Salted Fish Chapter 35

 Chapter 35

Unexpected Night

Everyone came eagerly to win over the prince, a joyous occasion indeed. Who could have anticipated a turn of events? President Zhao and his companions had brought only a few guards, who were waiting outside.

These guards, crucial at the moment, naturally couldn't compare to the soldiers Xiao Shan had brought. They didn't dare to make a move against Xiao Shan's people, so they were quickly surrounded and captured without even a chance to make a sound.

As for President Zhao and the other merchants, they lived lives of luxury and ease, spending their days scheming, eating, drinking, listening to music, and watching dances. Their days were quite comfortable.

Today, they were focused solely on building a relationship with the prince and had not anticipated Xiao Shan suddenly turning against them. So, when the soldiers rushed to the pavilion to arrest them, everyone was stunned.

President Zhao was among the quicker to react, attempting to resist as he was being taken down.

With eyes full of hatred, he furiously lunged in the direction of Xiao Shan, as if determined to take them down with him.

Seeing President Zhao's fierce demeanor, Xie Zhui didn't hesitate to step forward and deliver a heavy kick to the raging President Zhao. Xie Zhui had been harboring a nameless anger all evening, and the force of his kick was substantial, knocking the man to the ground.

The soldiers took the opportunity to pin down the now motionless President Zhao.

Liu Jingxuan truly hadn't expected President Zhao to have such courage and couldn't help but take pleasure in his misfortune, saying, "President Zhao, you dare to attack the prince in front of all these witnesses? You're courting the extermination of your entire clan."

President Zhao was in considerable pain, clutching his chest and abdomen. Hearing Liu Jingxuan's words, he suddenly raised his head and cried out in protest, claiming he was innocent. However, he was quickly silenced by the soldiers, who covered his mouth and led him away. At this moment, no one was interested in hearing his side of the story.

Zong Qing glanced at Xiao Shan's calm expression, assuming he had tacitly agreed with Liu Jingxuan's statement.

Zong Qing remained silent, standing quietly to the side.

In truth, Zong Qing had seen clearly that President Zhao's aggressive stance was directed entirely at Liu Jingxuan. It made sense; no matter how bold or resentful President Zhao was, he wouldn't dare to act against a prince at such a moment.

Unless he was ready to forsake his life and his clan, or he could ensure the elimination of all who were not his allies, but he was capable of neither.

The delicate tranquility of the small courtyard returned, and the beauties on the pleasure boat, who had been waiting for a glance from the nobility, were stunned by the scene. They huddled together, unsure of what had just happened.

They had performed for countless people before, and it had always been a joyous occasion. They were either praised for their talent or their dance moves, and at the very least, for their looks.

Why was today's event so drastically different?

Those who had supported them were all taken away, so what about them? What should they do?

Among the group, some were frightened, while others were contemplating how to escape. However, no matter what, their fate was no longer in their own hands. They could only look at the most distinguished person in the room, hoping to discern their future from his expression.

Xiao Shan hadn't forgotten about them. Without looking at the beauties, he directly instructed Zong Qing, "Take them away as well and interrogate them thoroughly." Cultivating beauties to lure people into traps was something that needed to be investigated meticulously. There might be unexpected surprises hidden within.

Jiangnan was known for producing beautiful women. There was nothing wrong with being beautiful, but if someone was using these beauties for nefarious purposes, it could not be tolerated.

Xiao Shan remembered that the Prefect of Yangzhou, Zhang Ruzhi, had once brought an adopted daughter back to the capital, who was then noticed by the Emperor and conferred the title of a beauty.

Yangzhou also falls within the Jiangnan region.

Zong Qing understood the implication of Xiao Shan's words. He was someone who could assess the situation, but his primary loyalty was to the Emperor.

Therefore, when the Emperor tasked him with investigating a case, he had to clarify every detail. If this matter was indeed far-reaching, he would have to report it truthfully.

Xiao Shan thought for a moment and then added, "The situation in Jiangnan is complex. The commotion in Liangzhou will soon attract the attention of other local officials. Lord Zong, please work diligently to clear up the case as soon as possible. Starting today, replace the guards at the Liangzhou docks and city gates with our own men. If anyone suspicious tries to leave to relay information, intercept them."

