Salted Fish Chapter 29

 Chapter 29

Traveling by Water

Regardless of what the Emperor was planning, the decree had been issued, and there was no changing the fact that Zong Qing would be going to Liangzhou.

After receiving the decree, Xiao Shan made a special trip to the palace. It wasn't for any other reason but to inform the Emperor that he intended to take Xie Zhui with him to Liangzhou. Taking Xie Zhui along without prior notice wasn't impossible, but it would lead to a lot of subsequent trouble and potential impeachment.

He had no desire to argue with those nitpicking censors.

If this matter was approved by the Emperor, then the censors would have nothing to say.

The Emperor's eyebrows shot up upon hearing his request. "You want to take your spouse along while investigating a case in Jiangnan?"

Xiao Shan maintained a serious expression and said, "Father Emperor, it's not about taking a spouse along for the investigation; it's about taking Xie Zhui. Xie Zhui has fought and killed enemies on the battlefield. In comparison, I am powerless. If we encounter danger, he can protect me."

"Hah." The Emperor let out a cold laugh. "Don't you feel ashamed saying such nonsense? In our Da Zhou, isn't it always the men who protect their husbands? And now, in your case, it's reversed? Oh, so Xie Zhui has to protect you? Can't you protect him a bit? Besides, aren't the accompanying guards enough to protect you?"

"Father Emperor, this is different." Xiao Shan didn't even flinch at the Emperor's sarcasm, continuing smoothly, "Xie Zhui is my husband. His eyes will always be on me, and if we encounter danger, he will be the first to notice. The accompanying guards have too many people to protect. Even if I'm afraid of dying, I can't have them focus solely on me and neglect Master Zong's safety."

"As for who protects whom, Xie Zhui and I are a couple, and we are one. It doesn't matter who protects whom."

The Emperor's mouth twitched, thinking to himself, how shameless.

Moreover, Xiao Shan's ability to lie with a straight face was becoming more impressive.

Clearly, he wanted to take Xie Zhui out for a trip, yet he could come up with such a fresh and unconventional excuse.

It's not easy, truly not easy.

Seeing the Emperor's attitude softening, Xiao Shan seized the opportunity and said, "Father Emperor, please just agree to this small request."

The Emperor knew that if he didn't agree, Xiao Shan could spend the entire morning pestering him, and in the end, his ears would suffer, and he would still end up agreeing.

So, with a wave of his hand, the Emperor said, "Fine, Zhen agrees to this. But remember, as a prince, this is your first time leaving the capital on official business. Be mindful of what you should and shouldn't do in Liangzhou. Zhen doesn't want to see a pile of impeachment memorials on Zhen’s desk before you even return."

In response to the Emperor's pointed remarks, Xiao Shan laughed and said, "Father Emperor, you should know my character by now. I always act with integrity and have no fear of baseless impeachment."

Seeing his good intentions taken for granted, the Emperor felt a pang in his chest and immediately lost the desire to say another word to him. He waved his hand repeatedly, saying, "Zhen has agreed to your request. Now leave the palace."

Xiao Shan, having gotten what he wanted, left the Qianming Hall with a spring in his step.

Not long after, an attendant reported that Xiao Shan did not leave the palace directly, nor did he go to the Jinglan Hall, but instead went to the Eastern Palace.

The Emperor snorted lightly upon hearing this, "Zhen knew he couldn't be steady."

Chang Le, smiling, said, "His Highness is straightforward and never hides what he wants to do." If it were someone else, they wouldn't go to see the Crown Prince at this time, fearing the Emperor might suspect they were planning with the Crown Prince to cover up Liu Jingxuan's crimes.

But not Xiao Shan. He had a good relationship with Xiao Jin and never hid it. Even when leaving, he did so openly and with dignity.

He didn't care about suspicions at all.

Thinking about Xiao Shan's personality, the Emperor snorted, "He's had that stubborn temper since he was a child. If he learned to be secretive, he wouldn't be himself anymore."

Chang Le echoed the Emperor's sentiment.

Chang Le knew well that despite the Emperor's complaints, he actually liked Xiao Shan's straightforward nature.


Xiao Shan didn't care whether the Emperor was pleased or not. He naturally wanted to see Xiao Jin before leaving.

When he arrived at the Eastern Palace, Xiao Jin was already waiting for him—this was the tacit understanding between brothers.

