Salted Fish Chapter 19

 Chapter 19

He Pities Me

If one were to pinpoint who might take action against the Xie family, Emperor Xiao Sheng would be the most likely candidate. The Xie family had been rooted in the northern border for generations, and their control over the northern army and influence among the local populace were unparalleled.

Any Emperor would feel uneasy about this situation, and Xiao Sheng was no exception. He both relied on and guarded against the Xie family.

However, Xiao Shan still believed that Xiao Sheng wouldn't commit the atrocity of slaughtering loyal subjects.

It wasn’t because the Emperor was his father that he said this, but mainly because when the news of General Xie’s death in battle and Xie Sui’s disappearance reached the capital, the Emperor's first reaction was shock and concern.

He was shocked by General Xie's death and Xie Sui's disappearance, and worried that the northern border cities would be occupied by the fearless Northern Yan.

That period was arguably the most difficult time for the Emperor. He was desperate to immediately send reinforcements to the northern border to prevent the loss of the cities. He was anxious, but the court ministers were incessantly arguing for their own interests.

Some court officials who supported the First Prince, Xiao Rong, submitted a memorial to the Emperor, suggesting that Xiao Rong should personally go to the northern border to encourage the northern army.

Naturally, the Empress Dowager and the Empress were displeased with this proposal.

If Xiao Rong gained prestige in the army, it would be detrimental to Xiao Jin.

The Gu family, who had influence in the court, naturally opposed this idea.

The court ministers all wanted to take the opportunity to place their own people in the northern border and seize military power. As for the actual situation on the northern border, they neither saw it nor cared about it.

During that period, coupled with the Empress Dowager's severe illness, the Emperor was so angry and frustrated with those ministers that he developed mouth sores and even fell ill.

However, before those people could come to any decision, the fourteen-year-old grandson of General Xie, 'Xie Chen,' led the northern army and firmly stopped the Northern Yan forces outside the northern border walls.

Upon hearing this news, the Emperor's illness improved significantly.

The Emperor, in a fit of defiance against those ministers who coveted military power, issued an edict to the northern border, directly promoting 'Xie Chen' to the rank of Junior General of the Northern Border Army, commanding him to defend the northern border to the death.

The civil and military officials no longer opposed each other; instead, they united against the Emperor. They argued that 'Xie Chen' was just a young child barely weaned, and how could he be entrusted with such a significant responsibility? The Emperor couldn't place the lives of the northern army and the northern populace on his shoulders just because he had achieved some temporary success.

At that time, the officials believed that the northern army had suffered significant losses, and someone had to be held accountable. The most direct persons responsible should be General Xie and Xie Sui. Although they were either dead or missing, the blame still needed to be pursued.

The Emperor's decree had an element of defiance, but he also didn't dare to place all his bets on the too-young 'Xie Chen.' However, he didn't intend to give the court ministers another chance either. Instead, he planned to mobilize the neighboring garrison troops to support the northern border.

However, before the Emperor's decree could be issued, 'Xie Chen' led the northern army to deliver another great victory to the capital.

Later, with the assistance of the Eastern City Army, the northern army drove the Northern Yan forces back several dozen miles.

Afterward, the Emperor rewarded the meritorious. He did not hold General Xie accountable for his dereliction of duty; instead, he bestowed upon him the title of Grand General of the Northern Border. As for the missing Xie Sui, the Emperor instructed 'Xie Chen' to continue the search.

At the same time, the Emperor ordered the Eastern City Army to return to their garrison and not interfere with the northern border's defense.

With the cessation of hostilities, the northern army was granted a period of respite. The Emperor also dispatched officials from the Ministry of War to take turns stationed at the northern border, though these officials were not given any general titles. Their role was purely to assist in the reorganization and recovery of the northern army.

In this way, the military power of the northern border gradually returned to the Xie family and fell into the hands of 'Xie Chen.'

It wasn't until 'Xie Chen's' identity was questioned that the Emperor summoned the real Xie Zhui to the capital.

