Cub's Dad Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Xie Yishu found the anonymous forum that "Crafting World Boss" mentioned in a corner of the platform.

As soon as he opened it, he saw those trending posts with high engagement.

Each post had thousands of replies underneath. Xie Yishu clicked on one and quickly skimmed through it.

Most of the comments were saying he was overestimating himself.

A few people who spoke up for him were also chased down and rebutted over several pages.

After a whole night, the topic's popularity hadn't decreased. When Xie Yishu refreshed the page, several new replies popped up.

"Crafting World Boss" sent another private message.

【Crafting World Boss: Teacher She Yu, what should we do?】

Xie Yishu thought for a moment and replied.

【She Yu: It's okay, don't worry about it. Let them say what they want.】

Xie Yishu could actually understand the mindset of those who posted.

When he received the reward from "7788219," his first reaction was also that the other party might have made a mistake.

Because he felt that his livestream wasn't worth the 10,000 interstellar credits the other party had rewarded him.

Those who posted on the forum probably thought the same, which is why they made posts, believing he was taking up someone else's recommendation slot and overestimating himself.

Faced with a screen full of "desperate for fame," Xie Yishu wasn't very angry.

What made him angry were the replies mocking his viewers.

Xie Yishu pressed his lips together and sent a private message to "Crafting World Boss."

【She Yu: The livestream will still be at 8 PM tonight. I'll teach you all how to make something different.】 

The other party quickly replied.

【Crafting World Boss: Okay, okay, I'll be sitting in front of the light screen on time!】

【Crafting World Boss: Teacher She Yu, don't let those comments affect you. I'll always support you!】 

Xie Yishu replied with a "Thank you," then clicked on his profile and edited an announcement.

【She Yu's Livestream Room: Livestream at 8 PM tonight. The materials you'll need are as follows. You can prepare them in advance. [Image][Image]】 

After editing the announcement, Xie Yishu returned to the anonymous forum and refreshed it a few times. Sure enough, two new posts related to him appeared.

#Breaking! New Streamer on the Homepage Pulls Another Stunt! Baking Soda, Cornstarch, Coconut Oil, Transparent Hollow Balls for Chocolate Molds... Suspected to be Transitioning to a Food Streamer#

#Can Amino Acid Surfactants Be Eaten? Is SY Planning to Livestream a Stomach Pumping Tonight??#

This could be considered a blessing in disguise.

Xie Yishu had always wanted to find an opportunity to start the task from 001, and tonight's livestream was the perfect chance. Whether the onlookers were there to join the fun or to see the new streamer make a fool of himself, the number of viewers in the livestream room tonight would definitely not be small.

Xie Yishu exited the livestream platform and placed an order on StarNet for the materials needed for tonight's livestream.

After doing all this, Xie Yishu remembered that he still had private messages to reply to, so he quickly clicked back into the livestream platform. Looking at the two private messages from "7788219," Xie Yishu thought for a while and finally made the most official response:

【She Yu: Thank you for your appreciation.】

【She Yu: I will continue to work hard.】

At 7:30 PM, Gu Yanzhi and Bo Zai each had a light brain in hand, sitting side by side on the soft cushion of the small room's bay window.

Tonight, Xie Yishu was going to record the livestream at the dining table, so Gu Yanzhi took the initiative to take Bo Zai into the small room to "read and study."

As soon as the father and son entered the livestream room, they were surrounded by a barrage of comments.

【Kindergarten's Most Stubborn: They appeared! The number tycoon!】

【Young People Should Drink More Water: 666, they actually dared to come tonight.】

【Damn My Uncontainable Charm: After all, they have to put on a show, right? It has to look somewhat convincing.】

【Make Way for Grandpa: Sigh.】

Gu Yanzhi: "…?"

【7788219: ?】

Gu Yanzhi's comments came with special effects, making them particularly conspicuous among the sea of black text.

Almost everyone saw the "number tycoon's" question mark, and in an instant, a dense barrage of comments followed.

【Damn My Uncontainable Charm: Impressive, really putting on a good act.】

【Yawning: I suggest awarding this year's Best Drama King to SY and his "fans."】 

Bo Zai looked down at his light brain with his chubby face.

He recognized fewer characters, and most of the words in the comments were unfamiliar to him.

But even so, the little chubby boy felt that something was off.

There seemed to be far more people and comments in Mom's livestream room tonight than usual.

The little chubby boy, feeling a bit lost, tugged at Gu Yanzhi's sleeve: "Dad..."

Gu Yanzhi looked at the barrage of comments, his brows slightly furrowed.

