Salted Fish Chapter 43

 Chapter 43

The Emperor's Reward

Regardless of Xiao Rong's inner turmoil and anguished expression, Emperor Xiao Sheng still waved them off.

Once the hall quieted down, the Emperor picked up his cup and took a few more sips of tea, continuing to calm himself. But after finishing the cup, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

To be honest, if Xiao Jin and Xiao Rong hadn't been present, requiring him to maintain his dignity as Emperor and father, he would have laughed out loud much earlier when Xiao Shan was grumbling.

Chang Le, observing Emperor Xiao Sheng's laughter, also smiled. Having served the Emperor for many years, he remembered how, as a prince, Xiao Sheng had lived a life of constant vigilance. His face was always tense, fearing that one wrong step would lead to disaster.

After Xiao Sheng ascended the throne, stepping over countless bones to become Emperor, he exuded authority and wielded power. Even when his face bore a casual expression, it was tinged with sharpness. Before him were civil and military officials, and behind him, three thousand beauties in the harem. While many could make him smile, those smiles were often mixed with pretense. No one had ever made him truly laugh heartily, casting aside his mask.

Today, Xiao Shan broke that precedent.

Xiao Sheng coughed twice to suppress his laughter, though the smile remained on his face. He said, "Chang Le, what do you think of this son of mine?"

Chang Le took a couple of steps forward and smiled, "Your Majesty, the prince is straightforward and candid in his speech, which is certainly commendable."

Xiao Sheng's eyes curved with amusement. "This son of mine is different from others. He detests troublesome matters. What others strive to obtain, he discards like worn-out shoes. Did you see his expression just now? Zhen hadn't even spoken, and he already viewed the Six Ministries as a monstrous flood, fearing any association with them. He’s a prince who has never worried about food or drink since birth. If he were born into an ordinary family, being so lazy, Zhen wonders how he would support his family."

Chang Le knew that although the Emperor's words were complaining, his heart was extremely joyful, as evidenced by the smile in his eyes.

Chang Le also smiled and said, "As a prince, Your Majesty is a dragon or phoenix among men, receiving the Emperor's protection, and naturally, you are different from ordinary people."

Xiao Sheng nodded and lightly sighed, "The one who fears troublesome matters the most, in front of the Crown Prince, is showing a genuine heart, truly remarkable." After speaking, Xiao Sheng's tone became slightly lower.

He thought about his own brothers, who had been in a state of opposition since birth.

There had never been anyone like Xiao Shan, who treated Xiao Jin with such sincerity. His brothers only had mutual exploitation and deceit.

Their surface-level, harmonious smiles would quickly turn into feelings of disgust and revulsion towards each other's hypocrisy.

Xiao Jin was much luckier than the others.

Of course, this was mainly due to Xiao Shan. If he had ulterior motives and was a schemer, the two brothers would not have gotten along so well.

Thinking about this, Xiao Sheng felt a mix of emotions.

Having princes enter the Six Ministries for training was ostensibly for their development, but it was also a prime opportunity for them to build connections.

Xiao Jin, as the Crown Prince, was highly regarded both as a ruler and as a father. However, he couldn't afford to neglect Xiao Rong, Xiao Yi, and the other adult princes. Of course, Xiao Shan, as an adult prince, was an exception; he was a special case.

For the sake of the Crown Prince, the Emperor had been suppressing Xiao Rong's ambitions for several years, preventing him from entering the Six Ministries.

Now that Xiao Yi was about to be titled and move out of the palace, it was no longer appropriate to continue holding Xiao Rong back.

Pushing someone too hard could easily lead them down the wrong path.

The Emperor's approach to Xiao Rong had always been to occasionally dangle some bait, giving him neither too much hope nor complete despair.

Originally, the Emperor had planned to let Xiao Rong enter the Ministry of Justice and keep a close watch on him.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Shan's words disrupted his plans.