If, at that time, the Emperor's suspicion of the Xie family had truly reached the point of distrust, he would have taken the opportunity to spread rumors detrimental to the Xie family. He could have erased General Xie's achievements, claimed that Xie Sui's disappearance was an act of treason...

With just a few rumors, no matter how great 'Xie Chen's' achievements were or how renowned his name became, he wouldn't have been able to maintain his position in the northern army. Not to mention, after 'Xie Chen's' true identity was revealed, the Emperor was furious and wished he had never existed. Yet, in the end, he didn't arbitrarily assign a crime to have him executed.

The Emperor still remembered the timely news from the northern border that had arrived like a lifesaving rain during his most anxious moments.

These thoughts swirled in Xiao Shan's mind.

Both Xie Zhui and Xie Chen were intelligent individuals. He didn't know if they had ever suspected the Emperor in this regard or what conclusions they might have reached.

Given his current relationship with Xie Zhui, he couldn't ask, as there was no way to verify whether Xie Zhui's words would be sincere or not.

They were spouses with the most intimate relationship, yet sometimes they felt like the most unfamiliar strangers.

Xiao Shan was quite a lazy person; if possible, he preferred not to use his brain. However, when certain matters were right in front of him, he had no choice but to think them through.

Xie Zhui had always known that Xie Chen's eyes were difficult to heal. Over the years, Xie Chen and he had consulted many doctors to no avail. Those doctors couldn't determine what poison had affected him, let alone how to treat it.

Xie Chen drank medicine almost every day, and there was always a faint medicinal smell on him.

Xie Chen wasn't afraid of bitterness; he was only afraid of having no hope at all.

Xie Zhui could only watch as Xie Chen's eyes gradually deteriorated towards the worst possible outcome.

He and Xie Chen had always thought that the damage to his eyes was caused by poisoning. If it weren't for Imperial Physician Su being present today, they wouldn't have known that it was caused by a Gu.

Imperial Physician Su was the one who treated the Emperor, and he was considered the highest-ranking doctor in the Great Zhou.

If even he had no solution, did that mean they could only watch as Xie Chen...

No, there must be another way.

Xie Zhui suppressed the panic in his heart. Now that they knew it was caused by a Gu, they had a direction. As long as they found the person who created the Gu, they could find the antidote. Although it would be difficult, there was at least a path to follow.

With these thoughts, Xie Zhui's gaze became resolute.

Just like on the battlefield, after enduring many trials and tribulations, he remained fearless.

Xie Chen, with his eyes covered, walked out from the inner chamber and inquired about the condition of his eyes. Imperial Physician Su glanced at Xie Zhui, who showed no expression, and finally told the truth.

Xie Chen was momentarily stunned, then he smiled. He expressed to Imperial Physician Su that if he hadn't encountered him today, he might never have known what was wrong with him. Now, it was up to human effort.

Imperial Physician Su appreciated his attitude and wrote him a prescription, saying it could alleviate the pain in his eyes.

He also mentioned that he would research this Gu and hoped to help Xie Chen in the future.

Regardless of the truth in Imperial Physician Su's words, Xie Chen thanked him earnestly.

After seeing Imperial Physician Su out of the Xie residence, Xie Chen looked at Xiao Shan and said, "Thank you, Your Highness."

Xiao Shan said, "There's no need for thanks among family."

Xie Chen smiled but said nothing.

That afternoon, Xiao Shan stayed at the Xie residence for lunch. Compared to Xie Zhui's reticence, Xie Chen was much more talkative.

During the years Xie Zhui was on the battlefield, Xie Chen hadn't been idle either. Despite his blindness, he sought out doctors for treatment and went into business under an assumed name. Of course, all his ventures were legitimate.

He always operated from behind the scenes and rarely showed his face. Initially, there were people who had designs on his businesses, but after he found and dealt with them harshly, everyone realized that his businesses had strong backing and capable management, so they no longer dared to bully him.

Xie Chen conducted his business fairly, with neither overly harsh nor overly lenient methods, making many people in the inner city willing to deal with him. As a result, he made many connections.

Although he couldn't see, he was very knowledgeable and could converse with Xiao Shan about a wide range of topics. The more they talked, the more enthusiastic they became, and they even drank some wine, bringing them closer.