He didn't know what had happened, but from the sarcastic and mocking comments, he could infer that it was nothing good.

The notification bar indicated that he had received a few private messages.

Gu Yanzhi opened the private message interface and saw a message from "Sweet Fairy Daughter at Home."

【Sweet Fairy Daughter at Home: Mr. 7, do you not know what happened yet?】

【Sweet Fairy Daughter at Home: [Link][Link][Link][Link][Link]】

【Sweet Fairy Daughter at Home: You should quickly check these posts I sent you. They're about you and Teacher She Yu.】 

Gu Yanzhi clicked on one of the links, and upon seeing the title, his expression turned cold.

He hadn't expected that just sending a few gifts in the livestream room last night would bring such negative consequences for Xie Yishu.

"Sweet Fairy Daughter at Home" continued to send him messages.

【Sweet Fairy Daughter at Home: Old Song and I don't usually hang out on the forum, so we just found out about this.】

【Sweet Fairy Daughter at Home: We don't know if Teacher She Yu will be affected.】

【Sweet Fairy Daughter at Home: Those posts are all one-sided right now. Old Song and I just joined the forum today, so we can't post yet and can't help explain things for Teacher She Yu and you.】

【7788219: I will handle it.】

Gu Yanzhi opened his messaging app and sent a message to Fang Ziyu.

【Gu Yanzhi: Do you know Cheng Xiao?】

The other side quickly replied.

【Fang Ziyu: The name sounds familiar. I think Cheng Jue's little cousin is named Cheng Xiao.】

【Fang Ziyu: I think he started a small company in District 16, and there's a livestream platform on StarNet that's his.】

【Gu Yanzhi: StarStar Platform.】

【Fang Ziyu: Yes, that's the one. Why are you asking about him all of a sudden?】

【Gu Yanzhi: I need him to do me a favor.】

【Fang Ziyu: That kid's pretty lucky, huh.】

【Fang Ziyu: [Contact Card], here, Cheng Jue gave me his contact info.】

【Fang Ziyu: Cheng Jue asked me to pass on a message: if his cousin does anything less than satisfactory, please be lenient, Master Gu.】 

Gu Yanzhi replied with a simple "Mm" and added Cheng Xiao on his messaging app.

Just as he was about to ask Cheng Xiao for backend access, he received another private message from "Sweet Fairy Daughter at Home."

【Sweet Fairy Daughter at Home: Okay, okay.】

【Sweet Fairy Daughter at Home: Just now, the Leader told me that Teacher She Yu said we don't need to worry, he will handle it.】

【Sweet Fairy Daughter at Home: Mr. 7, maybe you should wait until Teacher She Yu finishes his livestream? He might have his own plan.】 

Gu Yanzhi lowered his gaze, tapped the screen, and replied with a "Okay."

At 8 PM sharp, Xie Yishu started the livestream.

The little chubby boy found today's barrage of comments particularly annoying. They were dense and filled with words he couldn't understand, so he simply waved his chubby hand and turned off the comments, focusing only on Mom's livestream.

Gu Yanzhi put on his headphones, listening to both the sounds from outside and those in the livestream room.

Xie Yishu glanced at the viewer count displayed in the upper left corner and was somewhat surprised.

He originally thought that his estimated 3,000 viewers was already a lot, but before the livestream even started, there were already over 10,000 people in the room.

Comments continuously scrolled across the top of the livestream.

【Chirp: Is the streamer not starting yet?】

【Blank: It's already 8 o'clock.】

【Can't Think of a Name: Could it be that they chickened out at the last minute?】

Seeing the comment about "chickening out," Xie Yishu smiled, turned on the front camera to show the materials he had prepared on the dining table, cleared his throat, and said his first words of the night: "Hello everyone, I am She Yu."

"Tonight, I'm going to teach everyone how to make a teddy bear's favorite bath companion: bubble bath bombs."

Cheng Xiao nearly dropped his light brain when he received a call from his cousin.

He had always wanted to use his cousin Cheng Jue to connect with the Fang family on the main star. But he never imagined that one day, the eldest son of the Fang family would proactively ask his cousin about him, and the reason was that someone from the Gu family needed his help.

The Gu family—how many Gu families are there on the main star?

Cheng Xiao never dreamed that he would one day have a connection with the Gu family on the main star.

He quickly accepted the friend request from the person from the Gu family and waited quietly, but no message came from the other side.

Cheng Xiao pondered for a while and took the initiative to send a message to the other party, but he still didn't get a reply.

Cheng Jue told him to wait, but he couldn't stay calm.

