Salted Fish Chapter 4

 Chapter 4

The Prince's Temperament

Xiao Shan arrived at the Xie residence right on time.

From a distance, the Xie residence looked very festive with red silk draped everywhere. But upon closer inspection, it was clear that the festivity was only superficial, as the gatekeeper still wore an expression of disbelief upon seeing Xiao Shan.

It seemed they had never expected to see Xiao Shan today.

Xie Zhui's relatives were not around, and due to the special nature of the marriage, it was the officials from the Ministry of Rites who were present to lend support.

The officials from the Ministry of Rites were eager to complete their task quickly, so their attempts to block the groom from fetching the bride were particularly perfunctory. Moreover, everyone knew that Prince Li's studies had gone to the dogs; they didn't dare to really pose any difficult questions to Xiao Shan. They also feared that Xiao Shan might not follow the rules and would scold them on the spot.

Their worry was not unfounded. Just the year before last, an official got drunk during the Emperor's birthday celebration and started pouring out his heart. Somehow, he ended up talking about several princes. It seemed that before he got drunk, his deepest impression was of Xiao Shan, so he began by saying that the Third Prince, Xiao Shan, was uneducated, acted without rules, and was excessively unruly. If not properly disciplined, he would become a disgrace to the royal family.

Before the Emperor could respond, Xiao Shan himself jumped out and angrily rebuked the official, accusing him of having ulterior motives. Xiao Shan said the official knew he was poor at studying yet still brought it up, clearly looking for trouble.

At that time, someone advised Xiao Shan that he shouldn't get angry with a drunken official. How did Xiao Shan respond?

Xiao Shan, his chest heaving with anger, coldly laughed in front of everyone and said, "People often say that when a dog bites a person, it's just the behavior of an animal and not worth arguing over. But I'm different. If a dog dares to bite me, I won't rest until I've bitten that dog to death."

These words left people speechless, unable to find a way to refute him. Even the Emperor was stunned by his statement, his lips moving but no words came out and his hand holding the wine cup was trembling. In the end, he didn't say a single word.

Later, Xiao Shan was confined to his home for three months for his inappropriate behavior in front of the court. As for the drunken official, he was sent to the northwest to reclaim wasteland and was still there to this day.

People become officials not only to serve the country and seek welfare for the people but also for their own enjoyment.

Who would willingly want to be exiled to the barbaric northwest?

The officials from the Ministry of Rites, realizing their thoughts had wandered too far, quickly ushered Xiao Shan inside after he passed the checkpoint.

Xiao Shan was quite surprised, "That's it?" He had heard that marrying a wife or a ger required passing three checkpoints and defeating six generals. He had even secretly prepared a poem for knocking on the door, hidden in his sleeve, ready to use.

The officials from the Ministry of Rites were unaware of this and quickly nodded, "Yes, that's sufficient. Your Highness can now go to fetch the prince consort."

Xiao Shan stood with his hands behind his back and sighed, "I truly am a natural-born genius. It doesn't show in everyday life, but it reveals itself at critical moments."

The officials from the Ministry of Rites froze upon hearing this, their smiles becoming very forced.

They guessed it was their first time encountering such a "natural-born genius" and couldn't find any words of praise. They simply said, "Your Highness, the prince consort is waiting inside. Please don't miss the auspicious time."

Xiao Shan gave them a sideways glance, feeling quite pleased with himself, and walked in the direction they indicated, his face full of pride.

The officials from the Ministry of Rites: "..."

What's there to be so proud of? Does he really think he's a literary star descended from the heavens?


Xiao Shan slightly raised his long, narrow eyebrows when he saw Xie Zhui dressed in bright red wedding attire.

Xie Zhui was not like the gers from other families in the capital, who had fair skin and gentle, soft features.

Xie Zhui had a handsome face, and due to years of exposure to the wind and sun at the border, his skin was a healthy wheat color. His face was deep-set and sharp, as if carved by a knife, with no trace of softness, and his sword-like eyebrows slanted into his temples.