Xiao Shan might be lazy, barely moving even when prodded, but he had a clear understanding of the situation.

He didn't want to get involved in the mess of the Six Ministries, but for Xiao Jin's sake, he chose to go. And he chose the most direct, most suffocating, and most unacceptable way—by sticking closely to Xiao Rong.

Wherever Xiao Rong went, he would follow. With him watching, it would be difficult for Xiao Rong to form factions within the Six Ministries.

That was why Xiao Sheng said he was being considerate.

For Xiao Jin, he was indeed putting in the effort.

To be honest, Xiao Sheng thought that Xiao Shan's mind worked differently from ordinary people.

How could he come up with such a devious plan?

Xiao Sheng had reason to believe that if it weren't for his presence, Xiao Rong might have resorted to both verbal and physical confrontation.

Back then, if he had a brother like this opposing him, just the thought of it would have been distressing, let alone having to face it constantly.

Xiao Rong didn't have it easy either; he needed to be appeased.

Seeing the Emperor deep in thought, Chang Le quietly took a couple of steps back.

At times like this, it was best not to disturb the Emperor.


The Emperor was right; Xiao Rong indeed had a hard time.

After leaving Ganming Hall, he was already contemplating various ways to kill Xiao Shan in his mind.

He even considered taking advantage of Xiao Shan's unguarded moment to strike right now. After all, Xiao Shan would eventually drive him to his death; a swift blow might at least relieve his pent-up frustration.

What made Xiao Rong feel utterly miserable and stifled was that, whether he hired someone or did it himself, he could only fantasize about it for satisfaction. There was no way to act on it.

Xiao Shan was never afraid of causing a scene. If someone so much as pulled a strand of his hair, he would make a fuss for days. If someone actually tried to harm him, it would be better to kill him outright. If he were left with even a breath, he would turn the capital upside down.

But then again, even if by some stroke of luck Xiao Shan were killed, Xiao Jin would turn the capital upside down in his stead.

Moreover, everyone knew about the animosity between him and Xiao Shan. If anything happened to Xiao Shan, the Emperor would immediately suspect him first.

The more Xiao Rong thought about it, the more aggrieved and angry he became. So when Xiao Shan approached him, intending to speak, Xiao Rong preemptively barked out a furious "Get lost!"

Xiao Shan watched as Xiao Rong stormed off in a huff, and he blinked, turning to Xiao Jin. "Is Eldest Brother losing his mind from anger?"

Daring to tell him to get lost and show such a face before even leaving the palace—wasn't he afraid of gaining a reputation for discord among brothers?

Xiao Jin replied honestly, "Eldest Brother is in a bad mood. Don't provoke him for the next couple of days, lest he takes it out on you."

Xiao Shan shook his head, looking innocent. "Eldest Brother's heart is really fragile. I didn't even say anything, and he's already like this."

Hearing this, Xiao Jin, for once, considered Xiao Rong's perspective and advised, "That's enough. Don't really push him to the brink."

After saying this, Xiao Jin added seriously, "I've rotated through all the Six Ministries. Elder Brother can go anywhere. The main thing is you—go where you feel is suitable. Don't overthink it. If there's anything you can't figure out, just come to me."

Xiao Shan, looking distressed, said, "I just feel like I don't want to go anywhere. Going to the Six Ministries means having to go every day, staying until the designated time, leaving early and coming back late, and even working overtime. Even if there's nothing to do, you still have to put in the hours. I only attend court every few days; how can I handle this kind of routine?"

"I think I should go with Eldest Brother. We can learn and progress together."

Xiao Jin: "..."

Is he really planning to stick it out with Xiao Rong?

Xiao Shan didn't want to continue on this topic, so he looked at Xiao Jin with concern and asked, "Second Brother, are you alright?"

After drinking so much last night, getting up so early this morning, and maintaining the dignity of the Crown Prince in court, Xiao Shan was genuinely worried about him.

