Cub's Dad Chapter 30

 Chapter 30

There were several suitable properties.

The agent projected the details of each property onto the light screen, introducing them to Gu Yanzhi one by one.

Two of them stood out.

They were in the same community, on the same floor, and owned by the same person.

Gu Yanzhi raised his hand to signal a pause and said to the agent, "Tell me more about these two."

"Understood!" These two properties were second-hand houses listed by the owner through the agency. If the transaction went through, his commission would be much higher than renting out a property.

The agent, fully energized, introduced the properties to Gu Yanzhi: "These are two units in the Kangle Community, on the same floor, directly across from each other. The owner is the same person, who bought one unit for himself and one for his parents. Due to a job transfer, he is now in a hurry to sell them."

"Both are two-bedroom, one-living room designs, which perfectly match your requirements. The owner, due to the job transfer, has temporarily rented a place near the new workplace and has taken his parents along. The furniture and appliances couldn't be moved, so they were all left behind. Once the property transfer procedures are completed, you can move in immediately with just your belongings."

"Although the community is an older one, it has convenient transportation with a bus stop right at the entrance. It's close to a shopping mall, making deliveries convenient. There are two kindergartens and an elementary school nearby, so it can be considered a school district property..."

The agent enthusiastically introduced the properties for quite a while, then took a sip of water and summarized, "Both units have the same area and symmetrical layouts, and the owner's pricing is similar. However, the unit the owner lived in has a more modern renovation that appeals to younger people, so its price is slightly higher than the other unit."

"If you plan to renovate yourself, the other unit would be more cost-effective. If you don't plan to renovate, then this unit offers better value for money."

Gu Yanzhi lightly tapped his fingers on the table twice.

A mechanic wouldn't wear a shirt and suit every day.

He needed a place to hide "shirts," "suits," and "ties"—things that didn't fit his mechanic persona.

Having two units on the same floor was perfect.

Gu Yanzhi asked, "Can we go see the properties now?"

The agent's eyes lit up, "Mr. Gu, please wait a moment. I'll contact the owner."

The agent contacted the owner in front of Gu Yanzhi. After the call ended, he put down the light brain and said to Gu Yanzhi, "The owner happens to be in the area for some errands. Mr. Gu, I'll take you to Kangle Community now; the owner will meet us there shortly."

The owner arrived a bit earlier than they did.

Upon seeing them, the owner opened the door and led Gu Yanzhi and the agent on a tour of both units.

Both units were kept very clean.

Gu Yanzhi walked around the rooms casually.

The owner nervously followed behind him, "Mr. Gu, do you find either of the units satisfactory?" Before his job transfer, he had just taken out a loan to buy a car. Now, with monthly rent and loan repayments, he was under significant financial pressure.

The owner hoped that Mr. Gu would be interested in one of the units. If he was straightforward, the owner was even willing to lower the price a bit more.

But he also knew that most people who came to view the properties would say, "I'll think about it," and then he would never hear from them again.

The owner sighed inwardly, then heard the man in front of him say calmly, "I'll take both units. Full payment. Let's handle the transfer procedures now. I'm in a bit of a hurry and need to move in tonight."

The agent and the owner looked at each other in disbelief.

They could hardly believe their ears.

Gu Yanzhi pressed his lips together and said coolly, "Sorry, I'm in a hurry."

The agent was the first to recover, responding enthusiastically, "Alright, alright, Mr. Gu, Mr. Ye, let's go back to the agency and sign the contract there."

The original owner had all the necessary documents prepared, and the property ownership verification was quickly approved.

The contract was made in triplicate*. After Gu Yanzhi signed the contract and made the full payment in one go, the ownership of the two units was officially transferred to him.
*or three identical copies.

The original owner, seeing the large sum just deposited into his bank account, pinched the bridge of his nose as he walked out of the agency, trying to prevent himself from fainting with joy halfway.

The agent was also very pleased with the successful transaction. Seeing that Gu Yanzhi hadn't left yet, he refilled his cup of tea.

He now looked at Mr. Gu as if he were a golden Buddha*.
*or a highly esteemed, revered, or a valuable client. A golden Buddha is a symbol of wealth, good fortune and respect in many cultures. 

To be able to buy two units outright!

Young people these days are truly remarkable.

"If you have any issues in the future, feel free to contact us." The agent pointed to the electronic business card on the table. "If you need anything else in the future, you might also consider our 'Anjia Agency'."

Gu Yanzhi nodded and asked, "Could you give me a copy of your rental contract template?"

"Of course, of course, I'll print one out for you."

As the agent spoke, he printed out a template. "Are you planning to rent out the units, sir? No wonder you bought two at once; you have a good investment mind. That community, with schools, shopping malls nearby, and convenient transportation, is very easy to rent out. Our agency has rented out several units there. If the original owner hadn't needed cash urgently, I would have definitely suggested he rent them out."

