Cub's Dad Chapter 26

 Chapter 26

Xie Yishu looked at the child safety harness with the little pink pig on it and tried to reason with Gu Yanzhi. "This harness is for children. I'm too big..."

Xie Yishu paused.

He had intended to say that he was too big to run away, but then he thought about it. To Gu Yanzhi, hadn't he run away from his life five years ago?

No news, gone for years.

Xie Yishu softened. "A child's wrist is so small. I can't wear it."

Gu Yanzhi's gaze remained fixed on him. "It can be adjusted."

Only a small lamp was lit in the living room, casting a dim light. Gu Yanzhi's eyes appeared darker than usual, giving him a somewhat stubborn look.

Xie Yishu looked at Gu Yanzhi and gave in. "Alright."

He extended his wrist to Gu Yanzhi, who unwrapped the packaging, adjusted the size of the wristband, and fastened it, securing the lock.

Xie Yishu looked at the "little pink pig" on his wrist, thinking this was probably the most childish moment he could remember.

He glanced at Gu Yanzhi, who was also putting on a wristband. Except for the lack of a sensor lock, Gu Yanzhi's wristband was identical to his.

This was probably also the most childish moment Gu Yanzhi could remember.

Xie Yishu took out his light brain device and, while Gu Yanzhi's mind was still hazy from the alcohol, snapped a photo of Gu Yanzhi wearing the "little pink pig" wristband.

After encrypting and saving the photo, Xie Yishu put away the light brain device and smiled at Gu Yanzhi. "Feel better now?"

Gu Yanzhi looked down at the key in his hand and gave a low "Mm" in response.

Bo Zai was extremely envious of this.

Mom was wearing a little pig wristband, and Dad was also wearing a little pig wristband, with a long coil connecting the two wristbands.

But he didn't have one.

He also wanted to wear a matching little pig wristband with Mom, connected by a coil.

Bo Zai toddled over, pushing Gu Yanzhi, his chubby face full of eager anticipation. "Dad, let Bo Zai wear it."

Gu Yanzhi glanced at him indifferently. "No."

Bo Zai pouted, feeling a bit aggrieved. "Why not?"

This was originally given to him and Mom by the big brother.

Xie Yishu stepped in to mediate. "Bo Zai, your dad and I are just trying it out first."

He glanced at Gu Yanzhi, then beckoned Bo Zai over and whispered in his ear, "We'll let you wear it in a little while."

Bo Zai loved the feeling of whispering secrets. He tiptoed and climbed onto Xie Yishu, whispering in his ear, "When will it be ready to try?"

Xie Yishu thought for a moment and set a specific time with the little chubby cub. "Before bed."

Once Gu Yanzhi finished his sobering soup and went to sleep, he could take off the "little pink pig" wristband.

Gu Yanzhi couldn't hear what they were saying, just watched them quietly.

Bo Zai counted on his fingers.

It was already nine-thirty. He was usually in bed by nine-thirty, so tonight would be a bit later than usual, but he would still be able to sleep soon. By his calculations, Dad would only wear the wristband with Mom for a little while, but he could wear it with Mom all night!

The little chubby cub was satisfied and generously said to Gu Yanzhi, "Alright then, Dad, you wear it first."

He would wear it later.

Xie Yishu put the little chubby cub down and stood up, asking Gu Yanzhi, "Can I go to the kitchen now?"

Gu Yanzhi silently nodded and followed Xie Yishu as he turned around.

Xie Yishu went to the kitchen to find the ingredients for the sobering soup, while Gu Yanzhi leaned against the door frame, watching him search.

Seeing the neatly arranged food items in the cupboard, Xie Yishu's eyelid twitched. These were all the things he liked to buy during his university days. He couldn't quite remember what was left in the cupboard the day he left, but it must have been these items.

Could it be that these items had been sitting in the cupboard for years, long past their expiration dates? Xie Yishu took out a pack of egg noodles and checked the production date.

They were very fresh.

Xie Yishu was momentarily stunned and then took out a few other items.

The cookies, chips, and drinks he liked... all had production dates from this year.

Gu Yanzhi, staring blankly at the air in front of him, spoke from behind Xie Yishu, "I always thought you would come back one day."

So he would regularly organize the cupboard, throwing out expired items and replacing them with fresh ones. That way, whenever his Xiao Shu returned, he would find his favorite things in the cupboard.