They all knew that if he managed to help with this favor, his position in the Cheng family of District 16 would be secure. If he failed, his covetous cousins would be ready to make their move again.

With no other options, Cheng Xiao decided to open his livestream platform to distract himself.

Amidst a sea of recommended holographic livestream rooms on the homepage, an ordinary livestream room with over 100,000 viewers stood out.

Cheng Xiao clicked into it and discovered that the streamer was actually a new, unsigned streamer on the platform.

Cheng Xiao's interest was piqued. He turned up the volume and started watching.

"...As requested by everyone, I'll do it again. These four small bowls contain baking soda, anhydrous citric acid, cornstarch, and rose salt, all of which can be bought on StarNet. Mix them in a ratio of 10:5:5:2. If you have dried flowers at home, you can add a bit of dried flowers..."

"...Add a spoonful of coconut oil, then gradually add the amino acid surfactant in three parts, and add your favorite essential oil. Here, I've chosen sweet almond oil and verbena essential oil, which will give it a lemon candy scent..."

"...Divide the mixed powder into several portions and put them back into the small bowls. Use food coloring to color them. This time, I've chosen pale yellow, light green, soft pink, and light blue. These four colors together will create a dreamy effect, perfect for the gentlemen here to make and give to their loved ones..."

"...Next, fill the colored powder into the molds. Pack it in generously so that it forms a little mound, then press two 'mounds' together firmly. If you're making it for children, you can even place a small toy inside..."

"Alright, put it in the quick-freeze box in the refrigerator for five minutes, and then it can be unmolded."

As the streamer finished speaking, the comments were filled with messages like "My materials have arrived, I can start now" and "Why hasn't my express delivery arrived yet? I'm getting anxious, I'm getting anxious, I'm getting anxious."

Cheng Xiao sent a comment asking, "What are you making?"

At first, he thought it was food, but after seeing the addition of surfactants, he realized it might not be edible.

As the owner of the StarStar Platform, Cheng Xiao's comment effects were also very eye-catching.

He quickly received replies in the comments.

【Bubble Bath Bomb Not Done, Won't Change Name: Bubble bath bombs.】

【From Today On, I'm a She Yu Fan: To be precise, it's "a teddy bear's favorite bath companion: bubble bath bombs."】

【Chirp: I think we need to keep educating the newcomers about this. The forum posts from before, and today's livestream.】

【Kindergarten's Most Stubborn: This event is going to go down in forum history. That apology post on the forum has already turned over thirty pages.】 

Seeing the comments, Cheng Xiao opened a split screen, keeping the livestream on one side while clicking into the forum on the other.

The first post on the forum was the apology post that had just been mentioned in the comments.

#Trending: Have all the people who were badmouthing Teacher She Yu yesterday and today apologized?#

Clicking in, the first sentence of the main post was: I'll start. Teacher She Yu, I'm sorry, bang bang bang.

You are definitely not overestimating yourself. Thank you for your livestream, thank you for the bubble bath bombs. My girlfriend, who hasn't spoken to me for three days, finally asked me what this is and if I can make it. Thank you, Teacher She Yu, bang bang bang.

The apology post included references to other posts and a summary of the whole incident.

Cheng Xiao skimmed through it and understood what had happened.

Before he had a chance to put on a disguise and make a comment, a voice came from the neighboring livestream room: "Five minutes are up, I'm going to unmold it now... It's a success!"

Cheng Xiao quickly enlarged the livestream screen and saw the streamer holding a large, dreamily colored ball.

"I just refilled the bathtub with water. Now, let's watch the reaction of the bubble bath bomb when it meets water: ta-da—"

Cheng Xiao watched as the ball tumbled in the bathtub, creating more and more milky white bubbles, and joined the other viewers in sending a comment.

【Orange: Wow!】

【Bubble Bath Bomb Not Done, Won't Change Name: I'm crying, my surfactant hasn't been delivered yet.】

【Sleepy: I feel like jumping into the streamer's bathtub for a soak right now.】

【Baby is Five: Teacher She Yu, thank you. My child usually hates bathing, but after making the bubble bath bomb according to your instructions, he told me, 'Mom, I want to bathe again tomorrow.'】

[System Notification: "Baby is Five" has gifted the streamer a flower.]

"Baby is Five" wasn't the only one sending gifts; even Cheng Xiao sent a basket of flowers to the new streamer.

As the bubble bath bomb gradually dissolved in the water, Cheng Xiao heard the streamer say, "That's it for today's livestream. Tomorrow at 8 PM, I'll teach you how to make another practical little item. The materials needed will be posted in the announcement in advance."