Although the wedding attire was extremely festive, on him, it exuded a cold and murderous aura.

Perhaps he was not quite accustomed to the current situation, as his body appeared somewhat stiff.

Xiao Shan's gaze lingered on Xie Zhui for just a moment before quickly moving away, so fast that no one noticed.

The master of ceremonies spoke auspicious and festive words, hinting that Xiao Shan could now take Xie Zhui away.

Since Xie Zhui was a ger, there was no need for anyone to carry him or for him to cover his face with a veil.

Xiao Shan stepped forward, took the other end of the red silk in Xie Zhui's hand, and said, "Let's go."

Xie Zhui kept his eyes lowered, his long lashes hiding the indifferent and emotionless look in his eyes. He followed Xiao Shan calmly.

The festive musicians played joyful tunes as they followed Xiao Shan from Prince Li's residence to the Xie residence and then back to Prince Li's residence.

With a prince getting married, the streets had long been cleared.

Since there was no one to block the way or watch the excitement, Xiao Shan's procession to fetch the bride was quick, and the return was equally swift.

After the two efficiently completed the wedding ceremony, Xiao Shan escorted Xie Zhui to the inner hall. Unlike other weddings, there were no female elders or the main consort accompanying the newlyweds in the inner hall, making the wedding seem even more peculiar. Fortunately, the happiness characters pasted everywhere added a festive touch.

Xiao Shan looked at Xie Zhui, who was quietly sitting there, and asked, "Would you like to join me in toasting the guests?"

In fact, gers were relatively freer compared to women. For example, on the wedding day, they could go out with the groom to toast the guests. However, most families typically kept them confined to the back courtyard, so no one had actually done this.

Xie Zhui didn't expect Xiao Shan to have such an idea. Unsure of what Xiao Shan was thinking, he replied, "No need."

Having spent years on the battlefield leading a group of unruly young men, Xie Zhui needed to command respect, so his manner of speaking was rather cold and stern. His hand tightened under the wide sleeve of his robe; he couldn't soften his demeanor.

If others saw this situation, they would surely say that Xie Zhui was a very unlikable ger.

Xiao Shan had no such thoughts. He casually nodded after hearing Xie Zhui's response, "Then, I'll go out by myself. Chuntao and Dongmei are waiting outside. If you need anything, just call for them."

Xie Zhui acknowledged with a sound.

It was only after Xiao Shan left that he raised his head.

While others might see the lack of company as a deliberate slight or an attempt to give him a hard time, Xie Zhui felt a great sense of relief.

He didn't like being accompanied, nor did he enjoy being watched like a monkey.

The solitude suited him perfectly, allowing him to quietly think about the present and the future.

Xiao Shan was outside entertaining the guests.

Regardless of how everyone viewed this marriage, it was decreed by the Emperor, so they had to maintain appearances.

As the Crown Prince, Xiao Jin arrived early, giving Xiao Shan ample respect. Xiao Jin originally intended for the Crown Princess, Lady Liu, to accompany Xie Zhui for a chat. However, since Lady Liu had just been found to be pregnant, he didn't bring her along.

He planned to report this happy news to the Emperor after Xiao Shan's wedding, so as not to steal Xiao Shan's thunder.

Nevertheless, worried that Xiao Shan might overthink, he discreetly pulled him aside to a corner and whispered a few words.

Xiao Shan was delighted upon hearing the news. Xiao Jin had been married for two years without any children. Xiao Rong, who was three years older than them, already had two daughters and a son. The Empress had been so anxious over this that she was nearly getting blisters on her lips. This child came at a very timely moment.

It wasn't appropriate to discuss this matter further. When they saw Xiao Rong and the Fourth Prince Xiao Yi, along with the Fifth Prince Xiao Xian, approaching, they tacitly changed the subject.