He handed the thick stack of contracts to Gu Yanzhi, boasting, "Mr. Gu, take a look. Our agency's contract is the most comprehensive in the industry—seven pages long."

Gu Yanzhi took the contract and quickly flipped through it from beginning to end. "Thank you."

"It’s my pleasure." Seeing that the man in front of him indeed seemed intent on renting out the properties, the agent quickly added, "Sir, if you plan to rent them out, just list them with our 'Anjia Agency.' We guarantee you'll be satisfied with our service. We'll get them rented out for you in no time."

Gu Yanzhi responded with a faint "Mm," without mentioning that the properties were to be rented to himself. He took the contract and his coat, stood up, and walked out of the agency to the agent's words, "Sir, take care. If you want to list the properties with an agency, contact us at 'Anjia'."

It was now 2 PM, and Xie Yishu and Bo Zai would be back at 5:30 PM.

He needed to set up the houses to look like the place he and Bo Zai usually lived in before Xie Yishu finished work.

Gu Yanzhi placed the contract on the passenger seat and opened his light brain.

The nearest comprehensive shopping mall was called Wanyang. It had a virtual mall on the StarNet, where orders could be delivered to your home.

Gu Yanzhi opened the virtual mall and swept through each section, not even skipping the book section.

He bought all the books related to auto repair available in the mall.

After placing the order, Gu Yanzhi scheduled the delivery for 3 PM. Before driving to his future home, he first returned to his old home.

The housekeeper was a bit surprised to see him, "Sir, you're back quite early today."

When Gu Yanzhi saw the housekeeper, he remembered he had forgotten something. He lowered his eyes in thought and then said to the housekeeper, "Aunt Qiu, I hope you can help me act out a scene."

Aunt Qiu's favorite pastime was watching TV dramas.

After Gu Yanzhi explained the situation to her, she understood the role she needed to play.

She was to play a kind, elderly landlord who lived alone, had never married, and had no children. She owned two properties.

A year ago, she had encountered Gu Yanzhi, who was looking for a rental with Bo Zai, at the agency. While playing with Bo Zai, she learned from the chubby little boy about their situation. Seeing the innocent child chewing on his little hand, she felt compassion and decided to rent one of her properties to Gu Yanzhi for five hundred interstellar credits per month. Sometimes, when the auto repair shop was busy, she would even help look after the little boy for a while.

As people age, they fear loneliness and tend to enjoy lively environments and children.

This plot arrangement was perfectly reasonable √

Aunt Qiu had once dreamed of becoming an actress when she was young. Now, given such an opportunity, she was quite enthusiastic: "Sir, don't worry. With me, Qiu Hong, here, I won't let you slip up in front of Madam."

"Leave the house setup to me. Sir, you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and don't know what a poor family's home looks like. I've lived through hard times and know how to set up the house appropriately."

With an experienced person helping, Gu Yanzhi felt much more at ease.

The rental was tidied up half an hour ahead of schedule. After receiving a call from his assistant, he went to the company to sign some necessary documents.

As he was leaving the company, Gu Yanzhi's light brain vibrated.

It was a call from Bo Zai.

The light brain assistant asked, "Would you like to answer?"


"Dad!" Bo Zai's sweet, childish voice echoed in the car, "Dad, Bo Zai misses you! Where are you?"

Gu Yanzhi was driving and instinctively replied, "On the road, Dad just left the company."

Realizing what he had said, Gu Yanzhi paused for a moment and then continued nonchalantly, "Jingsheng Technology Company, Bo Zai knows it, right? It's near our home. Their boss' car broke down, so Dad went there to fix it. I just finished, and I'm heading back to the shop."

"The shop is quite busy today, with several cars to repair, so Dad might come home a bit late."

The recent slip-up reminded him.

He needed to find an auto repair shop and discuss with the owner about paying to experience the mechanic's job.

It should be easy to arrange, Gu Yanzhi thought nonchalantly.

The next second, Xie Yishu's voice came through his ear, "Then I'll take Bo Zai to the repair shop to find you?"

"Bo Zai told me that Daddy is the most focused and handsome when he's fixing cars."

Having been away from Gu Yanzhi for five years, Xie Yishu wanted to learn more about the current Gu Yanzhi and fill in the gaps of those five years: "I want to see where you work and see you in action."

"I'll just take Bo Zai and watch from a distance. I promise we won't disturb you."

The young man's additional words sounded like he was being coquettish to Gu Yanzhi's ears.

Gu Yanzhi involuntarily replied, "Alright."

"Then send me the location of the repair shop, and I'll bring Bo Zai to find you!"

After a burst of busy tones, the call ended.

The usually composed and calm Gu Yanzhi slowly pulled over to the side of the road, his eyelashes trembling slightly.

What did he just say to Xiao Shu?