Liu Jingyi did not appear, whether by her own choice or because Xiao Jin didn't want her to. 

But that was just as well; at this time, her presence wouldn't make much difference in what was said or unsaid.

Xiao Jin invited Xiao Shan to sit down and, with a disapproving look, said, "The decree has been issued, and instead of packing your bags at home, you're here in the palace. Are you deliberately looking for a scolding?"

Xiao Shan took a sip of tea and said, "Father Emperor's scoldings are always the same few phrases, nothing new. They don't bother me at all; I'm used to it. Besides, I came to the palace today for a legitimate reason, so I won't get scolded."

Xiao Jin also took a sip of tea, his expression heavy with concern.

After finishing his tea, Xiao Jin looked at Xiao Shan and spoke earnestly, "I feel uneasy about you going to Liangzhou. Before you leave, I have one thing to say: if Liu Jingxuan hasn't committed any crimes, then fine. But if he has, you must not cover for him and risk breaking the law."

With Zong Qing watching closely, any slight injustice on Xiao Shan's part would be immediately reported to the Emperor.

Xiao Shan nodded, "Don't worry, Second Brother. If he really has committed a crime, not only will I not cover for him, but I'll personally give him a beating."

Xiao Jin: "..."

He struggled for a moment and said, "There's no need for that. As a prince, you can't personally lay hands on anyone. If word gets back to the capital, the censors' memorials will fall on Father's desk like snow."

Xiao Shan's eyes curved into a bright smile. He said to Xiao Jin, "Second Brother, just rest assured. I know my limits."

Xiao Jin was not reassured at all. At this moment, his worry completely overshadowed his heavy heart.

He feared that if Liu Jingxuan had indeed committed a crime, Xiao Shan might beat him to death before he could be escorted back to the capital.

Xiao Jin knew very well that if Xiao Shan did take action, it would be on his behalf.

If Liu Jingxuan had indeed committed the crimes mentioned in Wang Xin's memorial, no matter how much the Emperor favored him or how much support he had from the civil and military officials, his reputation as the Crown Prince would still suffer.

Xiao Shan, however, didn't think much of it. He sat for a while longer, drank a cup of tea, ate two oranges, and then clapped his hands and stood up, saying, "Second Brother, it's getting late. I should go back and pack."

Xiao Jin didn't stop him but personally escorted him to the door.

Seeing that Xiao Jin wanted to continue escorting him, Xiao Shan said, "Second Brother, if you keep escorting me, you'll end up sending me out of the palace gates. Don't worry, I'm going to investigate a case, not to lose my head..."

Before he could finish, Xiao Jin's expression changed. He spat twice to the side and looked angrily at Xiao Shan. "What nonsense are you talking about? How can you say such inauspicious things before a long journey? Are you trying to make me worry myself sick in the capital?"

Seeing that Xiao Jin was genuinely upset, his face turning red with anger, Xiao Shan quickly said, "Second Brother, don't be angry. It's my fault for speaking carelessly. I take back what I said. I promise, on this trip to Liangzhou, I won't lose a single hair. If you don't believe me, you can count when I return."

Seeing that Xiao Shan had genuinely taken the lesson to heart, Xiao Jin's stern expression softened. "If you dare speak such nonsense again, I'll petition Father Emperor to give you a proper lesson."

"I won't dare, I won't dare," Xiao Shan said, taking the opportunity to slip away.

Watching his figure disappear, Xiao Jin finally turned back.

After standing in the front hall for a while, he went to the rear courtyard.

At this time, Liu Jingyi was taking a walk in the garden. Her figure was still slender, and from behind, one couldn't tell that she was pregnant.

Occasionally, when the wind blew and her clothes clung tightly to her belly, one could see her slightly protruding bump.

Xiao Jin stood there watching her, wondering if this tranquility would be disrupted in the future.

At that moment, Liu Jingyi seemed to sense something. She turned her head in Xiao Jin's direction, and when her gaze fell on him, she was slightly startled but then smiled gently.

Xiao Jin suppressed all his worries and walked towards Liu Jingyi.

No matter what the future held, at least for now, everything was calm and peaceful.

Consort Lan had been waiting for Xiao Shan to come.

She wanted to remind Xiao Shan to show some leniency. After all, Liu Jingxuan was the Crown Princess' brother, and if he could be spared, he should be.

