Salted Fish Chapter 57

 Chapter 57

Dreaming of Your Tears

Imperial Physician Su said, "Prince Consort, the Prince will need someone to care for him when he wakes up. You must take care of your own health first."

Xie Zhui gently placed Xiao Shan's hand down and instructed someone to move a soft couch to the closest possible spot next to Xiao Shan.

The incredibly vivid dream he just experienced left him unable to remain calm, not even maintaining a facade of composure.

Imperial Physician Su and Imperial Physician Qin observed that, apart from moving closer to Xiao Shan, Xie Zhui did nothing else.

Both physicians witnessed all manner of human experiences in the palace, and at this moment, they merely exchanged a glance and allowed Xie Zhui to be.

The most important thing now was to wake Xiao Shan and ensure the safety of Xie Zhui and the child in his belly; everything else was secondary. As long as they achieved the desired outcome, these minor issues could be overlooked.

Perhaps Imperial Physician Su and Imperial Physician Qin relaxed too soon.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Shan began to develop a fever. When Imperial Physician Su felt his rising body temperature, his heart tightened. Fortunately, he was prepared and quickly began to address the situation.

Hearing the news, the other physicians waiting nearby rushed over. They tried various methods to administer medicine to Xiao Shan, hoping to bring his fever down quickly.

Xie Zhui couldn't lie down any longer. He sat by Xiao Shan's bed, continuously wiping Xiao Shan's forehead with a fine cloth.

Despite being deeply worried about Xiao Shan's condition, his hands remained steady, and he didn't feel tired, mechanically repeating the same actions.

Imperial Physician Su and Imperial Physician Qin had no time to pay attention to Xie Zhui. They were focused on monitoring Xiao Shan's body temperature. Most of the medicine they tried to give Xiao Shan couldn't be swallowed, and sometimes he would involuntarily spit it out. The physicians would then continue to prepare more, hoping to get at least some of it into him.

The group of people busied themselves until dawn, and finally, Xiao Shan's temperature stabilized.

Although the fever hadn't gone down, at least it hadn't continued to rise.

Xie Zhui gently stroked Xiao Shan's burning forehead, fully aware of Imperial Physician Su and the others' concerns. If the fever persisted, even if Xiao Shan woke up, he might end up mentally impaired.

Fortunately, there was still hope.

At dawn, Consort Lan personally came to inquire about the situation. Upon learning that Xiao Shan's temperature had risen, the exhausted Consort Lan, who cried all night, nearly collapsed, but was supported by Cui Shu.

At this point, Consort Lan's eyes were so dry that she couldn't shed any more tears. She stood there, staring blankly at the tent, neither leaving nor moving.

She remained in this state until Xiao Jin arrived.

Seeing Consort Lan, Xiao Jin paused briefly before stepping forward to pay his respects. Consort Lan glanced at him, her face showing a hint of anger, but she ultimately said nothing.

With his head bowed, Xiao Jin said, "Consort Lan, Third Brother is the most filial person. He would not want to see you neglecting your health. Please go back and rest. As soon as Third Brother wakes up, I will immediately send someone to inform you."

Cui Shu, with tears in her eyes, also said, "Consort, you haven't slept all night. If this continues, you will not be able to endure it. Let me help you back to rest. The Prince will recover soon."

Consort Lan remained silent as Cui Shu and several palace maids half-supported, half-escorted her back to her tent.

After Consort Lan left, Xiao Jin glanced in her direction.

Recalling Consort Lan's earlier expression, his eyes were filled with complexity.

He closed his eyes briefly to clear all the emotions within, then instructed someone to make an announcement.

After learning the full situation from Imperial Physician Su, he solemnly said, "Imperial Physician Su, I entrust Third Brother to your care."

Imperial Physician Su bowed to him and repeated the same promise he made to the Emperor: to do his utmost.

Xiao Jin cast a steady glance at the tent but did not go inside to check on Xiao Shan's condition. Instead, he turned and left.

At this moment, with Xiao Shan still unconscious, what good would it do to look?

Xiao Shan was injured because of him. The best he could do now was to pry open the mouths of those two assassins and make them reveal the mastermind behind the attack. Otherwise, he would be failing Xiao Shan's brotherly bond.

He wanted Xiao Shan to wake up to the news that the mastermind had been found, not to a situation where nothing had been achieved.

Not long after Xiao Jin left, the Emperor and Empress sent Chang Le and the head stewardess to inquire about the situation. A while later, whether out of courtesy or for the sake of appearances, others also sent their representatives.

Xiao Rong and Xiao Yi personally came to visit. After hearing the physicians' responses, they left without saying much.

Xiao Shan's temperature remained steady, neither rising nor falling.

Imperial Physician Su was so anxious that sweat never ceased to bead on his forehead, while Xie Zhui remained calm throughout.

This calmness alarmed Imperial Physician Qin, who feared that if something unfavorable happened to Xiao Shan, Xie Zhui might follow through with his words and join him.

Fortunately, by the afternoon, Xiao Shan's temperature finally began to drop.

Seeing this, Imperial Physician Su was nearly moved to tears; at least there was hope.


Xiao Shan felt his eyelids were very heavy, and he could hear faint voices around him, all unfamiliar. He tried hard to open his eyes, but no matter how much effort he put in, it was useless; his eyelids felt as heavy as a thousand pounds.

Xiao Shan thought, Why can't I open my eyes? Where is Xie Zhui?

Thinking of Xie Zhui, he recalled Xie Zhui's pale and worried face. His heart raced, and with a surge of determination, he managed to open his eyes.

Before he could clearly see the figures around him, he heard someone cry out in joy, "Quick, inform the Emperor, Prince Li has awakened."

Xiao Shan blinked, feeling pain throughout his body. He let out a soft breath, and then his hand was quickly grasped by someone—someone familiar.

Xiao Shan looked at the person; Xie Zhui's face was somewhat haggard, filled with joy yet tinged with disbelief. Sniffling, Xie Zhui said, "You... you woke up?"

At this moment, Xiao Shan's mind cleared, and he understood what had happened. He gently squeezed Xie Zhui's hand and said, "I dreamed that you were crying, so I woke up."

Having not spoken for days, his throat was dry and rough, but at this moment, all he wanted was to hold this person's hand with his weak grip.

"Are you hurt?" Xiao Shan asked in a hoarse voice, remembering Xie Zhui's state before he lost consciousness.

Xie Zhui shook his head vigorously, unable to utter a single word.

Xiao Shan wanted to smile, but as soon as he tried to move his lips, he felt intense pain all over his body. He held back and said, "That's good."

Seeing his weak smile, Xie Zhui couldn't describe the feeling in his heart.

It was both sour and numb, making him want to cry.

This person, even before losing consciousness, was worried about his health. Upon waking, the first thing he did was still to care about his well-being. And yet, he himself suffered such severe injuries, barely surviving.

Xie Zhui buried his head in Xiao Shan's hand and said, "Xiao Shan, worry about yourself. It hurts me."