This meal could be described as enjoyable for both host and guest.

After the meal, Xiao Shan, having drunk some wine and showing a hint of intoxication on his face, rested in Xie Zhui's childhood room.

Xie Zhui, who had only been eating and hadn't touched a drop of alcohol, tucked Xiao Shan in before leaving the room.

Seeing Xie Chen standing in the garden, he couldn't help but say, "Why did you let him drink so much?"

Xie Chen, surprised, replied, "Was it a lot? It was only a few cups. For you, that amount is like drinking water. Is Prince Li's alcohol tolerance really that poor?"

Xie Zhui: "..."

To be honest, he didn't know whether Xiao Shan's alcohol tolerance was good or bad.

Except for their wedding night, Xiao Shan had never drunk in front of him.

Xie Zhui had deliberately trained his alcohol tolerance.

The men in the military camp were rather rough, and there wasn't much entertainment at the border. So, after a victory, everyone wanted to drink and celebrate, taking the opportunity to let out a few howls.

As the commander, he couldn't avoid being urged to drink. To avoid making mistakes, he had secretly practiced drinking many times at home.

However, everyone knew he didn't like drinking, so each time he only needed to drink one cup with a stern face, and no one would force him further.

Seeing Xie Zhui remain silent, Xie Chen chuckled and said, "Are you feeling sorry for him?"

Xie Zhui had even less to say.

If Xie Chen could see, he would have noticed that Xie Zhui's face was flushed with warmth.

Xie Chen knew his brother's temperament well—he didn't talk much and liked to keep things to himself.

He said, "I didn't do it on purpose. It's just that it was my first time meeting the prince, and I couldn't help but want to know more about him. I'm just worried you might suffer."

Xie Zhui responded with a muffled "Mhm."

Xie Chen continued, "I know everything that happened before you came today."

The place where Xie Zhui and Zuo Li were surrounded wasn't far from the Xie residence. The gatekeeper of the Xie residence could see it from a distance by just turning a corner.

Nowadays, the people in the Xie family were all promoted by him. If anything happened, no one dared to hide it from him, especially given how chaotic and noisy the scene was at the time. So, the gatekeeper quickly reported it to him without delay.

He was worried that Xie Zhui might suffer a loss and initially intended to step in, but it turned out he didn't need to.

Today was his first proper conversation with Xiao Shan. He tested him and found that Xiao Shan genuinely didn't care about those rumors.

Xie Zhui was taken aback by this. Xie Chen continued, "I found that Prince Li may lack ambition and be somewhat lazy. He hasn't read much, and his views are quite unconventional. He's more skilled in the areas of eating, drinking, and having fun... But his temperament is quite good, and he speaks highly of you."

"The Emperor was quite thoughtful in bestowing this marriage upon you."

Xie Zhui said, "The prince is quite good."

Xie Chen: "..." Did he only hear the last part where I praised Xiao Shan?

Xie Chen continued, "However, the fact that your days are now as they are is really due to Prince Li himself." The Emperor could grant a marriage, but he couldn't force Xiao Shan to treat Xie Zhui well.

In the end, it was because Xiao Shan was willing to do so.

Xie Chen was somewhat curious. He knew his brother was the best, but why could Xiao Shan, a stranger, do this?

Xie Zhui easily guessed what Xie Chen was thinking.

He said softly, "I asked the prince why."

Xie Chen: "..." He hadn't expected Xie Zhui to have the courage to ask such a question.

Xie Zhui's earlobes warmed. He wouldn't have asked while sober, but last night, in the heat of the moment, he had haltingly asked why Xiao Shan trusted him.

At that moment, Xiao Shan, in his urgency, blurted out, "Xie Zhui, no matter what others say, you are a hero."

A hero shouldn't be reduced to being mocked, shouldn't be pointed at because of certain things, and shouldn't have only a dead end to walk.

"I think the prince was willing to marry me and even willing to give me the dignity that a prince consort deserves because he pities me," Xie Zhui suddenly said, looking at the withered garden in the gentle breeze.