This was actually a temporary solution rather than a permanent one. If someone truly wanted to relay the message, they would find a way to get it out. The most effective way to minimize the spread of information would be to seal off the city of Liangzhou, thereby controlling the flow of information to the greatest extent.

However, Xiao Shan thought it over and decided against issuing such an order.

There were many people coming in and out of Liangzhou, most of whom were making a living, seeking medical treatment, or transporting goods.

Sealing off the city would be unnecessary and impractical.

Zong Qing also wanted to resolve the case as quickly as possible.

The evidence they had gathered so far all pointed to Liu Jingxuan, while Liu Jingxuan's statements implicated others. All these matters needed thorough investigation.

Seeing that there was nothing more for him to do, Xiao Shan prepared to leave with Xie Zhui.

However, before they could leave, the people on the pleasure boat, upon hearing that they were to be taken away, regained their senses.

Some shouted that the soldiers were too rough and lacked compassion, others protested that they had committed no crimes and questioned why they were being arrested.

There were even those who, knowing Xiao Shan was the main figure tonight, kept calling for Prince Xiao Shan to stand up for them.

Xiao Shan, growing impatient, threw out a remark, "Whether you're guilty or not will be determined by the investigation. Stop shouting here." Perhaps due to his harsh tone, everyone fell silent upon hearing this.

With the surroundings quieting down, Xiao Shan and Xie Zhui left, leaving the aftermath for Zong Qing to handle.

After Xiao Shan departed, the others were taken away. Zong Qing looked at Liu Jingxuan standing there and then ordered his arrest as well. Liu Jingxuan had anticipated this outcome, but when the moment actually arrived, seeing himself become a prisoner, he felt particularly bitter.

As he was being taken away, he couldn't help but say to Zong Qing, "Lord Zong, I suppose I have indeed walked a path of no return. My crimes are undeniable, but I hope I won't implicate my father and the Crown Princess."

Zong Qing's eyes lowered slightly upon hearing this, and he remained silent until Liu Jingxuan was taken away.

This was not something he could answer. Only the Emperor could speak on such matters.

Even words of comfort were not his to offer on behalf of the Emperor.

Liu Jingxuan had asked the wrong person.

At that moment, Zong Qing couldn't help but wonder how Xiao Shan would have responded if Liu Jingxuan had directed the question at him.

Given Xiao Shan's temperament, he likely wouldn't have said anything comforting.

He might have directly said, "You're lucky you haven't implicated your entire clan. What's the use of worrying about this now?"

Imagining this scenario, Zong Qing suddenly wondered what Liangzhou would be like if Xiao Shan, rather than being a prince, were to govern it.

In truth, he couldn't quite picture Xiao Shan as an official. Given his temperament, it would likely be quite troublesome.

Whatever Zong Qing was imagining, Xiao Shan neither knew nor cared to know.

In the carriage returning to the prefectural office, Xiao Shan's thoughts were entirely focused on Xie Zhui. He noticed that Xie Zhui seemed to be in a foul mood, his expression particularly grim. Xiao Shan couldn't understand why Xie Zhui was feeling down.

If the cause was tonight's commotion, it paled in comparison to the chaos of the northern frontier. In terms of danger, the martial prowess of President Zhao and his men was insignificant compared to the battlefield's swords and spears.

Xiao Shan wasn't one to keep things bottled up. He played with Xie Zhui's hand for a moment before suddenly asking, "What's wrong? Why are you in a bad mood all of a sudden?"

Xie Zhui looked up at him, pressed his lips together, and after a moment of silence, averted his gaze and said, "I just feel that Your Highness doesn't take your own safety seriously enough. If those people had weapons and you got hurt, what would we do?"

Xiao Shan raised an eyebrow, "Are you worried about me?"

Xie Zhui had already composed himself, but upon hearing this, he looked directly into Xiao Shan's eyes again. "Does Your Highness think I shouldn't be worried?"

"No, that's not what I mean," Xiao Shan said, grasping Xie Zhui's hand.

