pampered prince, no one would believe it.

Because of this, Xie Zhui felt a mix of emotions, including a bit of heartache.

Zong Qing was loyal to the Emperor, but he wasn't rigid when it came to practical matters.

Seeing Xiao Shan in such a state, he was also very worried, fearing that if something happened to Xiao Shan, he would be in serious trouble as well. So, after a few days on the boat, seeing that the situation was not improving, he suggested that Xiao Shan disembark at the nearest dock and join the imperial envoy's procession.

Meanwhile, he would continue alone by boat to Liangzhou.

The Emperor had tasked him with keeping an eye on Xiao Shan, not only to prevent him from causing trouble but also to ensure his safety.

If something happened to Xiao Shan while he was under his watch, he wouldn't be able to answer to the Emperor.

But Xiao Shan disagreed.

Traveling to Liangzhou by water was much faster than following the large procession of the imperial envoy on land.

Staying with the envoy's procession, he would only see what others wanted him to see.

Arriving in Liangzhou ahead of time to gather information and listen to the voices of the common people was the only way to understand the true situation in Liangzhou and to determine whether Liu Jingxuan was a good official or a corrupt one.

If he disembarked now to join the envoy's procession, anyone would find it suspicious.

If word got out and reached Liangzhou, and if anyone suspected that there were still people on the boat, Zong Qing would be in danger.

When people's hearts turn malicious, no one could predict what might happen.

Therefore, no matter how uncomfortable Xiao Shan felt, he ultimately chose to endure it.

Anyway, a day would pass with just a blink of an eye, and time would eventually move forward. Sooner or later, they would set foot on Liangzhou's land.

Zong Qing couldn't persuade him, so he let him be.

However, his expression became increasingly calm, and his demeanor grew more solemn.

Fortunately, in the following days, whether it was due to adapting to life on the boat, repeatedly convincing himself that he wasn't seasick, or Xie Zhui's attentive care, Xiao Shan's appetite improved a bit. At least, he no longer vomited everything he ate.

Seeing this, Xie Zhui quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the journey was relatively smooth. Since Xiao Shan forced himself to eat something every day, his body remained in good condition, and he didn't fall ill.

Liangzhou was a key water transportation hub. It was close to Yangzhou on the inside, and following the canal outward, one could reach the East China Sea, making it an excellent place for maritime trade.

They had to wait in a long line to disembark.

When Xiao Shan's feet finally touched solid ground again, his legs were weak, and it felt like he was stepping on cotton, unable to find his footing.

He held onto Xie Zhui's hand tightly, barely managing to avoid falling.

There were many people disembarking, and everyone moved very slowly. At first, Xiao Shan and the others didn't understand why, but as they got closer, they realized that someone was collecting money there.

It was said that this money was called "disembarkation silver." What surprised Xiao Shan was that the person collecting the money wasn't an official but a steward-like figure, with a group of household servants standing behind him. The silver chest was placed right next to the table.

Once one chest was full, they would switch to another.

Many people in front of them had already paid. Some handed over a few copper coins, while others had to pay more. It was unclear what the standard was, but everyone, regardless of wealth or poverty, had to pay. Judging by their expressions, they were already accustomed to it.

Xiao Shan hadn't even entered Liangzhou yet, but he was already taken aback by the local customs.

When it was their turn, the person collecting the money saw Xiao Shan's sickly appearance and found it inauspicious. He impatiently knocked on the table and said, "You lot, one tael of disembarkation silver."

Xiao Shan was amused. In all his life, it was the first time someone had dared to speak to him in such a tone. Even his father had never done so.

Moreover, if he wasn't mistaken, the people before him had only paid a few copper coins.

However, Xiao Shan didn't intend to cause trouble at this moment, so he handed over the silver without a word.

He didn't expect that even after complying, these people would start making snide remarks.