Leaving aside Xiao Rong, the eldest prince, let's talk about Xiao Yi. At fifteen, he was passionate about calligraphy and painting. His artwork was exceptional, and he was also skilled in composing poetry, holding a high status among scholars.

As for Xiao Xian, he was not yet ten years old and was at the age of being a lively and energetic child.

The person Xiao Xian disliked the most was Xiao Shan.

As the Emperor's youngest son, and with his mother, Consort Xian, having a certain amount of influence, he was quite favored by the Emperor. By being young, others more or less indulged him.

But this did not include Xiao Shan. Not only did Xiao Shan never indulge him, but he had also even beaten him up.

If it weren't for Xiao Yi's sake, he wouldn't have come this time.

As the eldest brother, Xiao Rong, regardless of his true feelings towards Xiao Shan, had to maintain proper etiquette and say the right things in public.

He first led his younger brothers in greeting Xiao Jin, then offered Xiao Shan a few words of congratulations, and afterward, with a reluctant expression, mentioned that he had originally intended to bring his princess consort along to chat with Xie Zhui, but she was unfortunately ill.

Of course, these were just polite words. No one wanted to associate with a ger of Xie Zhui's status.

Afterward, Xiao Rong invited Xiao Yi and Xiao Xian to sit together, leaving Xiao Jin standing alone.

This behavior could be seen as a sign of respect—after all, the Crown Prince sitting alone at a table was acceptable—or it could be seen as an act of isolation.

It all depended on one's perspective.

Xiao Jin didn't take Xiao Rong's little tricks to heart at all. Today was Xiao Shan's big day, and there was no need to fuss over it.

Xiao Shan was egged on by Xiao Rong and the others to drink quite a bit, and in the end, it was Xiao Jin who helped him out of the situation.

Even so, by the time he was being helped back to his room, his steps were unsteady, clearly showing that he was thoroughly drunk.

Xiao Yi, who usually spent his time painting or writing poetry, rarely engaged in such antics. Once things calmed down, he couldn't help but ask, "Eldest Brother, is this alright?" as he watched Xiao Shan being supported by the servants, still mumbling about wanting more wine.

Xiao Rong nonchalantly said, "What's the harm in this? We might have even helped him out."

Xiao Xian didn't understand and asked, "Eldest Brother, what do you mean by that?"

Xiao Rong gave him a sidelong glance, "Children shouldn't ask too many questions."

Xiao Yi had already figured it out. Xiao Rong meant that Xiao Shan didn't want to consummate the marriage, and being drunk gave him a perfect excuse to avoid it.

Realizing this, Xiao Yi's fair face instantly turned red. He cleared his throat and said, "Eldest Brother, it's getting late. We... we should head back."

Seeing Xiao Yi's demeanor, Xiao Rong thought he was being overly pretentious and was about to make a crude remark when Xiao Jin walked over and said, "It's getting late. Let's go back."

Xiao Rong, disliking Xiao Jin's affected manner even more, simply grunted in response and returned to his own residence, Prince Rui's residence.

Since Xiao Yi and Xiao Xian were still underage and had not yet left the palace, they returned to the palace with Xiao Jin.

As for the tradition of teasing the newlyweds, that was out of the question.

No one dared to disrupt the wedding night of someone as unruly as Xiao Shan.

Those returning from the wedding banquet had various thoughts in their minds.

When Xiao Rong got married, both the Emperor and the Empress bestowed gifts.

When Xiao Jin got married, it was even more grand. The Emperor and the Empress attended in person, bestowing great honor.

But for Xiao Shan, not only did the Emperor and Empress not give any gifts, even Consort Lan didn't make any gesture.

It seemed that Xie Zhui's future days would be difficult.

Over time, if resentment deepened between Xie Zhui and Prince Li, this marriage might turn into enmity.


At this moment, in the inner hall of the bridal chamber.

As soon as Xiao Shan entered the room, his eyes cleared up from their previous haze.

