Salted Fish Chapter 24

 Chapter 24

The Gu Family's Funeral

Xiao Shan's mind was not on these power struggles. The reason he spoke so much with Xie Zhui was because of the mention of feeling aggrieved. Now that he had expressed his thoughts, he didn't want to dwell on these matters any longer.

Life, after all, was about feeling comfortable.

Xiao Shan looked at Xie Zhui, who seemed lost in thought. He waved at him and smiled, "We were summoned to the palace early this morning. Aren't you tired? In our residence, there are no elders, and we are the highest-ranking. No one can tell us what to do. Why don't you join me for a nap?"

Xie Zhui glanced up and then looked away, saying, "I'm not tired. If Your Highness is tired, please rest. I'll wake you when it's time for lunch."

Xiao Shan asked, "Then what will you do?"

Xie Zhui replied, "...The scenery in the rear garden is quite nice. I'll take a walk." It was obviously an excuse; he just felt that lying down for a nap with Xiao Shan in broad daylight was inappropriate.

Xiao Shan was a hedonist. If he could avoid moving, he wouldn't; if he could lie down, he wouldn't sit; if he could sit, he wouldn't stand.

Since Xie Zhui had reservations and didn't want to join him, Xiao Shan couldn't force him. Everyone has their own way of living. Xie Zhui had never demanded anything of him, so naturally, he wouldn't demand that Xie Zhui be like him.

In a marriage, what was needed was mutual tolerance and understanding. In this regard, Xiao Shan believed he could set a good example.

So he said, "Alright, I'll take a nap. Wake me up when it's time to eat."

After Xie Zhui left, Xiao Shan lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

He didn't know how much time had passed, but the usually good sleeper suddenly opened his eyes. Staring at the ceiling beams, he experienced for the first time what it felt like to be sleepy yet unable to fall asleep.

He tried to lull himself to sleep by counting sheep in his mind. When he lost count, he would start over from the beginning.

So, the more sheep he counted, the more awake he became.

Eventually, Xiao Shan realized that this method of falling asleep was not suitable for him, so he gave up.

Giving up on sleep, Xiao Shan's mind involuntarily drifted to thoughts of Xie Zhui.

He hadn't expected Xie Zhui to ask him such a question today. It seemed like it was the first time in many years that someone had asked if he felt aggrieved.

He didn't feel aggrieved, but that didn't mean he didn't appreciate someone caring about him. Xie Zhui was the first person to show concern for his feelings. To be honest, he felt a bit unaccustomed to it, even a little embarrassed.

Thinking about these things, Xiao Shan buried his head in the blanket, his heart filled with a mix of emotions.


Xie Zhui wandered around the rear garden a few times.

He wasn't someone who appreciated scenery; to him, the bustling capital and the desolate borderlands were no different.

He just didn't know what else to do. He was pondering whether his earlier words to Xiao Shan had crossed a line. Although Xiao Shan had ultimately explained things to him, he wasn't sure if he had hurt Xiao Shan.

In these matters, Xiao Shan was the true victim.

Xie Zhui wasn't one to express his feelings easily, but seeing Xiao Shan come out of the palace with that indifferent smile on his face, as if whatever Consort Lan did or said had nothing to do with him, made him feel compelled to speak.

Or perhaps it was because Consort Lan was his mother, so he couldn't demand anything from her. When this thought crossed his mind, it felt as if several thorns were pricking his heart back and forth.

It didn't hurt much, but it was extremely uncomfortable.

Xie Zhui wasn't someone who liked to dwell on doubts or negativity; otherwise, he wouldn't have become a decisive general, nor would he have been able to command the soldiers of the northern border.

For the first time in his life, he was troubled by Xiao Shan's feelings, wondering if he had gone too far.

When Ji An found Xie Zhui and told him it was time for lunch, he suddenly realized how much time had passed. Remembering that he had promised to wake Xiao Shan for lunch, Xie Zhui put aside his thoughts and prepared to wake him up.

As for everything else, if Xiao Shan truly felt that he had crossed a line, he would definitely show it.

Xie Zhui assumed Xiao Shan was surely asleep because he was always true to his word; if he said he was going to sleep, he would fall asleep without fail. Unexpectedly, this time was different. When he gently pushed open the door, he immediately saw Xiao Shan lying there with his eyes open, staring at the ceiling beams.