Xie Yishu felt his heart clench, a bit sour and bitter.

When he was on Gulan Star, he often thought about how he could return. He would read books in the library and search for information online, hoping to find some clue related to Atlantis, but he found nothing.

For a while, he even doubted whether he was ill. Gu Yanzhi, Atlantis, District 21, Mutong Star... everything might have been a figment of his imagination. Perhaps there was no other world, and he was just a native of Gulan Star.

Such thoughts reduced his pain, making him feel that if this were the case, then he could still live on Gulan Star.

But what about Gu Yanzhi?

After he disappeared from Atlantis, after the police said they couldn't trace the terminal's location, after multiple fruitless trips to Mutong Star, and while replacing the near-expiry food in the cupboard with fresh items, what kind of feelings did Gu Yanzhi experience?

Xie Yishu didn't dare to think too deeply about it.

It took him quite a while to calm his emotions.

Once he was calm, another question came to mind: "Do you and Bo Zai usually eat near-expiry food?"

The items in the cupboard were all unopened.

Xie Yishu thought that Gu Yanzhi might keep them until they were about to expire before taking them out to eat.

Gu Yanzhi replied, "No."

"Then how long do you keep the food in the cupboard?"

"Until it expires."

Xie Yishu was shocked. "You and Bo Zai eat expired food?"

Gu Yanzhi frowned, not understanding why this "Xie Yishu" would have such a thought, but he patiently explained, "The expired food is thrown away."

"Thrown away?!" Xie Yishu raised his voice, finding it hard to believe. He quickly thought of another matter and asked Gu Yanzhi, "This apartment… have you been renting it all this time or...?"

Gu Yanzhi replied, "I bought it."

Xie Yishu didn't know what to say for a moment.

When they were in university, he had noticed that Gu Yanzhi was somewhat indifferent to money. Despite needing to work part-time to pay for tuition, his spending wasn't very restrained. He didn't live frugally, almost like a natural-born young master.

After they got together, Gu Yanzhi handed over his scholarship and part-time wages to him. Xie Yishu would keep track of their expenses, ensuring every expenditure was reasonable.

Buying the engagement ring behind Gu Yanzhi's back was probably his only uncalculated expense. After he left... Xie Yishu rubbed his temples.

No wonder Gu Yanzhi ended up heavily in debt.

Besides the "Incubation Pod Program," these must also be part of the debt.

Gu Yanzhi pressed his lips together and asked, "You don't like it?"

Xie Yishu hesitated for a moment. "It's not that I don't like it..."

The university rental, the food he liked in the cupboard, and even the "Incubation Pod Program"—these were all debts Gu Yanzhi incurred because of him.

Xie Yishu thought for a moment and then said to Gu Yanzhi, "I love you."

Gu Yanzhi's expression softened, and he gently replied, "I love you too."

Xie Yishu put the noodles back.

These foods wouldn't be left to expire this time.

Xie Yishu found an opened pack of sobering soup in another cupboard and put it in the pot to cook. Just then, Bo Zai slipped into the kitchen.

The little chubby cub had just answered a call from the housekeeper to Gu Yanzhi. The housekeeper had been worried sick about his disappearance, but calmed down upon hearing his voice.

She mistakenly thought that Bo Zai had been taken out by Mr. Gu and gently scolded him for only leaving a note saying "Bo Zai went out," then didn't disturb them further.

When Bo Zai entered the kitchen, he noticed that Dad was constantly watching Mom, while Mom was cooking soup.

Tonight's situation was much better than his little mind had imagined.

Dad didn't spank his little bottom for his "failure to report."

Bo Zai thought the matter had been gently brushed aside and felt much more relaxed. Seeing the coil connecting Gu Yanzhi and Xie Yishu, he even reached out his chubby hand to give it a little poke.

Xie Yishu noticed the movement behind him and turned to look, seeing Bo Zai. He then remembered that it was time for the little one to go to bed.

He set the timer for the sobering soup and squatted down to ask the little chubby cub, "How about I help you take a bath?"

Bo Zai nodded excitedly, his chubby face turning slightly red.

He was thrilled to have Mom give him a bath!

He was so excited that he started taking off his little pants right away. Xie Yishu quickly stopped him. "Wait a moment, let me turn on the heater first."

It was autumn, and the nights were cool. If he took off his clothes and waited for the water to be ready, he would definitely catch a cold.

Xie Yishu got up and went to the bathroom, with Bo Zai following closely behind.

