Salted Fish Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Conclusive Evidence

Seeing Xiao Shan eagerly preparing to head straight to the prefectural office, Zong Qing finally understood why the officials in the capital privately said that working with Prince Li was more troublesome than dealing with little devils.

At this moment, Zong Qing had an epiphany: Xiao Shan wasn't just more troublesome than little devils; he was one of them.

When Xiao Shan had an idea, he acted on it immediately without considering the consequences. Zong Qing couldn't let him act recklessly.

He softly advised, "Your Highness, Your Highness, this matter requires careful planning."

Xiao Shan quietly stared at him without speaking, looking as if he didn't want to delay. Anyone unaware might think he had deep feelings for Liu Jingxuan and wanted to visit him immediately.

Zong Qing, with a serious expression, carefully analyzed the situation: "Your Highness, we don't have many people with us. If Liu Jingxuan resists when we confront him, it wouldn't be good if Your Highness were injured."

Xiao Shan said, "Minister Zong makes a valid point, but here's how I see it: Based on your investigation over the past few days, Liu Jingxuan is guilty—this is an indisputable fact. The evidence has practically been handed to you openly, and in Liangzhou City, officials and merchants are essentially one and the same. Now, everyone in Liangzhou knows that I have a very good relationship with Liu Jingxuan. If people find out that I came but avoided seeing him, I'm afraid someone might act out of desperation. Liu Jingxuan is indeed guilty, but none of his accomplices should be let off either."

"Collusion between officials and merchants—since they are all in it together, they should share both the blessings and the hardships. It would be best if they all ended up in prison together."

Hearing this, Zong Qing's thoughts shifted.

They were outsiders, and if someone with ill intentions suspected and investigated their identities, it would indeed be difficult to handle.

The evidence he had gathered was all incriminating for Liu Jingxuan. If someone were to take drastic action against Liu Jingxuan now, all the evidence would point to him.

Those who colluded with Liu Jingxuan would be minimally affected if no further evidence was found against them.

But in this world, it's not the ten thousand possibilities one fears, but the one in ten thousand that actually happens.

Such a scenario was indeed possible, but he had to prioritize Xiao Shan's safety.

"What's there to worry about?" Seeing Zong Qing's concern, Xiao Shan laughed and said, "Instead of worrying about me, Minister Zong might do well to worry more about himself."

Zong Qing was taken aback, then felt a chill in his heart, thinking that it was indeed true.

Liu Jingxuan's crimes were now proven, a fact known to everyone on the streets. No matter who the Emperor sent to investigate, the truth remained the truth.

But if this matter involved more than just Liu Jingxuan, and if someone didn't want them to pull out the radish and bring out the mud, then targeting him would be the best course of action.

Because Xiao Shan had a good relationship with the Crown Prince, if something were to happen to him, someone wanting to muddy the waters could easily claim that Xiao Shan acted against him to protect Liu Jingxuan. Such an accusation could raise suspicions with the Emperor.

This could be detrimental to both the Crown Prince and Xiao Shan.

And even if there was no one else behind Liu Jingxuan, just his own deep-seated guilt could lead him to act against them.

In that case, leaving Xiao Shan, a prince, alive and killing Zong Qing would be safer. As long as Xiao Shan agreed, they could completely cover up his death and fabricate a story, claiming he was killed by those falsely accusing Liu Jingxuan.

"Would he really be that bold?" Zong Qing couldn't help but ask. He was, after all, an imperial envoy personally appointed by the Emperor. Attacking an envoy was a capital offense.

"If he weren't bold, the evidence wouldn't be so blatant," Xiao Shan said calmly. "It's not just boldness. It's sheer audacity. After all, once someone is dead, no matter how many mouths there are, they can't speak*."

*even if they have a lot to say, it won’t matter if they’re dead

This was also the most disconcerting aspect for Xiao Shan since arriving in Liangzhou—the evidence was too complete, too easily obtained, as if they weren't afraid of being discovered at all.

Liu Jingxuan was the elder brother of the Crown Princess. His father was the head academician of the Hanlin Academy, deeply trusted by the Emperor, and known for his integrity and honesty. Otherwise, the Emperor wouldn't have bestowed this marriage upon Xiao Jin.