Consort Lan had been troubled recently by the matter concerning Old Master Gu, and it had been weighing on her mind.

She wanted to do something about it.

But no matter how long she waited, Xiao Shan never came.

When she heard that Xiao Shan had already left the palace, Consort Lan was so upset that she burst into tears.

Her son was about to go on a long journey, and he didn't even think to say a word to her.


When Xiao Shan returned to the prince's residence, he called Xie Zhui to start packing their things.

Hearing this, Xie Zhui knew that the plan to travel together had succeeded. He was delighted and quickly followed Xiao Shan into the room.

To be honest, Xie Zhui didn't have many belongings.

When he first entered Prince Li's residence, he hadn't expected to stay long. Moreover, without any elders by his side, the items he brought were mostly clothes, with the rest being gifts from the Ministry of Rites and the prince's residence.

As they finished packing, Xiao Shan looked at his several boxes of belongings and then at the small box by Xie Zhui's feet. He suddenly felt a bit guilty. Despite being married for so many days, he hadn't bought anything for Xie Zhui.

He realized he had been quite neglectful.

Once they reached Liangzhou and finished investigating Liu Jingxuan's case, he was determined to take Xie Zhui around Jiangnan to enjoy its beautiful scenery. With the private funds given by the Emperor, he planned to splurge. Whatever Xie Zhui fancied, he would buy it all.

Xie Zhui, of course, had no idea what Xiao Shan was thinking. Even if he did, he would simply say that he had enough belongings.

After preparing, the two of them left the capital with Zong Qing the next day.

When Xiao Rong heard the news, he first sneered and then showed a hint of joy.

That day, after leaving the palace, he hurriedly found Gu Guang and recounted the situation.

Gu Guang, disregarding Xiao Rong's status as Prince Rui, looked at him with disappointment and said bluntly, "Your Highness, you acted too hastily." Rushing to the palace as soon as he got the news made it seem to others that he wanted to crush the Crown Prince immediately.

Later, he also expressed a desire to go to Liangzhou to handle the case. To the Emperor, this made it appear that Xiao Rong not only wanted to crush the Crown Prince but was also eager to put his plan into action.

Given the Emperor's high regard for the Crown Prince, unless he was completely muddled, this plan was doomed to fail.

Sure enough, it was Xiao Shan who was sent, and Xiao Rong didn't even get a chance.

According to Gu Guang, when the memorial reached him, he should have brought the person who submitted it to the palace to see the Emperor, while Xiao Rong should have just stood there and listened without saying a word.

But Xiao Rong was too eager to bring down the Crown Prince. The idea that the Emperor would trust him to go to Liangzhou and conduct a fair investigation was laughable.

Even though Gu Guang was Xiao Rong's father-in-law, he couldn't say this outright. In the end, he could only console Xiao Rong, "It's all because Prince Li is too arrogant and overbearing, stealing your credit in front of the Emperor. For now, Your Highness, you must endure for a while. If Xiao Shan does find something against Liu Jingxuan, it will damage his relationship with the Crown Prince. If he finds nothing, you have already shown your stance to the Emperor from the beginning, so there is no loss."

As for the questions the Emperor asked Xiao Rong, there was no need to worry too much.

After all, they had no connection with Wang Xin, nor did they instruct Wang Xin to submit the memorial. The Emperor could investigate all he wanted; he wouldn't find anything linking it to them.

However, they did need to look into why Wang Xin sent a letter to Prince Rui's residence. They needed to determine if someone was trying to frame Xiao Rong.

Xiao Rong found Gu Guang's analysis somewhat reasonable and reluctantly calmed down.

Upon hearing that Xiao Shan had left the capital today, Xiao Rong first thought about how Xiao Shan was stepping on his face to go to Liangzhou, which made him very unhappy. He wished he could immediately find someone to chop Xiao Shan up halfway there.

But then he realized that Xiao Shan leaving the capital meant he wouldn't have to see this troublemaker in the capital for a long time, which was practically a cause for universal celebration.

So, Xiao Rong felt both anger and joy about this matter.

It wasn't just him; even Xiao Yi and Xiao Xian in the palace breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing the news.