Xiao Jin rubbed his forehead and said in a low voice, "Don't mention it, my head is still hurting."

He could only let his guard down at Xiao Shan's residence in the middle of the night. Upon waking, he had to resume his role as the Crown Prince of Da Zhou, suppressing all his thoughts.

Last night, he had gone to bed late, and his head was splitting. Standing in court, maintaining a clear mind and presenting his most perfect self was truly a challenging task.

However, in front of Xiao Shan, he didn't need to keep up the pretense.

Seeing Xiao Jin in this state, Xiao Shan felt uneasy and said, "I'll escort you back to the Eastern Palace."

Xiao Jin nodded. It had been a long time since Xiao Shan had visited the Eastern Palace.

Xiao Shan knew that Liu Jingyi had a grudge against him and was also pregnant, so he naturally avoided disturbing her and deliberately stayed away.

Xiao Jin didn't want to force him or make him uncomfortable, but he also wanted to let Xiao Shan know that the doors of the Eastern Palace were always open for him.

After escorting Xiao Jin back to the Eastern Palace, Xiao Shan couldn't help but say before leaving, "Second Brother, your body isn't made of iron. Official duties will never be completely finished. Today, set aside your work and rest. Once you're well-rested, you'll be able to work more efficiently."

"You have a point," Xiao Jin smiled slightly. "I'll lie down and rest in a bit."

Xiao Shan, still worried, furrowed his brows and glared fiercely at Chang An. "If Second Brother gets too absorbed in his work and loses track of time, you attendants should remind him. Don't just be afraid of this and that, scheming in your minds. If Second Brother really exhausts himself, none of you will escape a beating."

Chang An, with a pained expression, replied, "Yes, Your Highness."

Xiao Jin smiled as he watched Xiao Shan threaten Chang An right in front of him, shaking his head helplessly.

After Xiao Shan left the Eastern Palace, Xiao Jin lay down for a while but couldn't fall asleep. He leaned against the headboard and asked Chang An to bring the official documents from the table to the bedside.

Chang An didn't move and said weakly, "Your Highness, the prince just scolded this servant. This servant is afraid the prince will really skin me alive."

Xiao Jin laughed and scolded, "You really know how to climb up the pole. So you listen to him but not to me?"

Chang An, knowing he wasn't truly angry, lamented, "Of course, this servant listens to Your Highness. It's just a pity that the prince's concern for Your Highness would be in vain."

"Nonsense," Xiao Jin glared at Chang An.

He glanced at the towering stack of official documents on the table and said, "I'm just afraid that if I indulge in laziness once, it will become a habit."

People are inherently lazy. Once accustomed to laziness, they become lax and procrastinate.

It's easy to indulge in pleasure but hard to endure hardship.

Chang An smiled and said, "Forgive this servant for speaking out of turn, but there are few people with a stronger will than Your Highness. How could a brief rest lead to downfall? The prince must think the same way; otherwise, why would he advise Your Highness to rest?"

Xiao Jin was momentarily stunned by these words. It wasn't just Chang An's nonsense; Xiao Shan indeed thought this way.

Whether it was the three tutors of the Eastern Palace, the Emperor, the Empress, or the Crown Princess, they all had high expectations for him.

They watched him strive and achieve the best, believing that he should always be this way.

Only Xiao Shan frequently told him to put down his official duties and take a break.

Years ago, when Xiao Jin was first made Crown Prince, Xiao Shan had said, "Will those documents grow legs and run away if you rest for half a day? Will you neglect them? If a brief rest makes you indulge in pleasure, it only reveals your true nature. Second Brother, you are not someone without a sense of responsibility, so there's no need to worry about these things."

Those words somehow got out, causing the Emperor, the Empress, and Consort Lan to join forces in scolding Xiao Shan.

They said it was bad enough that he didn't set a good example for himself, but worse that he was spreading such nonsense to distract Xiao Jin.