Xiao Shan hadn't had much interaction with Liu Jingxuan, but he had heard that the man was quite like his father, at least someone with a good head on his shoulders.

Yet, after spending a few years in Liangzhou, he was now acting as if he had lost his mind.

What was this disembarkation fee? How desperate for money did one have to be to come up with such a foolish idea?

Could it be true, as the rumors suggested, that Jiangnan was a place capable of corrupting one's heart?

Some say that even a person made of iron would have their heart turned into that of a pixiu here, taking in everything and giving nothing back.

Others say that Jiangnan was so wealthy that even the light reflecting off the river was from silver. The relationships in Jiangnan were incredibly complex and intertwined. The Emperor sent honest officials here every year, yet every year someone fell from grace.

If Liu Jingxuan's heart had truly been corrupted by Jiangnan's silver, it would make sense.

Zong Qing seriously considered the current situation and felt that Xiao Shan's words had merit.

But now, to go and apprehend him... Thinking of this, his thoughts shifted, and he looked at Xiao Shan: "Your Highness doesn't intend to apprehend him."

It was a statement, not a question.

Xiao Shan said matter-of-factly, "Apprehend whom? Didn't they spread the word in the city that we have a good relationship? Since we are on good terms, naturally, I should pay a visit."

Zong Qing thought, this might actually be a good idea. Visiting first would silence some of the rumors, and once the main force arrived, they could apprehend him.

With Prince Xiao Shan staying at the prefectural office, anyone considering making a move would have to think twice. Injuring a prince could provoke the Emperor's wrath, leading to the extermination of their entire clan.

Thinking about this, Zong Qing suddenly found Xiao Shan quite interesting. His thoughts were different from ordinary people, and his actions were often unexpected.

If he were investigating alone, he would definitely have secretly gathered all the evidence of Liu Jingxuan's crimes, then apprehended the criminal after meeting up with his team, and slowly investigated the case to see if there were any other people involved.

This method might be slower, but it was more cautious, unlike Xiao Shan, who directly intervened as soon as he had an idea.


Although he planned to stay at the prefectural office, Xiao Shan did not immediately vacate the house at the Jin family.

He called Jin Gui over and paid a month's rent in advance, explaining that he had to leave for a few days but would return to stay later.

Jin Gui accepted the money, feeling it was a bit much. Besides providing lodging, Xiao Shan and his companions hadn't relied on the Jin family for their meals or other needs. This made Jin Gui somewhat uneasy. After some hesitation, he said, "I heard that Prince Li will be entering the city in a few days. The officials are all preparing to welcome him, so they haven't had time to investigate the incident at the dock. I'll return the money to you for now. If you decide to stay here again in the future, I'll accept your payment then."

Xiao Shan replied, "Keep it. It's rightfully yours."

Jin Gui wanted to say more, but Xiao Shan continued, "Taking us in involves a certain risk. Risky investments sometimes result in total loss, and sometimes they yield returns. This money is your return, fair and reasonable."

Jin Gui: "..."

He didn't quite understand what Xiao Shan was saying, but it sounded particularly reasonable, leaving him with no grounds for rebuttal.

Xiao Shan was preparing to go to the prefectural office with Xie Zhui, but Xie Chen had no intention of accompanying them. Xiao Shan and Zong Qing had imperial orders to investigate the case, so it made sense for them to travel together. However, it would be inappropriate for him to stay at the prefectural office since he had no such mandate.

Xie Chen spoke plainly, stating that he didn't plan to stay long in Liangzhou City and intended to head to Yangzhou. His visit to Jiangnan was not only to avoid the political turmoil in the capital but also because he had heard from his subordinates that there was a renowned doctor in Yangzhou whom he wished to visit.

He had never given up on the hope of restoring his sight.

Xie Zhui was naturally reluctant to let Xie Chen leave alone, but Xie Chen reassured him, "I have guards and Gu Ning with me, so there's no need to worry. If I can find the renowned doctor in Yangzhou, that would be great. If not, I'll just wander around Yangzhou. Once you're done here, we can return to the capital together."

"But..." Xie Zhui was still uneasy.

Xie Chen said sternly, "No 'buts.' I've gone to seek medical treatment alone many times over the years and am used to it. Besides, I now have a title and the Prince's favor. Nothing will happen to me. You, on the other hand, should stop worrying about me and focus on protecting your Prince here."

