Salted Fish Chapter 22

 Chapter 22


Consort Lan never expected Xie Zhui to voice his opposition. In her view, she had already made up her mind about this matter. She was merely informing Xie Zhui so he could mentally prepare for the newcomers to the residence, not seeking his opinion.

Hearing Xie Zhui's firm and unwavering refusal, Consort Lan's expression changed.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She suddenly slammed the table, stood up, and glared at Xie Zhui, her face full of anger and eyes brimming with grievance. "What did you say? You disagree? On what grounds do you disagree?"

Whether it was because her hand hurt from slamming the table too hard or because she was infuriated by Xie Zhui's attitude, tears began to fall from her eyes before she could finish her sentence.

She stared intently at Xie Zhui, as if she had suffered the greatest injustice in the world.

Xie Zhui didn't understand why Consort Lan liked to cry. He looked at her tearful face with an expressionless demeanor.

To be honest, Xie Zhui was quite an uninteresting person. Many people had cried in front of him, but he never had any reaction.

It wasn’t that he was heartless; it was mainly because he had seen too much life and death at the border. He had witnessed countless farewells and separations. In the chaos of war, it was common to see white-haired parents burying their black-haired children, families torn apart, homes destroyed, and soldiers dying from severe injuries.

Countless people were displaced by the war, and some didn't even make it halfway before they perished.

He had once ridden past people with eyes devoid of emotions, leaving nothing behind but dust.

People often said that the wind at the border carried the cries of the dead. Those who guarded the frontier had seen too many tragic events and heard too many sorrowful and heart-wrenching cries. Therefore, tears were the least effective weapon against him.

If possible, he could even let Consort Lan cry to her heart's content in front of him.

However, considering that Consort Lan was Xiao Shan's mother and a noblewoman in the palace, he couldn't do that for Xiao Shan's sake.

So, as Consort Lan silently shed tears, Xie Zhui spoke methodically, "Mother Consort, I don't need any reason. I simply do not want to."

Consort Lan became even more infuriated upon hearing his words. She couldn't swallow her anger and, while crying, sneered coldly, "What, do you mean that Shan'er taking a secondary consort requires your approval? Even if you are still the Grand General of the Northern Frontier, I am not your subordinate, and you have no authority over me. You refuse to accept a secondary consort, so tell me, as the consort of Prince Li, besides bringing unnecessary rumors and making him a subject of ridicule and mockery, what else have you brought him? How much grievance has he suffered by marrying you?"

"Shan'er, as a dignified prince and a titled lord, what harm is there in taking one or two secondary consorts? Just based on your jealous words, you have already committed one of the Seven Grounds for Divorce."

Listening to Consort Lan's extremely harsh and even heart-piercing words, Xie Zhui's expression didn't change in the slightest.

After Consort Lan had vented her anger, Xie Zhui continued, "Mother Consort, you misunderstand. That is not what I meant. Firstly, I believe that rumors are not to be trusted. I conduct myself with integrity and am willing to confront those who spread rumors, so I do not fear them. On the contrary, those who spread rumors should fear me. Secondly, the Prince has always said that as his consort, I should prioritize his wishes. The matter you just mentioned is something the Prince is completely unaware of. Therefore, I cannot agree to it."

Consort Lan's face was filled with both anger and frustration. She gritted her teeth and said, "Don't use Shan'er as an excuse. I am his mother consort. Do you think he would dare not listen to me?"

Xie Zhui's expression remained calm, and his tone was cold and firm. "Forgive me, Mother Consort, but I am not the Prince himself and cannot answer on his behalf."

"You..." Consort Lan's eyes reddened with anger. "I didn't realize you were so sharp-tongued. Did I misjudge you before?"

Xie Zhui replied, "I have always been this way. Mother Consort has not interacted with me much, so it is understandable that you do not know me well."

Consort Lan: "..."


When Xiao Shan arrived at Jinglan Hall, Consort Lan was crying sorrowfully and was in the middle of questioning Xie Zhui, "Are you saying that as long as Shan'er agrees, you will agree too? Do you even consider me, his mother consort, in your eyes?"

Xie Zhui stood there with his back straight, unmoved.

As Xiao Shan walked into the hall, Consort Lan recounted Xie Zhui's actions and then added a summary, "Your Prince Consort of Prince Li is truly formidable. He has a retort for every word I say."

Xiao Shan glanced at Xie Zhui and then said earnestly, "Mother Consort, if you ask him a question and he can't find a response, then he's either mute or not very bright. Isn't it good that Xie Zhui is neither mute nor foolish?"

Consort Lan: "..."

After a moment, she looked at Xiao Shan with eyes full of accusation and confusion. "Are you deliberately saying this to anger me because you and he are of one mind? Do you think I'm trying to harm you by giving you secondary consorts?"

Xiao Shan thought to himself, You're not trying to harm me, but I simply don't have the fortune to enjoy such a life of having multiple partners.