【Bubble Bath Bomb Not Done, Won't Change Name: Okay, this time I'll definitely prepare in advance, sob sob sob.】

【Chirp: Me too, I'll prepare two sets in advance.】

【From Today On, I'm a She Yu Fan: I'll prepare three sets, no, five sets. The local store I just ordered the surfactant from has already taken the amino acid surfactant off the shelves! I wanted to order another set, but I couldn't, so I had to look for a store in another city.】

"Finally, I have a few more words to say. I know many of you found out about my livestream room from the posts about me on the anonymous forum, and I also know that tonight's livestream might have changed some of your opinions about me."

【Chirp: The streamer is being modest. It's almost everyone. I just checked the apology post on the forum, and it's already turned over fifty pages!】

【Kindergarten's Most Stubborn: I've definitely changed my opinion. I'm putting it out there—anyone who talks bad about our Teacher She Yu in the future, I'll stand up to them.】

"However, I still want to say a few words about our teddy bear plushies. Compared to the 'bubble bath bombs,' the 'teddy bear plushies' might not be as impressive, or you could say they are quite ordinary."

The young man's voice was gentle, "But the feelings my viewers have when learning to make teddy bear plushies are the same as when they learn to make bubble bath bombs. They hope that the people who receive the gifts they made with their own hands will feel happy."

"Some of them are parents, some are siblings, some are boyfriends or girlfriends... Their heartfelt intentions should not be ridiculed. So, I hope that if any of you here have laughed at them on the forum for learning to make teddy bear plushies, you can go back and request to delete those replies."

"Thank you, everyone."

【Can't Think of a Name: I apologize to everyone with my real name. I'm sorry.】

【xx: I also apologize with my real name. I joined in the mocking last night. I'm sorry.】

【Nationally Certified Clumsy Expert: It's okay, it's okay. Now we're all friends. We'll be watching the livestreams together in the future.】

【Learn to Make a Teddy Bear Tomorrow: I also apologize with my real name.】

【Suddenly Craving Milk Tea: Real name +1, sorry everyone.】

Cheng Xiao watched the comments continuously scroll across the top of the livestream room and thought that this streamer named "She Yu" definitely needed to be signed.

Just as he was about to extend an olive branch to the new streamer from the backend, Cheng Xiao received a message from the person from the Gu family.

His hand trembled, and he quickly checked the message.

【Gu Yanzhi: Gu Yanzhi.】

【Gu Yanzhi: [Link]】

【Gu Yanzhi: Do me a favor and ban the users in this post.】

【Cheng Xiao: No problem, no problem.】

【Gu Yanzhi: Thank you.】

【Gu Yanzhi: If you need any help in the future, feel free to reach out to me.】 Cheng Xiao clicked on the link and found that it was a new post from a few minutes ago.

The new post targeted the "new streamer" from earlier, labeling everything as a premeditated publicity stunt. It claimed that the posts from last night were all orchestrated by the streamer's fake accounts, calling on everyone in the forum to boycott such behavior and the new streamer.

Cheng Xiao personally accessed the permissions to take a look and discovered that the poster was actually the one using multiple fake accounts to stir up trouble.

The real identity was also a new streamer, with backend contract information showing ongoing negotiations.

Cheng Xiao frowned, decisively banned several of the user's accounts, and planned to discuss with the editorial team tomorrow that such individuals should not be allowed on StarStar Livestream.

Keeping them around would only cause trouble sooner or later.

After banning the accounts, Cheng Xiao remembered that this post was related to "She Yu."

Mr. Gu sending him this post likely meant that he had also watched the same livestream.

And it was highly probable that he was a fan of "She Yu."

This made Cheng Xiao even more determined to sign this new streamer.

If Mr. Gu wanted to support this newcomer, it would be convenient for Cheng Xiao to facilitate that.

With this in mind, Cheng Xiao couldn't help but ask.

【Cheng Xiao: Mr. Gu, do you also watch Teacher She Yu's livestreams?】

【Gu Yanzhi: Yes.】

【Cheng Xiao: I watch his livestreams too.】

Cheng Xiao was about to personally send a contract invitation to the new streamer when he received another message from Mr. Gu.

【Gu Yanzhi: He is my spouse.】

Seeing this message, Cheng Xiao's hand froze just as he was about to click "send."

His mind was filled with thoughts about whether he still had a chance to sign this promising newcomer.

After all, Mr. Gu's message was laced with possessiveness.

It felt like a warning not to have any ulterior motives.

So, could he still sign this potential star?

Cheng Xiao looked at the messaging app, then at the contract invitation, deeply conflicted.

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