Xie Zhui, preoccupied with concern for Xie Chen, didn't take his teasing to heart. Seeing Xie Chen's determination to leave, he instructed Gu Ning to take good care of Xie Chen.

After the brothers finished their conversation and were about to part ways, Xiao Shan approached from a distance. They watched as Xie Chen and his entourage departed.

Once they were gone, Xiao Shan squeezed Xie Zhui's hand.

Xie Zhui shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

In the past, when battles raged, he would stay in the camp for many days. Sometimes, Xie Chen would return from a trip, and he still wouldn't have made it home. By the time he learned of those events, they were already settled facts, leaving him with no place to direct his worries.

Now that both were in the capital, far from the chaos of war, his heart was constantly on edge.

"You and your brother have a close bond. It's natural to worry about him," Xiao Shan said.

Xie Zhui acknowledged with a hum, feeling that words from Xiao Shan's mouth always sounded particularly comforting.

Xiao Shan, pulling him forward, said, "Since you're worried, let's quickly solve this case and then reunite with your brother."

Xie Zhui responded with a simple "Alright."

As Xiao Shan and his group were leaving, they encountered Jin Gui's father.

Jin Gui's father, in a drunken stupor, was reminiscing about the days of grandeur from his youth. Suddenly seeing the group preparing to leave, he snapped to attention, instantly sobering up. He didn't dare approach Xiao Shan directly, so he grabbed Jin Gui's arm and whispered, "Why are you letting the God of Wealth leave?"

His anxiety was evident. Over the past few days, he had noticed that Xiao Shan and his companions spent lavishly, indicating they were wealthy. Now that the God of Wealth was leaving, when would he ever return to his former lifestyle?

Jin Gui looked at his father, reeking of alcohol, and felt a surge of anger. In the past, he had always adhered to proper conduct, never once criticizing his father even though he knew Jin's father often feigned drunkenness and indulged in daydreams.

Today, however, seeing his father's surprised expression, he couldn't help but say, "The God of Wealth thinks the master of this house isn't diligent enough and decided to leave. Father, why don't you go back to sleep? Maybe you'll dream of the God of Wealth returning."

"Ah?" Jin's father was dumbfounded.

Jin Gui ignored him and turned to find his mother, who was busy with her embroidery.

Jin's father stood in the courtyard, unable to get drunk again. He looked around, walked a bit, and then dejectedly walked out the gate.

He felt that his dream was completely shattered. The Jin family would never return to the glory of their ancestors in this lifetime.

Xiao Shan and his companions were naturally unaware of what was happening with the Jin family. After leaving the Jin residence, Xiao Shan ordered a team of guards to go and escort the imperial envoy's honor guard, urging Ji An and the others to hasten their journey.

The remaining guards accompanied him to the prefectural office.

They rode horses to the prefectural office, which was a common sight in Liangzhou City, so their journey did not attract much attention.

When they arrived at the prefectural office, the yamen runner yawned and asked what the matter was.

The group ignored him. After dismounting, Xiao Shan tossed a jade pendant to the yamen runner and said impatiently, "Take this to Liu Jingxuan and tell him to come out and see me."

The yamen runner initially wanted to say something, but upon hearing them call Liu Jingxuan by name and seeing their imposing demeanor, he didn't dare to argue. He hurriedly ran inside.

Before long, Liu Jingxuan emerged. He seemed to have been sleeping, as his clothes were not properly fastened, and his hair was somewhat disheveled.

Liu Jingxuan had a refined and honest appearance.

To be honest, based on his looks alone, one would never guess that he was someone who dared to engage in blatant corruption.

Seeing Xiao Shan, Liu Jingxuan stepped forward to pay his respects, but Xiao Shan grabbed him and laughed, "Brother Liu, let's talk inside."

Liu Jingxuan glanced at the crowd starting to gather around and then at Zong Qing. His face immediately broke into a smile as he led Xiao Shan inside.

Once they reached the backyard, they closed the door, with guards standing watch. Xiao Shan didn't proceed to the inner hall. Instead, he stood in the courtyard, raising an eyebrow and giving Liu Jingxuan a scrutinizing look.

