Salted Fish Chapter 5

 Chapter 5

The Wedding Night

The next day, Xiao Shan propped himself up with his arms and sat up, rubbing his forehead which still aches slightly from drinking too much. Sensing something unusual, he instinctively looked beside him.

There lay a person sleeping next to him.

Scattered long hair obscured the sleeper's brows and eyes. The body exposed outside the brocade quilt was covered with marks of blue and purple, the robust and fluid muscle lines, and the wheat-colored skin was supple yet strong, concealing immense energy within.

The owner of this body was currently in a deep sleep.

Xiao Shan blinked, then blinked again, as the events of last night suddenly surged into his mind.

He wasn't drunk, so he clearly remembered how long he and Xie Zhui had been entangled. Xie Zhui was a general renowned across the four seas, and those hands had undoubtedly snapped countless enemy necks.

Yet last night, those hands initially clutched the corner of the quilt stiffly, and when he couldn't hold back any longer, they only lightly rested on Xiao Shan's shoulder. This person, who was usually so strong and unyielding, finally hoarsely uttered the word "please."

However, human nature was inherently flawed; the more one heard the word "please," the more one desired to obtain more and to conquer this unyielding body.

Thus, he pressed the person down and tangled with him for half the night, so much so that General Xie, who was usually highly vigilant and would wake at the slightest disturbance, had not yet awakened.

It was clear that he was utterly exhausted.

A faint sense of pride welled up in Xiao Shan's heart—he had done it.

Xiao Shan quickly composed himself. He glanced at the hourglass; it was already late. They still had to enter the palace today.

It wasn't that he didn't want to consider Xie Zhui's condition, and besides, he was the one who least wanted to get up early. But today, if he and Xie Zhui dared not to enter the palace, Xie Zhui's future days would be unbearable.

Not to mention others, just his mother, Consort Lan's tears alone could drown him.

Xiao Shan covered Xie Zhui with the quilt, then got out of bed and lightly shook the bed bell. His gaze fell to the floor, where he saw Xie Zhui's bright red wedding robe entangled with their inner garments, haphazardly scattered on the ground.

He had personally removed those clothes piece by piece, and the disarrayed state of the garments mirrored their entanglement from the previous night.

Hearing the sound of the bell, Ji An entered the inner hall, holding the new clothes that the two needed to change into. Xiao Shan quickly dressed himself.

Then he prepared to wake Xie Zhui. The time he could allow Xie Zhui to rest was limited; they could catch up on sleep properly after returning from the palace.

Such formalities as paying respects should be done early rather than late.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he saw that Xie Zhui was already awake and was silently watching him.

His expression was calm, but his earlobes... his earlobes were flushed.

Xiao Shan smiled and said, "Awake? Perfect timing. I noticed you don't have anyone to attend to you, so let Ji An assist you today. If you have someone you prefer, you can bring them after we return from the palace. If not, I can ask Emperor Father to send some attendants from the Department of Internal Affairs for you to choose from. How does that sound?"

Ji An stepped forward, and Xie Zhui lowered his eyes and said stiffly, "Thank you."

Over the years in the military camp, he had long forgotten the days of being served; he was used to doing things himself.

However, he knew today was different from usual. Today, his attire needed to conform to ceremonial standards, and the dressing process was more intricate and complex, so he had no choice but to let Ji An help.

Moreover, his legs and waist were still sore and weak, making it difficult to move.

Ji An ignored the marks on Xie Zhui's body, not even raising an eyebrow, and quickly covered them with comfortable clothing.

Under Xiao Shan's watchful gaze, Ji An helped Xie Zhui dress as quickly as possible and then tied up his hair.

With his long hair tied up, Xie Zhui's broad forehead, elegant brows, and sharp eyes were revealed.

Xiao Shan took a white jade hairpin and secured it in Xie Zhui's hair.

He himself used a white jade hair crown, made from the same material as the white jade hairpin.

After dressing and washing up, Xiao Shan said, "Let's go."

Xie Zhui responded with a simple "Okay."

After the two left, Chuntao and Qiu Ju came in to tidy up the bed.

Ji An, who was to accompany Xiao Shan to the palace, reminded them before leaving, "Place Prince Consort's and His Highness' items together, and don't touch them randomly, or His Highness will be displeased."

Chuntao and Qiu Ju quickly responded, knowing that Ji An was subtly reminding them to avoid any taboos.

The disarray of the bed indicated the events of the previous night, especially since Xiao Shan had called for water midway through.

Although the rules in the prince's residence were strict, the servants would still quietly discuss Xie Zhui's situation after entering the residence. No one expected that Xiao Shan would consummate the marriage so thoroughly on the wedding night.

They didn't expect it, and neither did Xie Zhui.

The Xie family was much more open-minded compared to ordinary families. Xie Zhui had liked weapons and martial arts since childhood, and his father never stopped him. He even said it was good, as it would prevent him from being bullied in the future. On ordinary days, Xie Zhui could also cover his cinnabar mole and disguise himself as a man to observe the world.