Afterward, Xiao Shan remained unaffected, but whenever he tried to say those things again, Xiao Jin would stuff his mouth with pastries.

He appreciated the good intentions, but he didn't want Xiao Shan to get scolded because of it.

Moreover, from that point on, he became even more cautious in his actions, knowing that walls have ears.

Gradually, he got used to it.

Recalling these past events, a faint smile appeared in Xiao Jin's eyes.

At that moment, an attendant came to report that the Crown Princess had arrived.

Xiao Jin's expression returned to calm, and he said, "Invite the Crown Princess in."

Liu Jingyi entered, carrying a food box.

Today, she was dressed lightly. Except for the waist area, her attire was not wide, making her look much more slender.

The moment Xiao Jin looked up, he noticed her pregnant belly.

Seeing the unborn child, his gaze softened. He was about to become a father and naturally looked forward to the arrival of this child.

Liu Jingyi walked over, set down the food box, and softly said, "Your Highness, I made some soup this morning and kept it warm on the stove. Please drink it while it's hot; it can help with the hangover and ease your headache."

Hearing her words, Xiao Jin looked up and asked, "You made it yourself?"

Liu Jingyi replied affirmatively.

Xiao Jin stopped her from serving the soup herself. "Let Chang An do it. You are heavily pregnant; you don't need to do these things. Take better care of yourself."

Liu Jingyi smiled gently. "It's no trouble. I haven't made soup for Your Highness in a long time. Please taste it and see if it still has the same flavor, if my skills have not declined."

Xiao Jin was about to say something when he noticed Liu Jingyi's belly suddenly move.

Because of her attire, it was particularly noticeable.

Xiao Jin's eyes widened suddenly, and an expression of surprise and joy appeared on his face.

Seeing his reaction, Liu Jingyi smiled slightly. She lowered her head and gently stroked her belly, saying, "This child has been very active lately, always moving around. He will surely be a lively one in the future."

Xiao Jin sat up straight, feeling as if his headache had vanished. He said, "Come closer, let me take a look."

Liu Jingyi sat about half an arm's length away from him and smiled, "He will move again in a while. Your Highness, please drink the soup first. If it cools down, it won't be as effective. After you finish, you can have a good talk with him."

Xiao Jin looked steadily at Liu Jingyi for a moment, then extended his fair, slender hand to take the soup that Chang An handed over.

The soup was at a suitable temperature, and he drank it all in one go.

After setting down the empty bowl, Xiao Jin placed his hand on Liu Jingyi's belly.

The child, perhaps sensing the parents' emotions, moved considerately.

Xiao Jin's face lit up with joy, his features softening, making him appear even more handsome and thoughtful. Liu Jingyi glanced up at him and smiled gently.

The past was left behind, and a new chapter began from this moment.


When Xiao Shan returned to his residence, he saw Chang Ning, another eunuch from the Emperor's side, preparing to leave. Chang Ning was Chang Le's apprentice, in his twenties, with a delicate appearance and fair, smooth skin.

Seeing Xiao Shan, Chang Ning smiled and greeted him, "Your Highness."

Xiao Shan asked, "Why are you here? Did Father Emperor have something to instruct?" It didn't seem likely; if there were instructions, the Emperor would have mentioned them while he was still in the palace.

So, was it to see Xie Zhui?

Chang Ning replied, "In response to Your Highness, this servant was ordered to deliver something to the Prince Consort. Now that the Prince Consort has received the decree, this servant must return to the palace to report back."

Realizing his guess was correct, Xiao Shan smiled and said, "Alright, you may go back then."

Chang Ning bowed to Xiao Shan once more before leaving.

On the way back to the palace, a newly promoted young eunuch beside Chang Ning whispered, "Master, when other princes, lords, or even the concubines in the harem see you, they give you jade pendants or silver. Why didn't Prince Li give you anything?"

Chang Ning smiled and said, "Prince Li is different from the others."

The young eunuch was puzzled, "How is he different?"