Liu Jingxuan quickly ordered chairs to be brought for them. Xiao Shan pulled Xie Zhui to sit down, while Zong Qing hesitated for a moment before taking a seat nearby.

Liu Jingxuan pursed his lips and stepped forward to pay his respects.

Halfway through his bow, Liu Jingxuan heard Xiao Shan's lazy voice, "Minister Liu, don't rush. I have something I want to ask you."

Liu Jingxuan paused, caught in an awkward position, unsure whether to continue or stop his bow. It was clear that Xiao Shan was trying to make a point, giving him a hard time. Enduring the discomfort, Liu Jingxuan said, "I dare not refuse. Please, Your Highness, go ahead."

"Was it your household staff who collected the disembarkation fees at the dock?" Xiao Shan asked bluntly.

Liu Jingxuan did not deny it and replied, "Yes, Your Highness. Those people are my household's steward and servants."

Xiao Shan clapped his hands and said, "That's straightforward. Call them over. I want to see them."

Liu Jingxuan didn't ask any further questions and quickly instructed his servants to summon all those who had collected the disembarkation fees at the dock.

Once everyone had gathered, Xiao Shan immediately spotted the steward who had initially tried to reprimand him.

Xiao Shan glanced at him, noting his trembling and shocked demeanor, feeling quite satisfied. He then cast his gaze over the others one by one.

His casual yet piercing gaze felt like a knife slicing through their skin, causing intense discomfort.

After leisurely surveying the group, Xiao Shan raised his hand and pointed at the steward, saying, "You there, Elder Liu, step forward and speak."

Liu Jingxuan was already alarmed by Xiao Shan's use of "Elder Liu," and the trembling steward was even more terrified.

The steward practically crawled out of the group, his face streaked with tears, and kowtowed fervently to Xiao Shan, pleading, "Your Highness, spare me! Your Highness, spare me! It's all my fault for being blind, for being blind..."

His kowtows were loud and forceful, and soon his forehead was swollen.

He cried pitifully, a stark contrast to his previous arrogance.

While begging Xiao Shan, the steward also looked to Liu Jingxuan for help, his face a mess of snot and tears, pleading, "Master, save me! Master, save me!"

Liu Jingxuan glanced at the steward and then at Xiao Shan. For a moment, his expression was very cold. He calmly said, "I am not aware of how Liu San has offended Your Highness. Please enlighten me."

Xiao Shan smiled slightly, leaning back in his chair and lazily said, "The other day, when Minister Zong and I passed through the dock, he demanded disembarkation fees from us. This disembarkation fee is unique to Liangzhou. Since Minister Zong and I were new here, we thought it respectful to adhere to local customs, so we paid the fee. But your steward, Liu Ye, was not satisfied. He called me a sickly person and claimed that once I entered Liangzhou City, he would be my father. I told him he wasn't fortunate enough to be my father, but he insisted on 'educating' me in my father's stead."

Halfway through Xiao Shan's recounting, Liu Jingxuan could no longer hold himself up and collapsed to his knees.

The steward trembled even more violently, his mouth quivering so much that he couldn't speak. If he had known that the person he had confronted that day was Xiao Shan, he wouldn't have dared to utter such words even if his tongue were cut off.

Xiao Shan stared directly at Liu Jingxuan and said, "Minister Liu, your steward's arrogance is truly astounding, even greater than my father's. I am genuinely frightened. So, Minister Liu, what do you think should be done with this man?"

Without hesitation, Liu Jingxuan calmly replied, "This person has offended the Emperor. Killing him would be too lenient. He should be executed."

Upon hearing this, Liu San's face turned deathly pale, and cold sweat poured down his face. He looked at Liu Jingxuan in disbelief and said, "Master, you want to silence me!" Then he crawled towards Xiao Shan in terror, pleading, "Your Highness, the master wants to silence me. Please, Your Highness, spare my life."

Xiao Shan clapped his hands, and immediately a guard stepped forward to gag Liu San.

Xiao Shan, with a faint smile, looked at Liu San and said, "You sealed your own fate that day. How can I give you a way out today? Take him away. Since he is Minister Liu's steward, let Minister Liu handle his punishment later."

Liu San, with a look of utter despair, tried to speak, his expression filled with unspoken words. But he couldn't say anything as the guards dragged him away.