It was his own unwillingness, his own displeasure, and his own reluctance.

He thought this in his heart but said aloud, "Mother Consort, I understand your good intentions, but I have already refused this matter with Father Emperor, and he has agreed not to bring it up again. Please don't ask Xie Zhui about this in the future. If you ask him, he can't say yes, and he can't say no. Isn't that making things difficult for him?"

"Impossible," Consort Lan said, trying to keep a straight face. Last night, the Emperor had clearly considered it for a long time and finally agreed. How could things have changed so drastically in just one morning?

Xiao Shan wore a fearless expression. "If Mother Consort doesn't believe me, you can ask Father Emperor. I would never dare to lie." At most, he had slightly exaggerated the Emperor's intentions, which was a very normal form of exaggeration and couldn't be considered lying.

Consort Lan was momentarily speechless. She certainly couldn't go directly to the Emperor and ask why he had changed his mind.

Even if she were foolish, she wouldn't do such a thing.

Realizing that the Emperor might indeed have changed his mind, Consort Lan's mood instantly plummeted. She couldn't understand why, with so many beautiful and refined people both inside and outside the palace, Xiao Shan was so special to Xie Zhui and always defended him.

The more Xiao Shan acted this way, the more displeased she became with Xie Zhui.

Of course, if Xiao Shan completely followed her wishes, she wouldn't find Xie Zhui pleasing either. She and Xie Zhui were naturally at odds.

Having already made his decision and expressed his thoughts to the Emperor, receiving temporary acquiescence, Xiao Shan really didn't want to continue discussing this issue with Consort Lan, especially in front of Xie Zhui.

So he said, "Mother Consort, it's getting late. Xie Zhui and I won't stay for a meal. We will take our leave."

Consort Lan naturally didn't want him to leave like this. She was about to say something when she saw Xiao Shan smile helplessly, his expression particularly forlorn and resigned. "Mother Consort, I don't care at all if others believe those rumors and spread those unpleasant words, but it deeply saddens me to see that you believe them more than anyone else."

Consort Lan looked shocked and flustered. "When did I ever believe those things? Hearing them makes me uncomfortable. I wish everyone who says such things were mute."

Xiao Shan's tone was somber. "If you truly don't believe them, why do you bring this matter up again and again? Where does that leave the dignity of Xie Zhui and me? Xie Zhui is clearly the victim of these rumors, so why do you think it's all his fault? If we are to assign blame, aren't those who spread such nonsense the real culprits?"

Consort Lan: "I'm not. I just don't want you to suffer these grievances."

Xiao Shan: "But as for those words from outsiders, I don't feel aggrieved at all. To me, their words are nothing but nonsense. It's only when close friends and family believe such things that I feel truly aggrieved."

Consort Lan's focus was different from most people. After thinking seriously about his words, she came to an unusual conclusion: "Are you saying that you think I'm meddling too much?"

When Consort Lan said this, her expression was one of deep grievance.

She had considered so much for Xiao Shan, wanting to pile all the good things on him, only to end up with this result.

She felt angry, unwilling, and deeply aggrieved.

Xiao Shan lowered his eyes. "I wouldn't dare, and that's not what I mean. Mother Consort, the matter has already been settled with Father Emperor. I don't want to discuss it any further. I shall take my leave."

Xie Zhui followed suit and bowed. "I shall also take my leave."

After the two left, Consort Lan lay on the chaise longue, fuming. "Is it my fault?"

The maidservant, Cui Shu, stood by: "..."

She didn't dare say it was Consort Lan's fault, but she couldn't say it was Xiao Shan's fault either. She just couldn't understand why Xiao Shan was so unwilling to take secondary consorts.

Taking secondary consorts wasn't necessarily a bad thing. The Emperor, needless to say, had his three palaces and six courtyards, with countless well-known consorts and concubines. In the Eastern Palace, aside from the Crown Princess, there were also favored ladies and maids. Recently, with the Crown Princess pregnant and unable to serve, these women were recommended to attend to the Crown Prince. Once the Crown Princess gave birth to the little prince, the Empress would even waive the contraceptive decoction for these women to ensure the Eastern Palace was blessed with many children.

As for the eldest prince, Xiao Rong, it went without saying. He could be described as having a multitude of wives and concubines. Sometimes, to gain support from certain people, he even married their daughters.

Ultimately, taking secondary consorts could be very beneficial for Xiao Shan, at least providing him with a variety of companions instead of seeing the same face every day. However, on the other hand, whether as a woman or a ger, who didn't harbor a shy and timid hope of spending a lifetime with just one person when they marry?

Cui Shu never expected to witness such a thing with Xiao Shan, a prince known for his lack of learning and skills. Thinking about this, Cui Shu felt a surge of emotion.

The matter of Consort Lan pushing for Xiao Shan to take secondary consorts quickly spread throughout the harem.

