Salted Fish Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Unsettled Turmoil

When Xiao Shan woke up again, he was already in Prince Li's residence, and it was completely dark outside.

Feeling parched and his throat burning, he reached out to shake the bedside bell. At the sound of the bell, Ji An, the eunuch who had served him since childhood, appeared before him with the quickest speed.

"Your Highness, you just woke up. Don't speak yet. Have some warm tea to soothe your throat," Ji An said softly, holding a cup of tea by the bedside.

Xiao Shan took the appropriately warm tea and drank it until his throat felt comfortable.

He placed the tea on the small nanmu-carved table by the bed and asked, "How did I get back?" He remembered talking to Xiao Jin in the palace.

One moment he closed his eyes, and the next, he was in Prince Li's residence. Did Xiao Jin not let this patient stay in the Eastern Palace to recuperate?

Ji An tidied up the teacup and smiled, "It was the Emperor who instructed Eunuch Chang Le to personally escort Your Highness back to the residence in a sedan chair. The Emperor also sent Imperial Physician Wang to check your pulse. You were sleeping soundly at the time, so you didn't know."

Xiao Shan responded with an "Oh," realizing he had misunderstood.

He thought Xiao Jin would have been willing to let him stay in the Eastern Palace, but the Emperor likely didn't want him in the palace, finding him an eyesore.

Seeing that Xiao Shan looked well, Ji An continued with a smile, "Your Highness, Imperial Physician Wang prescribed a few doses of medicine for you to take once you woke up. Chunmei has already prepared the medicine..."

"That's not urgent," Xiao Shan interrupted. "I'm a bit hungry. Have Xia He prepare something to eat first."

Xiao Shan was someone who enjoyed the finer things in life. The maids who served him closely were named after the four seasons and seasonal flowers. Each had their own unique skills, and they were all beauties.

He didn't have any other intentions; he mainly felt that having beauties around was more pleasing to the eye.

Although Xiao Shan was a dissolute prince, generally laid-back and non-competitive in his daily conduct, as a royal prince, he was also the type who couldn't tolerate any transgressions. If anyone committed a taboo around him, he would show no mercy.

Those who tried to climb the ranks through their beauty never ended well. Over the years, the names of the people serving him remained few, but unbeknownst to others, the individuals had changed several times.

Ji An knew that Xiao Shan disliked taking medicine. After all, no one in this world liked drinking medicine.

However, having served Xiao Shan for a long time, he knew his master well. Xiao Shan disliked compromising his comfort and certainly wouldn't joke about his health.

If he truly felt unwell, no matter how bitter the medicine, he would pinch his nose and drink it.

Since he didn't want to take the medicine now, he must be confident about his own health.

Ji An thought about these things and quickly left the sleeping quarters, instructing Xia He to bring in the prepared food.

Xia He was exceptionally skilled at making pastries—fragrant but not greasy, and with unique shapes.

Xiao Shan ate the delicate pastries and drank the thick, fragrant, and soft porridge, accompanied by a few bites of refreshing side dishes, feeling utterly comfortable. The sickness seemed to have left him.

Since it was already nighttime, he ate until he was about eighty percent full and then put down his chopsticks.

Xia He and Qiu Ju swiftly stepped forward to clear the bowls and chopsticks. Everyone said that Prince Li’s Residence was full of beauties, and that Prince Li lived a life surrounded by fragrant sleeves and charming faces every day.

But only those who served him closely knew that, apart from Ji An, whom Xiao Shan found quite handy, others only appeared when necessary.

Xiao Shan's illness came quickly and went as fast. At least now, his head wasn't feeling as dizzy.

He took a stroll around the residence, considering it a form of exercise.

He wasn't lying when he said it was exercise. After all, Prince Li’s Residence was quite large, and walking around it took some time.

Ji An followed beside him, carrying a lantern and walking slowly. For some reason, he felt that Xiao Shan seemed to be in a good mood.

Ji An thought this and asked as much. In the darkness, Xiao Shan laughed and said, "Really? I didn't feel that way."

Ji An cut off the conversation and continued to hold the lantern.

Xiao Shan curled his lips slightly, thinking to himself that the human heart was the hardest to fathom, and one's mood could change in an instant. However, Ji An's observation was quite accurate; he was indeed in a good mood.


At this moment, Emperor Xiao Sheng was sitting in the Empress' Kun Jing Palace.

Xiao Sheng had no other intention in coming; he just wanted to ask the Empress's opinion on when it would be best for Xiao Shan and Xie Zhui to get married.

The Empress naturally thought the sooner the better, but she remembered what Xiao Jin had hinted to her and suppressed her thoughts: "Since Your Majesty has already issued the decree, you must have made a decision in your heart. I will follow Your Majesty's wishes."

Xiao Sheng glanced at her, causing the Empress' heart to skip a beat, feeling as if he had seen through all her thoughts.

Xiao Sheng found it quite uninteresting and dull. He withdrew his gaze and tapped his fingers on the armrest of the chair, saying, "Xiao Shan is a prince and calls you Empress Mother. This matter should concern you greatly."

The Empress' heart tightened, knowing that Xiao Sheng was dissatisfied with her response.

She thought for a moment and rephrased her thoughts: "Your Majesty is right. Regarding this marriage, this is what I think. From Xie Zhui's perspective, I believe it should be done quickly. Although Your Majesty has already issued a decree bestowing heavenly grace, rumors have always been the most harmful. People's mouths cannot be silenced. If this is delayed for too long and Xie Zhui is hurt by rumors, it would betray Your Majesty's intention to protect him."