"How he is different is something you need to observe with your own eyes. Stay close to me and my master, and learn as much as you can. It will benefit you in the future," Chang Ning replied.

The young eunuch responded with an "Oh," looking thoughtful.

Chang Ning remained silent.

He was speaking the truth. While ordinary princes and palace concubines currently curried favor with him, none would dare plead with the Emperor on his behalf if he were to be scolded or chastised.

Chang Ning was only a teenager during his first assignment for his master, Chang Le. Overwhelmed by nervousness at his first encounter with the Emperor, he accidentally dropped the teacup while serving tea, splashing a few drops of hot tea onto the Emperor's shoes.

It was summer, and the Emperor was wearing light clothing. He clicked his tongue in annoyance right then.

Terrified, Chang Ning knelt on the ground, frantically kowtowing, unable to utter a single plea for mercy.

At that moment, Xiao Shan, who had been scolded by the Emperor for sleeping during a lesson, witnessed the scene and laughed, "Father Emperor, how do you manage to scare a young eunuch so badly with just a look?"

The Emperor hummed, "Others may be afraid, but you are not?"

"Why should I be afraid? I haven't done anything wrong. Besides, Father Emperor, you have a heroic and dignified appearance, not a fierce one. I'm not afraid at all."

"You haven't done anything wrong? Today, you angered the Grand Tutor in class. The Grand Tutor refrained from punishing you because of your status. Stretch out your hand; Zhen will punish you on his behalf."

"Father Emperor, I was wrong," Xiao Shan pleaded pitifully.

Later, the Emperor called for Chang Le, instructing him to take Chang Ning away for proper training before allowing him to serve again.

After that, although Chang Ning never gained as much favor with the Emperor as Chang Le, he still served in the imperial presence. He had initially thought Xiao Shan might try to pry some information from him, but Xiao Shan didn't even remember who he was.

Over the years, Xiao Shan hadn't given even a single coin* to Chang Le, let alone to him.

*means that Xiao Shan has not offered any form of bribe, gift, or monetary reward or trying to curry favor or secure loyalty through gifts or money.

Others give gifts to ensure that they speak favorably about them in front of the Emperor. Xiao Shan, having no such need, naturally never thought of giving anything.

Xiao Shan didn't know about Chang Ning's thoughts.

When he walked to the backyard, he saw Xie Zhui enthusiastically brandishing a sword.

Xie Zhui rarely showed what he liked, but it was clear that he was particularly fond of this sword.

Xiao Shan walked over and said, "Is this the reward from Father Emperor? Didn't he give any silver or treasures?"

Seeing him, Xie Zhui quickly put the sword away and said, "Father Emperor also rewarded me with some cloth and three thousand taels of silver, which I had someone take to the storeroom."

Xiao Shan responded with an "Oh," glancing at the sword. It was dark and unremarkable, and he couldn't understand what Xie Zhui liked about it.

Xie Zhui's face was full of admiration, his eyes sparkling. "This sword is called 'Chi Yi.' It's a famous sword, capable of cutting through iron like mud and slicing hair in mid-air. It's truly a rare treasure. Why would Father Emperor reward me with it?"

Xiao Shan shrugged. "Who knows? But since it's a reward from Father Emperor, you might as well keep it. If the sword is as good as you say, it would be great for slicing meat for hotpot." At least it could slice the meat as thin as a cicada's wing.

Hearing this, Xie Zhui's grip on the sword tightened, his expression turning serious, and his brows furrowing slightly. Although he didn't voice his opposition, his eyes were full of disapproval, as if Xiao Shan's words had sullied the sword.

Seeing his reaction, Xiao Shan narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a desire to test the sword's mettle.

That evening, he took up his spear and challenged Xie Zhui, using every technique to force him to admit whether the sword was better or his spear.

He pushed Xie Zhui to the point where he kept praising Xiao Shan, repeatedly begging for mercy without respite.