There was no sign of drunkenness at all.

After having some food prepared, he looked at the stiff Xie Zhui and said, "You should eat something first. I'm reeking of alcohol, so I'll go wash up."

Xie Zhui agreed, and Xiao Shan smiled slightly before heading to the bathroom adjacent to the inner hall.

After washing up, Xiao Shan returned to the inner hall wearing his inner garments.

He saw Xie Zhui sitting at the table, waiting to dine together.

A faint smile appeared in Xiao Shan's eyes. He walked over and picked up the two cups of wine on the table, saying, "Nuptial wine."

Xie Zhui looked up in surprise, then slowly took the cup and drank it with Xiao Shan.

After finishing the wine, Xiao Shan said, "The dishes have gone cold. You should eat quickly."

Xie Zhui glanced at him, and Xiao Shan added, "I'm not hungry." Although he wasn't drunk, he had drunk quite a bit of wine, and his stomach was full from the alcohol, so he didn't feel like eating.

Xie Zhui ate quickly but not rudely. After finishing, he put down his chopsticks and looked up at Xiao Shan. Their eyes met, and time seemed to stand still, with only the sound of their breathing softly filling the air.

Xiao Shan was the first to speak, leisurely saying, "It's getting late. Let's rest."

Xie Zhui's heart tightened, and he said, "I'll go wash my face."

Xie Zhui didn't like being served by others, so he handled his own washing up.

During this time, Xiao Shan half-layed on the bed, staring at him the entire time, his gaze unabashed. Xie Zhui could even feel Xiao Shan's eyes scanning him from head to toe.

After washing his face, Xie Zhui saw in the bronze mirror that the scar on his brow, previously covered by powder, was now visible. There should have been a cinnabar mole there, but at this moment, the mole was dull, covered by mottled scars.

Xie Zhui withdrew his gaze from the bronze mirror and walked towards the bed. He was always taciturn and thought Xiao Shan disliked him, assuming they would sleep in separate rooms tonight.

But to his surprise, Xiao Shan didn't seem to have that intention.

This situation unsettled him.

As Xie Zhui reached the bedside, Xiao Shan looked up at him and noticed the dull cinnabar mole on his brow. "Why didn't I see this earlier?" he asked.

Xie Zhui replied heavily, "The matchmaker said it was inauspicious on the wedding day, so it was covered..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Shan suddenly grabbed his hand and forcefully pulled him onto the bed.

Xie Zhui's gaze turned icy and sharp. Instinctively, he wanted to strike Xiao Shan's neck, but remembering that this was not an enemy, he stopped his movement just in time. In a flash, Xiao Shan had already positioned himself on top.

In Xie Zhui's wide-open eyes, Xiao Shan's extraordinarily handsome face came closer and closer. He felt Xiao Shan's slightly cool hand brush over his brow.

Amidst his panic and fear, he heard Xiao Shan's amused voice, "Did you do this to yourself? Aren't you afraid of the pain?"

Suppressing his inner turmoil, Xie Zhui calmly asked, "What is Your Highness doing?"

Xiao Shan raised an eyebrow and picked up a lock of hair by Xie Zhui's ear, his voice low and husky with a smile, "On the wedding night, naturally, we should do what needs to be done."

Xiao Shan was extremely handsome, to the point of being strikingly so. At this moment, the light from the lamp on the bedside table softly fell into his clear eyes, making them seem to hold a warm and dazzling glow.

The light masked the arrogance within, adding a touch of tenderness and allure.

Xie Zhui averted his eyes and said in a low, urgent voice, "Your Highness, please don't joke."

Xiao Shan's hand, which was tugging at his hair, paused slightly, "Do you have someone you like?"

Xie Zhui replied, "No."

"Do you dislike me?"

"Not at all."

A smile appeared in Xiao Shan's eyes as he inched closer to Xie Zhui, until their breaths mingled.

"In that case..."