Consort Xian, upon hearing this, smiled and said to her chief maid, Biyu, "Sister Lan's love for her son is truly deep. I do hope her wishes come true. But if they don't, it's no big deal."

Biyu felt that Consort Xian's words had a deeper meaning, but she didn't dare to ask. Consort Xian, naturally, didn't intend to explain further. She quickly composed herself and ordered someone to summon the eunuch who served Xiao Xian, intending to inquire about Xiao Xian's recent studies.

Consort Xian was now focused on ensuring that Xiao Xian's academic performance would catch the Emperor's attention, so she was particularly strict in this area.

She wasn't afraid that this would arouse the Empress and Crown Prince's suspicion. After all, Xiao Xian was still young and already had a bit more favor in the Emperor's eyes compared to the other princes. It wouldn't be excessive for him to stand out a little more.

While Consort Xian had this attitude, the situation was much calmer with Consort Shu, the mother of the fourth prince, Xiao Yi.

Consort Shu was a talented woman, usually immersed in poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and would often burn incense and pray when she had free time. Xiao Yi inherited her temperament, being a rather serene person who viewed the power struggles in the palace with a detached perspective.

When the Empress heard the news, Crown Princess Liu Jingyi was also present.

The Crown Princess was at a critical stage in her pregnancy and, strictly speaking, didn't need to come to pay respects. The Empress only wanted her to safely deliver the little prince and didn't want her to be troubled by coming and going.

Liu Jingyi smiled and said that she had been feeling much better recently and that her appetite had improved. Moreover, Imperial Physician Su had advised her to move around more. She didn't dare go anywhere else, so she came to the Empress, hoping the Empress wouldn't mind her presence.

The implication was that no place was as safe as being with the Empress.

Hearing this, the Empress was overjoyed, and the heart that had been wounded by Consort Lan's antics healed considerably.

As the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law chatted happily, a palace servant reported the news about Consort Lan wanting to bestow secondary consorts upon Xiao Shan.

The Empress' face immediately darkened upon hearing anything related to Consort Lan.

Liu Jingyi quietly glanced at the Empress a couple of times and then pursed her lips, remaining silent.

The Empress was silent for a moment before asking the palace servant, "Does the Emperor know about this?"

The palace servant replied, "This servant heard from the maids at Jinglan Hall that Consort Lan mentioned this to the Emperor last night, and the Emperor agreed. After the morning court session today, the Emperor specifically kept Prince Li behind."

The Empress asked, "Has the Crown Prince returned to the Eastern Palace?"

The palace servant replied, "The Crown Prince has just returned to the Eastern Palace."

The Empress furrowed her brows and waved the palace servant away. Then she looked at Liu Jingyi and said, "I wonder if the Crown Prince knows about this matter."

Liu Jingyi quickly stood up and said softly, "Mother Empress, the Crown Prince has a very good relationship with Prince Li. Even if he hears about it, he won't take it to heart. If Prince Li truly wishes to take secondary consorts, the Crown Prince would only be happy for him."

The Empress sighed, "I know the Crown Prince's temperament well. He always likes to think positively about everything. As the Crown Princess, there are times when you should offer him some advice and guidance."

Liu Jingyi replied, "Mother Empress is right. I will remember that. However..."

Seeing her hesitant expression, the Empress said directly, "However what? Just speak your mind."

Liu Jingyi breathed a sigh of relief, her expression somewhat troubled. "In response to Mother Empress, the Crown Prince has grand ambitions and has never been fond of my words of advice. He always thinks that, as a woman, I am too meticulous and prone to overthinking."

The Empress spoke earnestly, "Precisely because of this, you must advise him even more. In his position, there are countless eyes watching him. If you don't help him keep an eye on things, who else can?"

Liu Jingyi replied softly, "Rest assured, Mother Empress. I understand what needs to be done."

Only then did the Empress nod in satisfaction.

Liu Jingyi stayed with the Empress for a while longer before returning to the Eastern Palace.

She spoke a few words with Xiao Jin, then smiled and said, "Just now, Mother Empress was asking about the Crown Prince, wondering if he knew that Consort Lan intended to bestow secondary consorts upon Prince Li."

Xiao Shan glanced at him and asked, "What did Mother Empress say?"

Liu Jingyi recounted the entire scene and the Empress's words. Finally, she said, "Mother Empress always wants me to advise the Crown Prince, but I must admit my own foolishness, as I really can't find the right way to do so."

A complex expression appeared on Xiao Jin's refined and elegant face. He said softly, "I understand Mother Empress's and your intentions, but I also understand Third Brother's feelings."

Liu Jingyi remained silent, maintaining an elegant and composed demeanor. Xiao Jin said, "I dare say that Third Brother will not easily take secondary consorts. Even if he had the intention, he would inform me in advance. Do you believe that?"

Liu Jingyi's first reaction wasn't whether she believed it or not, but rather curiosity. "Why does the Crown Prince say so?"


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