Hearing the sound, Xiao Shan quickly sat up. Seeing Xie Zhui, he blinked and said nothing.

Xie Zhui was momentarily stunned by his reaction. Then he lowered his gaze and said softly, "It's time for lunch."

"Oh," Xiao Shan scratched his head in surprise, "It's already that time."

Xie Zhui responded with a nod.

Xiao Shan quickly got out of bed, freshened up, and joined Xie Zhui for lunch.

During the meal, neither of them spoke much.

In the middle of their meal, Ji An entered with a beaming face, bringing the gatekeeper along, saying there was good news to report.

Xiao Shan asked, "Good news? What good news?" The kind of good news these people understood was different from his own understanding, and he was genuinely wary of the word "good" now.

The gatekeeper, beaming with joy, said, "Reporting to Your Highness, the Emperor has conferred the title of Earl of Ding'an upon Xie Gongzi* from the Xie family. The imperial decree has just been issued. I saw the eunuch from the palace carrying the decree and congratulated him, then went to inquire further. The Xie family will come to report the good news shortly, but I came first to share the joy with you, Your Highness."

*a respectful way to address a young man from a noble or wealthy family

"Really?" Xiao Shan was initially stunned, then delighted.

He was initially confused about what his father was thinking, suddenly bestowing a territory upon Xie Chen. But then he understood. The Emperor was acknowledging and recognizing Xie Zhui's contributions in the northern border. Since it was unprecedented for a ger to be on the battlefield, the title of Earl of Ding'an was conferred upon Xie Chen instead.

Xie Chen being granted the title of Earl of Ding'an was indeed something worth celebrating.

Xie Zhui's face also showed signs of happiness. Initially, joining the military was out of necessity, and he never cared much for fame and fortune. But the Emperor's willingness to attribute his achievements to Xie Chen genuinely made him happy for Xie Chen.

Xie Chen, who was blind, had already attracted attention upon returning to the capital from the border. Now, with the title of Earl conferred by the Emperor, ordinary people would not dare to easily insult him.

The gatekeeper, perceptive and quick-witted, saw the situation and hurriedly bowed to Xie Zhui again, saying, "Congratulations, Prince Consort." Having a family member ennobled was indeed a joyous occasion for a ger.

At the very least, it would give him more confidence in speaking and acting within his husband's family.

Ji An also followed suit in offering his congratulations.

Xie Zhui's lips curved into a smile, his eyes reflecting his happiness. Xiao Shan said, "You all know how to share in the joy. This was well done; there will be a reward."

The gatekeeper's face lit up with joy, "Thank you, Your Highness, Prince Consort."

Ji An also smiled and said, "I am fortunate to share in Wang Jun's good fortune." He knew that Xiao Shan held Xie Zhui in high regard, so he deliberately said something flattering. The Xie family's joyous occasion had indeed brought him Xiao Shan's reward, thanks to Xie Zhui.

After hearing the news, Xiao Shan's eyes remained filled with a smile. At this moment, he looked at Xie Zhui and asked, "Happy?"

Xie Zhui nodded, genuinely happy.

Seeing this, the gatekeeper and Ji'an quietly withdrew.

Outside, Ji An looked at the gatekeeper and said, "You're quite sharp. Our prince likes servants with such liveliness. You've made a good impression on him, so work hard, and you'll have good days ahead."

The gatekeeper quickly bowed to Ji An, expressing his gratitude for the advice and guidance.

This was one of Ji An's good qualities; he never took credit for others' achievements. Whether someone could gain favor with the master depended on their own abilities. He wouldn't stop anyone from climbing up, but he also wouldn't allow those with ulterior motives to advance.

Inside the room

Xiao Shan said, "Soon, my elder brother will send someone to deliver the good news. Let's go to the storeroom and pick out some nice things to send over as a token of our goodwill."

Xie Zhui stood up, ready to head out, but Xiao Shan quickly held him down, saying, "Why are you in such a hurry? At least finish your meal first."

Only then did Xie Zhui realize they were only halfway through their meal. Feeling a bit embarrassed, he quickly sat back down and continued eating, this time at a slightly faster pace.

However, he was mindful of Xiao Shan. He only put down his chopsticks after seeing Xiao Shan do so, his eyes sparkling as he looked at the person in front of him.

Seeing him like this, Xiao Shan's palms itched with the urge to ruffle his hair. Anyone seeing Xie Zhui like this would never guess he was once a decisive and ruthless general.

