Salted Fish Chapter 59

 Chapter 59

The Culprit Who Pushed

Xiao Shan didn't care at all about what Xiao Rong and Xiao Yi were grumbling about in their hearts. He said what needed to be said, and he wouldn't be the one feeling unhappy. Xiao Shan knew he was petty. When Xiao Rong publicly asked the Emperor to reassign him, it was a clear slap in the face, telling everyone they weren't on the same side.

Although Xiao Shan didn't let Xiao Rong get the upper hand back then, now that he had the chance, he naturally wanted to mock Xiao Rong. And this time, Xiao Rong could only swallow his anger in silence. Since it didn't concern his own interests, why would Xiao Shan care about Xiao Rong's feelings?

The journey back to the capital was slow due to Xiao Shan's injuries. Throughout the journey, Xiao Shan was very worried about Xie Zhui's health. Fortunately, Xie Zhui only occasionally felt nauseous, but most of the time, he could control it.

Thinking about the timing of Xie Zhui's pregnancy, Xiao Shan just wanted to hit his own head. The child must have been conceived during those nights when they returned to the capital from Liangzhou. They had been quite passionate and frequent back then, and one of those nights must have resulted in the pregnancy.

By the time they went on the autumn hunt, Xie Zhui was already showing symptoms, and his temper became strange. But Xiao Shan didn't consider this possibility at all and indulged Xie Zhui's whims without immediately calling for an imperial physician.

In hindsight, it was quite frightening. Xie Zhui had been injured at the hunting grounds and even experienced fetal distress due to Xiao Shan's injury.

Ultimately, it was because Xiao Shan didn't fully consider the possibility of Xie Zhui becoming pregnant. If he had been more attentive, he wouldn't have brought Xie Zhui to the hunting grounds at all.

During his coma, Xiao Shan already asked Ji An about what happened while Xie Zhui wasn't around. If, in their fury, the Emperor and Consort Lan truly believed that he despised them, and if Ji An and Xiao Jin didn't speak up for Xie Zhui, and if the Emperor disregarded his condition and detained him, what might have happened to Xie Zhui?

Thinking about these possibilities made his heart race with fear.

However, Xiao Shan didn't show these thoughts. Instead, he considered that he should consult Imperial Physician Su more often to understand the state of a ger's pregnancy better and learn how to care for a pregnant ger. He also thought about what he could do before the birth.

Seeing Xiao Shan deep in thought, Xie Zhui, knowing he was worried, said, "This child is quite well-behaved."

Xiao Shan raised an eyebrow, "It's good if the child is well-behaved. That way, you won't suffer too much."

Xie Zhui's eyes curved with a smile as he joked, "This child is quite clever."

Xiao Shan just smiled without saying anything, thinking to himself, That's a true father's perspective. The child isn't even born yet, and he's already convinced of their intelligence.

The two of them chatted and laughed in the carriage. When they grew tired of sitting, they would get out and take a stroll whenever the convoy stopped, which kept them from feeling too bored.

Most importantly, the capital wasn't far from the Rining Hunting Grounds, and they would be back in a few days.

After returning to the capital, Xiao Shan stayed in Prince Li's Residence to recuperate and didn't go out, with Xie Zhui accompanying him.

Xie Chen was in Yangzhou, and Xie Zhui hadn't written to inform him about the pregnancy. He wanted Xie Chen to focus on treating his eyes and not be distracted by returning to the capital at this critical moment. However, he also knew that such news couldn't be kept secret for long. Even if he didn't say anything, the news would eventually reach Xie Chen.

But delaying it for a day was still a day gained.

As a result, Prince Li's residence was practically in a state of refusing visitors.

Xiao Shan found this life extremely comfortable. Every day, he enjoyed fine clothes and delicious food, having whatever he wanted to eat and sleeping as long as he wished. If he felt like moving, he would take a stroll in the courtyard with Xie Zhui. If not, they would sit together and chat.

If Xie Zhui had a particular craving, Xiao Shan would have it prepared for him.

Life was leisurely and carefree, exactly the kind of idle existence he desired.

Xiao Shan wanted to live like this forever, but things didn't go as he wished.

On the third day after returning to the capital, Consort Lan fell ill.

Upon hearing the news, Xiao Shan naturally had to enter the palace with Xie Zhui to visit her.

Consort Lan caught a chill and couldn't eat, feeling very downcast. Seeing Xiao Shan lifted her spirits considerably.

Although she still didn't like Xie Zhui much, she softened somewhat, considering he was carrying Xiao Shan's child.

After exchanging some pleasantries, Consort Lan looked at Xie Zhui and said, "You can't go hungry now that you're expecting. I've had some snacks prepared in the side hall. Go and have some."

Consort Lan wasn't a deeply scheming person; her thoughts were often written on her face. At this moment, her face clearly showed that she wanted to send Xie Zhui away to speak with Xiao Shan alone.

Xiao Shan wanted to say something, but Consort Lan clutched his arm tightly, her eyes brimming with tears.

She said, "I won't harm him. What are you worried about?"

Xiao Shan sighed helplessly, "Mother Consort, I just wanted to tell Xie Zhui to pick what he likes to eat. He shouldn't overeat just because the snacks were prepared by you."

Consort Lan responded with an "Oh."

Xie Zhui acknowledged and then bowed to Consort Lan before leaving.

After Xie Zhui left, Consort Lan dismissed everyone from the hall. With a serious expression, she said, "You mentioned that someone pushed you when you shielded the Crown Prince that day?"

Xiao Shan lowered his eyes and nodded, "Yes, but unfortunately, I didn't see who did it."

Consort Lan pursed her lips and then bit her lip, speaking in a very low voice, "Do you think it could have been the Empress?"

TN: So.... it'll be another round of cliffhangers. I'll try... I'll try!