He had also learned household management to avoid being clueless after marriage and had once imagined what kind of person he would live with in the future, thinking only of mutual respect and harmony.

However, after entering the battlefield, he was too preoccupied with concealing his identity and surviving to have time or mood for such romantic thoughts.

After being betrothed to Xiao Shan, he considered both the best and worst-case scenarios.

The best-case scenario was that Xiao Shan would ignore him and treat him as if he didn't exist, allowing him to live alone in the rear courtyard of Prince Li's residence. Over time, there might even be a chance for them to separate, granting him a belated freedom.

The worst-case scenario was that Xiao Shan would vent his anger and humiliate him due to rumors.

He hoped for the best outcome but was not afraid of the worst.

However, he did not expect that neither scenario would come to pass.

Last night, when Xiao Shan pressed down on him, his first thought was that Xiao Shan intended to humiliate him in this manner.

He even raised his hand, ready to knock Xiao Shan unconscious, but he saw no cruelty or mockery in Xiao Shan's eyes. Xiao Shan was merely demonstrating how a wedding night should be spent according to societal norms.

Throughout the entire process, Xiao Shan was very patient, and the pain was only momentary at the beginning. After Xiao Shan became familiar with his body, what followed were waves of unbearable pleasure.

Until he was utterly exhausted, his mind was devoid of any thoughts other than fatigue and an unwillingness to move.

He didn't even know when Xiao Shan had cleaned him and bathed him; he only knew that when he woke up, his body was dry and clean.

He had always thought he was good at judging people, but now he realized he couldn't understand Xiao Shan at all.

Xiao Shan noticed that Xie Zhui kept his eyes lowered, so he took the initiative to pick up a piece of rose silk pastry from the small table and brought it to Xie Zhui's mouth, saying, "We need to take a long walk around the palace. Eat something to fill your stomach first."

Xie Zhui looked up. He wanted to reach out and take the pastry, but Xiao Shan brought it closer to his mouth again, making his intention clear.

Almost involuntarily, Xie Zhui opened his mouth and bit into the pastry.

It had a faint sweetness, not at all cloying.

Afterward, Xie Zhui took the initiative to pick up the pastry and started eating, avoiding being fed. Xiao Shan then gave up on the idea.

Xiao Shan enjoyed comfort, and the carriage was arranged to be extremely cozy. Thick and soft carpets were laid on the floor, with a small table on top holding food, an incense burner, and a chessboard, along with two small cushions.

The cushions could be used for leaning against or as pillows.

Having been up all night, Xiao Shan was also a bit tired.

So he leaned half-reclined against a pillow, propping his head with his arm and bending his long legs. Compared to Xie Zhui, who sat upright, Xiao Shan could be said to have no regard for appearances.

Seeing that Xie Zhui had finished his snack, Xiao Shan lazily said, "Doesn't your waist hurt? Why don't you lie down for a bit?"

Even his own waist felt uncomfortable, not to mention that Xie Zhui's long legs had either been hanging on him or kneeling, with his waist suspended the entire time last night.

The carriage was spacious enough to accommodate two people lying down without feeling crowded.

Xie Zhui's waist felt as if it were about to break, and the swelling and pain in that area were even more intense. This sensation was more unbearable than being cut by a knife. However, he did not show it and simply shook his head, declining Xiao Shan's suggestion.

Xiao Shan did not force him and instead said, "We'll be at the palace soon. I'll give you a massage when we get back."

Although it was a perfectly normal and serious statement, Xie Zhui suddenly recalled how Xiao Shan had used the same tone last night, whispering phrases like "gently knead and twist" in his ear... and not just saying it, but also following through with his hands.

As a result, the areas of his body that had been rubbed and kneaded for so long now felt a bit sore when touched by his clothes.

Xie Zhui's expression tightened, and his demeanor grew even colder. He tried hard to push those images out of his mind.

To avoid overthinking, Xie Zhui changed the topic: "Is there anything I should be aware of when entering the palace?"

Xiao Shan lazily replied, "There's nothing much with Emperor Father and Empress Mother, mainly it's my Consort Mother. You must have heard about her temperament. You don't need to take her words to heart or let them bother you. Don't wrong yourself; I will handle everything."

Xie Zhui felt reassured and understood.

Fortunately, they soon arrived at the palace. Once inside, they could no longer use their own carriage and switched to a sedan chair.

The two first went to pay their respects to Emperor Xiao Sheng.

Xiao Sheng, with his sharp eyes and clear mind, immediately understood from their demeanor that the wedding night had been consummated.

He had always thought that Xiao Shan would remain celibate into old age, but unexpectedly, he broke his vow with Xie Zhui.