Xiao Yi mainly feared Xiao Shan's sharp tongue. Whenever Xiao Shan spoke, Xiao Yi would feel the Emperor's anger before even understanding the situation, suffering unjustly. He usually tried to avoid Xiao Shan and not provoke him.

Xiao Xian, on the other hand, thought that without Xiao Shan, he could once again become the Emperor's favorite. He could act a bit spoiled without being publicly mocked by Xiao Shan for being a baby.

Among the princes, only Xiao Jin was worried.


Meanwhile, Xiao Shan, who was in the minds of the other princes, encountered Xie Chen, who was on his way to Jiangnan to seek a renowned doctor, shortly after leaving the capital.

This time, Xie Chen had taken almost all the servants from the Xie residence with him.

At the Xie residence in the capital, only a steward, a cook, and a few maidservants and young servants remained.

With no master present, the Xie residence closed its doors to visitors.

Those who had plans to deal with Xie Chen after Xiao Shan and Xie Zhui left the capital were left speechless upon seeing this situation.

Xie Chen was truly something else, pulling the rug out from under them so skillfully.

Having 'coincidentally' encountered Xie Chen, Xiao Shan naturally couldn't let him travel to Jiangnan alone, so they all decided to travel together.

Five days after leaving the capital, Xiao Shan, Xie Zhui, Xie Chen, and Zong Qing quietly left the main group and boarded a merchant ship heading to Jiangnan.

Xiao Shan was quite displeased with this four-person arrangement. He had originally planned to travel by boat with just Xie Zhui and a couple of disguised guards. However, Zong Qing insisted on coming along, and since Zong Qing was coming, it wouldn't be appropriate to leave Xie Chen behind alone.

Naturally, Xiao Shan wasn't happy about Zong Qing tagging along, but as soon as he expressed his displeasure, Zong Qing, with a blank expression, said, "The Emperor has ordered me to keep an eye on Your Highness at all times. Please don't make it difficult for me."

Xiao Shan had no way to deal with the upright and incorruptible Master Zong, so he had to let him come along.

Just before the four of them boarded the ship, Xiao Shan couldn't help but make one last attempt. He glanced around the top of Zong Qing's head and said, "Master Zong, don't you think the light above your head is a bit too bright*?" If Zong Qing was willing to return to the main group, Xiao Shan could ask him to take care of Xie Chen…

*It often implies that someone is drawing too much attention or standing out too much

Unfortunately, Zong Qing didn't understand. With a puzzled expression, he replied earnestly, "Your Highness, please don't joke. How could there be light on someone's head?"

Xie Chen stood to the side, smiling silently.

Xiao Shan let out a long sigh and took Xie Zhui's hand as they boarded the ship.

If they had to be followed, it didn't matter whether it was one person or two.

However, not long after the ship set sail, Xiao Shan had no time to think about anything else.

He discovered for the first time that he got seasick.

Initially, he felt fine, but after half an hour, he couldn't take it anymore, his stomach churning violently.

Seeing how pale he looked, Xie Zhui quickly helped him into the cabin to lie down.

Staring at the cabin ceiling, Xiao Shan murmured, "I can handle flying in the sky and running on the ground, but I never thought I'd be defeated by traveling on water."

This time, Xie Zhui heard him clearly but didn't understand. He tightly grasped Xiao Shan's hand and said, "Your Highness, I'll go get a doctor."

For this trip, they had a doctor traveling with them, but to avoid leaking information, the doctor stayed behind with Ji An, who was pretending to be Xiao Shan.

Fortunately, Xie Chen always had a doctor with him, so it wasn't difficult to arrange.

Perhaps because it was rare for him to encounter something that truly troubled him, Xiao Shan didn't want Xie Zhui to leave his side.

He said, "Even if the doctor comes, he'll just prescribe medicine. Taking medicine now feels like torture. Just stay with me and let me sleep for a while."

Xie Zhui actually wanted to say that the doctor had many ways to alleviate his discomfort, but seeing Xiao Shan in this state, he couldn't bring himself to leave.

So, he lay down beside Xiao Shan.

The conditions here were naturally not as good as in the prince's residence. For one thing, the bed was half the size.

The two of them lay closely together. It was very hot at this time of year, but neither of them moved.

After an unknown amount of time, Xiao Shan was lulled to sleep by the rocking of the boat on the water.


  1. So, Xiao Shan is a transmigrator from the future.


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