He was just a bit unaccustomed to it.

The earlier scene was clearly not dangerous to any discerning eye, at most a false alarm that would soon be forgotten. Yet, the usually reserved Xie Zhui was deeply troubled by it, and his emotions were unusually visible.

The relationship between him and Xie Zhui could initially be described as both intimate and distant. In fact, if it weren't for those tacit customs, such as the notion that not consummating the marriage on the wedding night implies disrespect for the bride or groom...

That night, he might not have touched Xie Zhui, but they could have taken their time, letting things develop naturally.

However, from the moment he brought Xie Zhui from the Xie residence to the prince's mansion, he had decided to give Xie Zhui the dignity he deserved.

Xie Zhui married him as a ger, and if there had been no activity between them that night, even within the prince's mansion, there would be no lasting secrets. Due to many troublesome matters, the world would only look at Xie Zhui with more disdain.

Even if he tried to clarify things in other ways, people still wouldn't believe it.

He didn't care about rumors, and Xie Zhui might not either, but Xie Zhui's status as a ger was different. Society was far less forgiving towards gers and women than towards men. Moreover, since they were married and had become a family, why go through unnecessary troubles when it could be avoided?

On their wedding night, he had tested the waters. Xie Zhui did not reject his identity as a ger. He even asked if his new husband had someone he liked.

Now, after a few months of living together, they had left many indelible marks on each other's lives.

Xie Zhui would worry about him, and he would care more about Xie Zhui's feelings.

There was nothing particularly dramatic, just a gentle, enduring presence, quietly and subtly permeating their lives.

Gradually, their lives became intertwined with each other's marks.

This feeling wasn't bad. In fact, Xiao Shan quite liked it.

Xiao Shan squeezed Xie Zhui's hand firmly, then smiled slightly and said earnestly, "I made you worry. It won't happen again."

His smile was as bright as the clear moon, his features refined and handsome, with eyes that held both a hint of amusement and the utmost sincerity in his promise.

Xie Zhui thought that even the best poets might struggle to capture half of Xiao Shan's expression at this moment.

Looking at such a person, Xie Zhui suddenly wondered if he had been making a fuss over nothing.

Clearly, Xiao Shan hadn't done anything wrong, yet he had shown him a sour face.

For the first time in his life, he had shown someone a sour face, and that person was Xiao Shan, who didn't get angry because of it. A few months ago, he wouldn't have even imagined such a thing.

Perhaps he had been a bit excessive.

Xie Zhui's tongue brushed over his thin lips, and he pressed them together, saying, "Your Highness, I didn't mean to..."

Xiao Shan squeezed his hand slightly, interrupting him, "Do you need to distinguish between intentional and unintentional when you're worried about my safety?"

Xie Zhui fell silent.

Xiao Shan lowered his gaze to their hands, then said, "You always call me 'Your Highness.' It's fine in front of others, but haven't you thought about using a different term when it's just the two of us?"

A different term when it's just the two of them?

The word "husband" almost slipped out, but Xie Zhui bit his tongue just in time to stop it.

His mind wandered to the past nights of pressure and chaos. To drive these thoughts away, his eyes darted around, and he quickly asked, "Then what does Your Highness suggest?"

Xiao Shan didn't notice Xie Zhui's expression and said, "Just call me by my name."

He called Xie Zhui by his name.

Xie Zhui calling him by his name.

It was a rather intriguing thought.

Eager to change the subject, Xie Zhui didn't refuse. He said, "Alright, when no one else is around, I'll call you by your name."

"Mm?" Xiao Shan rubbed his hand, hinting, "Right now, it's just you and me in the carriage."

Xie Zhui looked up, his mouth moved slightly.

Xiao Shan just looked at him with a smile.

Finally, Xie Zhui softly called out, "Xiao Shan."

Xiao Shan responded with a hum.

He thought Xie Zhui's voice, low and deep when calling his name, sounded particularly pleasant.

However, since they were currently staying at the prefectural office, there wasn't a place where he could have Xie Zhui call his name repeatedly.

But that didn't matter. Once they returned to the capital, they would have plenty of time.


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