Recalling that Xiao Shan had once mentioned his fondness for beauties, Xiao Sheng discreetly observed Xie Zhui and thought to himself that Xiao Shan indeed had a unique taste.

It seemed their definitions of beauty differed, which explained why the people sent to Xiao Shan before had never piqued his interest, leaving him a monk for nineteen years.

In a good mood, Xiao Sheng bestowed two brocade boxes upon them and then said, "It's getting late. You should go pay your respects to the Empress and Consort Lan."

Xiao Shan and Xie Zhui acknowledged this, bowed again, and then rose to leave.

After they left, Xiao Sheng took a sip of tea and remarked, "That rascal has grown up. It seems he is quite satisfied with the marriage I arranged."

Chang Le, who was beside him, smiled and said, "A marriage bestowed by Your Majesty is naturally a good one. The prince is both filial and wise."

"He may be filial, but as long as he doesn't anger me, that's good enough," Xiao Sheng snorted. As for his wisdom, Xiao Sheng did not deny it. After all, this marriage was his decree, and regardless of what others thought, Xiao Shan had given Xie Zhui ample respect on their wedding night.

Giving face to Xie Zhui was equivalent to giving face to himself.

Clever and yet not annoying, Xiao Shan had always been this way since childhood, though he never focused on serious matters and disliked suffering losses.

"Let's not talk about him anymore, lest I get angry," Xiao Sheng said irritably, recalling instances where Xiao Shan refused to be at a disadvantage.

Chang Le did not respond to this remark. There were things that Xiao Sheng could say, but as servants, they could not bring them up.

Who would dare to guess the Emperor's thoughts recklessly?

Meanwhile, Xiao Shan and Xie Zhui went to pay their respects to the Empress. The Empress, dignified and gracious, spoke a few words encouraging them to live well together. She also bestowed some gifts upon them before sending them off to Jinglan Hall.

In Jinglan Hall, Consort Lan had not slept well for several nights, and her face looked somewhat haggard. Today, after waiting anxiously and drinking three cups of tea, she finally saw them arrive.

Consort Lan had never met Xie Zhui before. At first glance, she noticed that Xie Zhui appeared even more masculine than Xiao Shan, with a complexion that was neither fair nor gentle. Consort Lan's heart instantly felt as bitter as if she had swallowed gall; her eyes stung and ached, and she immediately felt like bursting into tears.

With a daughter-in-law like this, she and Xiao Shan would surely be the subject of ridicule in the future.

Fortunately, Cui Shu, aware that countless eyes in the harem were watching Jinglan Hall today, discreetly nudged Consort Lan.

Consort Lan, suppressing her discomfort, allowed the two to rise and granted them seats.

Facing the stern Xie Zhui, Consort Lan really did not feel like speaking.

Since she remained silent, Xiao Shan spoke up: "Mother, you look a bit haggard. Are you feeling unwell? Should we summon the imperial physician to check your pulse?"

Consort Lan replied sullenly, "It's nothing serious, no need to check the pulse."

Xiao Shan chuckled, "Mother Consort, what are you saying? Even minor ailments should be checked. You are kind-hearted and don't want to trouble the imperial physicians, but they are paid to attend to such matters, aren't they?"

Knowing that he was concerned about her, Consort Lan felt a bit better and said, "You always know what to say. I want to have a word with... with your consort. The Crown Prince is looking for you; you should go to the Eastern Palace."

Xiao Shan, not wanting to go, leaned lazily against the back of his chair and said, "Mother Consort, both my Prince Consort and I are a bit tired. Can't it wait a few days?"

Seeing his demeanor, Consort Lan thought of the saying: "With a wife, one forgets his mother."

Tears welled up in Consort Lan's eyes.

Xiao Shan, seeing her expression, felt a headache coming on. At this moment, Xie Zhui silently tugged at his sleeve.

When Xiao Shan looked over, Xie Zhui gave a silent nod.

Xiao Shan stood up, looking resigned, and said, "Mother Consort, don't be upset. I will go."

Before leaving, he looked at Xie Zhui and said, "If you really feel unwell, just tell Mother Consort. She won't blame you."

Xie Zhui responded affirmatively.

After Xiao Shan left, Consort Lan finally couldn't hold back her tears and began to cry.

Cui Shu hurried to comfort her.

It was the first time Xie Zhui had seen someone cry so heartbreakingly without any apparent reason. He stood up and quietly watched Consort Lan, wanting to understand what exactly she was crying about.

Consort Lan's crying momentarily halted under Xie Zhui's clear, and distinct gaze.

Cui Shu looked at Xie Zhui and said, "The Consort is kind-hearted and easily moved to tears. She means no harm; please don't take it to heart, Your Highness."

Xie Zhui shook his head.

Consort Lan, clutching her chest, said, "My heart feels terribly uncomfortable. Have him leave."

Cui Shu looked at Xie Zhui with a troubled expression.

Xie Zhui silently walked out and stood in front of the inner hall.