Xiao Sheng did not speak. He lowered his eyes to look at his shadow on the ground. After a long while, he said, "The Empress is absolutely right. Then, let the Imperial Astronomer select the nearest and best date to handle this matter. Xiao Shan is not young anymore, and Consort Lan has always been worried and crying over his marriage. Now that he is getting married, she can also put her mind at ease and restrain herself."

The Empress did not expect him to agree so easily and was somewhat surprised in her heart, but she said, "Your Majesty is right. Our third prince's temperament is indeed too unruly and unrestrained. It would be good for him to have someone to manage him after marriage."

Xiao Sheng's mood improved slightly. He glanced at the Empress twice more and then stood up: "I still have memorials to review. Empress, you should rest."

The Empress inwardly curled her lips. Who didn't know that the Emperor had recently become infatuated with the beauties sent from foreign lands? Those memorials were probably going to be reviewed on the beauties' bellies. She thought this in her heart but outwardly was very respectful as she saw Xiao Sheng off, reminding him to take care of his health.

After the Emperor left in his imperial sedan, the Empress returned to her inner chambers and dismissed the servants. Not long after, Xiao Jin emerged from the adjacent side hall.

The Empress couldn't help but ask, "What do you think your father is really thinking?" She had been married to Xiao Sheng for over twenty years, yet she had never been able to understand his thoughts.

Xiao Jin smiled gently upon hearing this. His appearance was refined and scholarly, and his every movement exuded nobility, embodying the grace of a young gentleman.

"Father is very conflicted," Xiao Jin said, his tone tinged with a bit of melancholy.

The Empress blinked, suddenly realizing the truth.

Xiao Jin nodded and said, "If Father truly wanted me to hold military power, he would have given Xie Zhui to me as a secondary consort. But instead, he gave him to my third brother as the primary consort."

"Firstly, Xie Zhui has made significant contributions in defending the northern border. Making him a secondary consort would be somewhat unfair to him. Secondly, I already have the Crown Princess, and her family is renowned for their noble status. Adding Xie Zhui would make our power too overwhelming, which would make Father uneasy. And secondly..."

"Secondly, it would create discord between you and Xiao Shan," the Empress sighed. "Marrying someone with such a reputation as the primary consort would certainly make Consort Lan and Xiao Shan uncomfortable. This matter is most advantageous to you, and they would surely think it was our idea."

Xiao Jin nodded.

That was why he said the Emperor was very conflicted.

He wanted to cultivate him and was willing to let him build his own power, but he was unwilling to let him directly hold military power.

He wanted him to be strong but didn't want too many people supporting him. Xiao Shan had the best relationship with him, and the Emperor was pleased to see this but also didn't want his sons to form a close alliance.

In short, Xiao Sheng was extremely conflicted, or perhaps all emperors were like this.

Xiao Jin and Xiao Sheng are both father and son, as well as sovereign and subject.

The relationship of sovereign and subject takes precedence over father-son affection.

Xiao Jin pondered these matters in his heart and then said, "Empress Mother, regardless of what others think, Xiao Shan marrying Xie Zhui is indeed most advantageous to us, but it was not our doing. We cannot bear this false accusation. You need to explain this clearly to Consort Lan to prevent any misunderstandings."

Speaking of this, the Empress couldn't help but say, "I wonder which little enchantress whispered this idea into your father's ear." To sway the Emperor's heart, this person must be extraordinary, and she needed to be cautious.

Xiao Jin said solemnly, "No matter who it is, we must not let this matter harm the relationship between me and my third brother."

The Empress hesitated for a moment and then said in a low voice, "I know you and Xiao Shan have a good relationship, but one must always be cautious. There are more than a few people who envy your position."

Xiao Jin smiled with curved eyebrows and said, "Empress Mother, rest assured. I am certain that Xiao Shan has no such intentions."

The Empress said, "..." Well, since he said so, she had nothing more to say. Moreover, over the years, Xiao Shan indeed showed no such inclinations. He did not associate with any court officials and preferred indulging in pleasures, even causing Xiao Jin to be implicated a few times.

The Empress did not want to think of Xiao Shan in that way, but she was still afraid.

In her position, she had witnessed too many betrayals, and in this palace, the least trustworthy thing was the human heart, and the most common thing was people preying on each other.


The date for Xiao Shan and Xie Zhui's wedding was quickly set for the eighth day of the next month, which was less than a month away. It was said that this auspicious time was personally calculated by the Chief Astronomer.

With the imperial decree issued, there was no possibility of changing this matter.

When Consort Lan heard the news, tears streamed down her face. The people in Jinglan Palace said it was because she was too happy. After all, Xiao Shan, as a prince, was already nineteen years old and still unmarried, leading some to secretly speculate that he had health issues.

Now, he finally had a chance to prove that he was in good health.

The Imperial Guards in front of the Xie family mansion were also withdrawn, as there was no need to continue the house arrest since the marriage was imminent. However, because Xie Zhui had no elders by his side, the Emperor bestowed a few palace maids and attendants upon him, mainly to teach him some etiquette and help organize things.

Xiao Shan quickly accepted the fact that he was getting married because he knew that if he went through with this marriage obediently, the Emperor would compensate him in other ways. If he tried to play tricks, his father, the Emperor, would be the first to not forgive him.

Xiao Shan was neither foolish nor stupid and naturally would not oppose his father at such a critical moment.

Moreover, he had no prejudice against Xie Zhui. While others gossiped about Xie Zhui mingling among men, it was this very ger who led troops to fend off the barbarians at the border and preserved peace during times of crisis.

Although he thought this way, others did not share his view.

Regardless of what others thought, the day of his marriage to Xie Zhui was drawing closer and closer.