Zong Qing, witnessing this scene, was momentarily stunned. He then stood up and looked at Xiao Shan, saying, "Your Highness, since this man claims to have hidden truths, why not let him speak?" At that moment, he suddenly felt he couldn't see through Xiao Shan's actions, even suspecting that Xiao Shan's behavior resembled silencing Liu San on behalf of Liu Jingxuan.

Xiao Shan glanced at him, looking puzzled, and said, "His offense against the Emperor is already a capital crime. I know he has something to say, but I didn't kill him immediately. Why is Minister Zong in such a hurry? Besides, what he has to say is nothing more than the crimes committed by Liu Jingxuan, at most serving as a personal witness. Since Liu Jingxuan is right here, why not interrogate him first and then question Liu San later? It's the same thing, isn't it?"

Zong Qing: "..."

Upon reflection, Xiao Shan's approach was not unreasonable. Given what they had seen and heard in Liangzhou, Zong Qing would certainly report everything to the Emperor. If Xiao Shan had taken no action upon meeting Liu San, the Emperor might have harbored doubts.

After all, Liu San's behavior was practically inviting death.

However, Xiao Shan's initial move to uphold the Emperor's dignity could easily be misunderstood. Just now, Zong Qing couldn't help but wonder if Xiao Shan intended to publicly shield Liu Jingxuan.

Having thought it through, Zong Qing felt it was pointless to dwell on it and sat back down.

Xiao Shan stared at Liu Jingxuan, scrutinizing him from head to toe.

After a long moment, he asked in a calm tone, "Minister Liu, do you know the purpose of my and Minister Zong's visit to Liangzhou?"

Liu Jingxuan nodded calmly and replied, "I am aware, Your Highness."

"Is what County Magistrate Wang Xin reported to the Emperor true?" Xiao Shan continued.

Liu Jingxuan closed his eyes briefly and replied, "Most of it is true."

"For example?"

Liu Jingxuan: "Corruption and abuse of power."

"And what about murder to silence witnesses?" Xiao Shan asked coldly.

Liu Jingxuan: "I did not personally commit murder, but those who did were under my command. It is no different from me committing the act."

Hearing this, Xiao Shan asked no further questions. Zong Qing, witnessing someone confess so candidly for the first time, couldn't help but ask, "Minister Liu, why are you admitting to this so readily?"

"Why?" Liu Jingxuan's face finally showed a second expression, a mix of a bitter smile and self-mockery, tinged with a bit of fear. He said, "They say Jiangnan is a nest of wealth, with silver everywhere underfoot. I once aspired to be an honest official, but those around me were manipulated, and I was deceived. Later, I couldn't keep my hands clean and ultimately betrayed the Emperor's trust. I didn't want to be found out and harbored a sense of false hope. But the situation in Jiangnan is too complex, with merchants and officials deeply intertwined. I sank deeper and deeper, and soon I was about to extend my corruption to the imperial examinations... If this continued, it would implicate my father and the Crown Prince."

As he spoke, Liu Jingxuan's expression became a mix of laughter and tears.

His father was the head academician of the Hanlin Academy, overseeing this year's imperial examinations. Many wealthy people in Jiangnan aspired to official positions, and those who had evidence of his corruption naturally wanted to use him to cheat and obtain the exam questions in advance.

His father had only one son and doted on him deeply.

If he were to write a letter crying about his predicament, his father, no matter how angry, wouldn't just watch him go to his death. He might even drag his father into the mess, leading to the exam questions being leaked.

Liu Jingxuan didn't want to die, but he still had a bit of conscience left. He realized that if this matter were exposed, his family, the Crown Princess, and even the Crown Prince would be implicated. He was truly terrified.

Terrified enough to admit to his crimes rather than risk further consequences.

These past days, he had been putting on a show for others while worrying about his own situation.

Now, it was all over.

Zong Qing: "..."

This man seemed to understand the gravity of the situation, so how did he end up so muddled?

Liu Jingxuan noticed what Zong Qing was thinking and gave a bitter smile. At first, he had no intention of betraying the Emperor's trust. His family had been honest for generations, and he had hoped to make a significant impact in Jiangnan and accomplish great things.

But once he arrived, everything spiraled out of control.

"Explain what happened," Xiao Shan said coldly, breaking the silence.


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