Xiao Shan stood up, grabbed Xie Zhui's arm, and said with a helpless tone, "Let's go to the storeroom." With Xie Zhui unintentionally acting cute, it was hard to delay any longer. In this world, he was probably the only one so eager to take the Prince Consort to the storeroom to pick out things.

The two of them had just finished picking out items in the storeroom when a messenger from the Xie family arrived.

After delivering the good news, Xie Zhui, with a stern face, said, "I understand. Go back and tell my elder brother that I will personally visit in a couple of days to congratulate him."

The Xie family servant acknowledged this and left with the gifts Xie Zhui had prepared.

Xie Chen being granted a title, regardless of the reason, genuinely made both Xiao Shan and Xie Zhui happy for him.

However, not everyone shared their sincere joy for Xie Chen.

Take, for example, Old Madam An, who was still staying with the Gu family. She was the same Old Madam An who had tried to assert her status when Xiao Shan first brought Xie Zhui to the Gu family.

After being rebuffed by Xiao Shan and then angered by Consort Lan in the palace, her mood had been sour for days.

Today, upon hearing that Xie Chen had been granted the title of Earl, she threw the teacup in her hand to the ground.

Old Madam An angrily exclaimed, "Xie Chen has never set foot on the battlefield, so why is he being granted the title of Earl? If this continues, won't the Xie family soon be on equal footing with my An family?"

She thought of her An family, which had only been granted the title of Marquis after winning several battles following the Emperor's ascension to the throne.

Now, Xie Chen becoming a Earl without shedding a drop of blood was understandably infuriating.

As for Xie Zhui having been on the battlefield, Old Madam An didn't take it seriously at all. In her view, the fact that the Emperor hadn't issued a decree to punish Xie Zhui was already a stroke of luck for him.

Old Madam An had been strong-willed all her life, and her greatest wish was to firmly suppress the Xie family.

In the past, at the border, the An family's reputation couldn't compare to the Xie family's.

After finally seeing signs of the Xie family's decline, the Emperor suddenly pulled this move. Old Madam An felt as if ants were crawling on a hot pan in her heart, making her extremely uncomfortable.

Old Madam An was furious, and the younger members of the An family who had come with her stood there with their heads lowered, not daring to say a word.

In the room, Old Madam An vented her anger by cursing the Xie family, including Xie Zhui and Xie Chen.

It was only when she was exhausted from cursing that she sat down to rest.

When she thought of the second branch of the Gu family, Old Madam An suddenly stopped being angry and even started to smile.

In her view, Xie Chen being granted the title of Earl was because Xie Zhui had married the Third Prince, Xiao Shan. It was this connection that brought Xie Chen's name to the Emperor's attention.

As for Gu Yan and his branch of the second house of the Gu family, they had a daughter who was a consort in the palace and a grandson who was a prince. But what had they gained from it? When people mentioned the Gu family, aside from the Old Master, it was Gu Xuan who came to mind. Who would think of Gu Yan?

Now, the Old Master of the Gu family was advanced in age and in poor health. His old ailments had flared up recently, and his spirits were low. Just yesterday, they had called for an imperial physician to examine him.

Currently, the entire Gu family tacitly acknowledged the first house as the one in charge.

A legitimate son is a legitimate son, but the treatment between the eldest legitimate son and the second legitimate son can be quite different.

If something were to happen to the Old Master of the Gu family, the second house of the Gu family would end up with nothing.

Old Madam An didn't believe that Xie Chen's ennoblement wouldn't strike a nerve with Gu Yan.

Thinking of this, Old Madam An clutched her chest and said, "Someone, go to my sister-in-law and tell her that I am ill." She was referring to Yun Shi, Gu Xuan's wife, while Jiang Shi was Gu Yan's wife.

Naturally, she couldn't go directly to Jiang Shi to say anything harsh. But given her status, as long as she claimed to be unwell, the other members of the Gu family would have to come and visit her...


Five days after Xie Chen was granted the title of Earl, the Old Master of the Gu family suddenly passed away.

When the news reached the palace, the Emperor was greatly shocked, unable to comprehend how the Old Master had passed so suddenly.

In recent days, the Old Master's health had indeed been poor, prompting the Emperor to inquire with the imperial physician. The physician had assured him that with careful care, the Old Master could endure for a while longer.

Yet, in just a few days, he was gone.


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