Gu Yanzhi walked behind them.

The heater in the bathroom was already on, and the water was heated, likely because Gu Yanzhi had planned to take a bath himself.

Xie Yishu first ran the water, then took out a new dental cleaner and towel from the drawer, letting the little chubby cub brush his teeth and wash his face. Once the water temperature was just right, he stripped the little chubby cub completely and put him in the water.

Usually, when Gu Yanzhi helped Bo Zai bathe, the little chubby cub wasn't particularly cooperative. He found bathing a bit boring and needed toys to keep him entertained.

But this time, with Xie Yishu helping him, Bo Zai was exceptionally cooperative. He even squeezed the body wash himself and rubbed it on his little belly, diligently scrubbing himself clean.

The old rental apartment didn't have any of Bo Zai's clothes, so Xie Yishu had to quickly wash and dry the clothes Bo Zai had just taken off.

Knowing that sleeping would wrinkle the clothes, Xie Yishu took one of his own T-shirts and put it on Bo Zai, then dressed him in his freshly dried little underwear.

The two sponges had loosened a bit after soaking in the hot water, but they still couldn't be removed. Xie Yishu had to wring them out and dry them, letting the little chubby cub cover them up and make do for the night.

Bo Zai was also very excited about wearing Xie Yishu's clothes. Sitting on the bed, he waved his chubby arms, swinging the sleeves, and enthusiastically invited Xie Yishu, "Little Dad, come sleep too."

"We'll come to bed soon, Bo Zai. You wait for us on the bed," Xie Yishu said as he walked out of the bedroom.

Gu Yanzhi, who had been standing at the bedroom door, saw him leave and turned to follow him.

The sobering soup in the pot was already bubbling. Xie Yishu ladled it out and let it cool a bit before handing the bowl to Gu Yanzhi. "Drink it."

Gu Yanzhi looked down at the bowl, neither taking it nor saying anything.

Xie Yishu raised an eyebrow and joked, "Gu Baobao, do you want me to feed you?"

Gu Yanzhi lifted his head, his dark eyes fixed on him.

Xie Yishu blinked and relented, scooping a spoonful of soup and bringing it to Gu Yanzhi's mouth. "Come on, Gu Baobao, open wide, ah—"

Gu Yanzhi drank the sobering soup spoonful by spoonful from Xie Yishu's hand until the bowl was empty.

Xie Yishu put the pot, bowl, and spoon into the dishwasher, pressed the wash button, and clapped his hands. "Alright, Gu Yanzhi, you go..." He was about to tell Gu Yanzhi to go wash up, but before he could finish, he was pressed against the kitchen counter.

Gu Yanzhi tightly gripped his hands, making it impossible for Xie Yishu to break free. His body pressed against Xie Yishu from behind, and he began to plant one scorching kiss after another on the back of Xie Yishu's neck.

Xie Yishu's wrists were starting to hurt from the grip. "Gu Yanzhi, let go of my hands first."

Gu Yanzhi didn't listen, starting to leave biting marks on his neck as if marking his territory.

Under normal circumstances, Gu Yanzhi wouldn't be this forceful, nor would he ignore Xie Yishu's words.

Knowing that Gu Yanzhi was still not fully sober, Xie Yishu raised his voice and pretended to be angry. "Gu Yanzhi!"

Gu Yanzhi's movements paused.

After a moment, as if realizing his mistake, he kissed the spots he had bitten earlier in an appeasing manner.

Xie Yishu's attitude softened immediately.

He spoke gently, "Gu Yanzhi, can you let go of me first, please?"

Gu Yanzhi stopped his actions and slowly released him, though he kept holding onto Xie Yishu's right hand.

Xie Yishu glanced at their hands but didn't insist on having that hand freed as well.

He coaxed Gu Yanzhi as if he were a child, "How about we go take a bath and then go to sleep?"

Gu Yanzhi stared at him for a moment before finally nodding.

Xie Yishu extended his hand to him.

Gu Yanzhi looked confused for a moment but then placed his hand on Xie Yishu's.

"...," Xie Yishu couldn't help but laugh and cry, "The key."

Gu Yanzhi's expression changed, and he withdrew his hand, remaining silent.

Xie Yishu sighed, "We can't take a bath without unlocking this, right?"

Gu Yanzhi silently stared at his face.

After a while, he turned his head away and mumbled, "Then I won't bathe."
